
上传日期:2022-02-13 21:50:26
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  [DAC 2021]傅永干,俞忠志,...,“InstantNet:自动生成和部署瞬时可切换精密网络”,...,
([DAC 2021] "InstantNet: Automated Generation and Deployment of Instantaneously Switchable-Precision Networks" by Yonggan Fu, Zhongzhi Yu, Yongan Zhang, Yifan Jiang, Chaojian Li, Yongyuan Liang, Mingchao Jiang, Zhangyang Wang, Yingyan Lin)

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# InstantNet: Automated Generation and Deployment of Instantaneously Switchable-Precision Networks ***Yonggan Fu***, Zhongzhi Yu, Yongan Zhang, Yifan Jiang, Chaojian Li, Yongyuan Liang, Mingchao Jiang, Zhangyang Wang, Yingyan Lin Accepted at DAC 2021 [[Paper Link]]( ## Overview - The promise of Deep Neural Network (DNN) powered Internet of Thing (IoT) devices has motivated a tremendous demand for automated solutions to enable fast development and deployment of efficient (1) DNNs equipped with instantaneous accuracy-efficiency trade-off capability to accommodate the timevarying resources at IoT devices and (2) dataflows to optimize DNNs’ execution efficiency on different devices. Therefore, we propose ***InstantNet*** to automatically generate and deploy instantaneously switchable-precision networks (SP-Nets) which operate at variable bit-widths.

## Method ### Cascade Distillation Training (CDT) - To generate SP-Nets of which the accuracy under all bit-widths are the same or even higher than that of DNNs customized for individual bit-widths, the proposed Cascade Distillation Training (CDT) adopts all higher precisions to guide the learning of the current precision, motivated by the fact that the quantization noises of SP-Nets under adjacent or closer bit-widths are smaller.

### Switchable-Precision NAS (SP-NAS) - The proposed SP-NAS updates the weights based on our CDT method which explicitly incorporates switchable-precision property into the training process; and for updating the architecture parameters of SPNet, it activates only the weights under the lowest bit-width, for generating networks forced to inherently tackle SP-Nets’ bottleneck of high accuracy loss under the lowest bit-width.

### Evolution-based AutoMapper - The proposed AutoMapper aims to accept (1) DNNs (e.g., SP-Nets generated by our SP-NAS), (2) the target device, and (3) target hardware efficiency, and then generate mapping methods that maximize both the task accuracy and hardware efficiency of the given SP-Nets under all bit-widths when being executed on the target device.

## Results - InstantNet generated systems consistently outperforms the SOTA baselines in terms of the trade-off between accuracy and EDP (a commonly-used hardware metric for ASIC) by achieving a higher or comparable accuracy and better EDP under lower bit-widths over the baselines.

## Code Usage - A two-stage process is needed to generate the final system, i.e., the search and training stage. The corresponding settings are specified in ****** and ******, respectively. In particular, plz specify the search settings in ****** and search the optimal SP-Nets through ******, and then specify training settings in ****** and train the searched arch from scratch through ****** (The best searched arch will be saved at ***ckpt/search/*** which is the default path for ****** to read.) ### Prerequisites - See ***env.yml*** for the complete conda environment. Create a new conda environment: ``` conda env create -f env.yml conda activate pytorch ``` ### Stage 1: Search via SP-NAS 1. Specify the search setting in ******: ``` C.dataset_path = "path-to-dataset" C.flops_weight = 1e-9 ``` 2. Run ******: ``` python ``` ### Stage 2: Train via CDT 1. Specify the training setting in ******: ``` C.dataset_path = "path-to-dataset" C.load_path = "path-to-searched-arch" ``` 2. Run ****** on each of your nodes: ``` python ``` Search/training logs: the searched arch ***ckpt/search/*** the search logs ***ckpt/search/logs.txt*** and the training logs ***ckpt/finetune/logs.txt***. ## Citation ``` @article{fu2021instantnet, title={InstantNet: Automated Generation and Deployment of Instantaneously Switchable-Precision Networks}, author={Fu, Yonggan and Yu, Zhongzhi and Zhang, Yongan and Jiang, Yifan and Li, Chaojian and Liang, Yongyuan and Jiang, Mingchao and Wang, Zhangyang and Lin, Yingyan}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.10853}, year={2021} } ```


