
上传日期:2023-10-25 19:59:53
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  通过BeautifulSoup4和Telegram Bot API进行新闻解析,
(News parsing via BeautifulSoup4 & Telegram Bot API,)

文件列表: (381, 2023-11-30) (307, 2023-11-30) (171, 2023-11-30) (4343, 2023-11-30)
reqierments.txt (64, 2023-11-30) (296, 2023-11-30) (4197, 2023-11-30)

## Parsing news from websites :newspaper: Sending updates is done via Telegram API This project enables you to send updates to a Telegram channel with bot. > Bot which API key you use in this project must be adminstrator of the channel which id you use. Furthermore, the project maintains a basic database by storing the last sent news from each website in an automatically generated corresponding _".txt"_ file. ## For the fast deploy on Linux you can try the following steps 1. Clone the project: ``` git clone ``` 2. Install the requiered modules: ``` pip3 install pyTelegramBotAPI BeautifulSoup4 requests ``` 3. Allow execution for ``: ``` cd news_parser chmod +x ``` 4. Run and insert the _"channel_id"_ and _"API_KEY"_ variables: ``` ./ ``` 5. Run the `` file in the background via ``: ``` nohup ./ & ``` For stopping the process use: ``` ./ ``` Alternative 5th step with only starting the process: ``` nohup python3 -u & ``` Then the stopping process is: ``` kill -n 9 $(ps aux | grep News_parser/ | head -n 1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ``` ## Project Files Here is a brief overview of the files: 1. ****: This file contains all the algorithms necessary for the correct functioning of the project (contained in the project) 2. ****: This file contains the information on how web page parsing is accomplished (contained in the project) 3. ****: sh script for restarting **""** if it crashed and log it (contained in the project) 4. **bot_log.txt**: file created via **""** it contains starting and restarting logs (created automatically) 5. **logger.log**: logs from telegram bot (updates, errors) (created automatically) 6. ****: needed comands to start - insertion api key, channel id and create `db` directory (contained in the project) 7. ****: Variables for the interaction with your bot via API. As described above this file contains your own __API key__ and id of your channel (created automatically, filled by user) 8. **db**: directory used for the database storage (created automatically) ## Prerequisites :pushpin: Make sure you have the following Python modules installed to run this project: - pyTelegramBotAPI (used v.4.14.0) - BeautifulSoup4 (used v.4.12.2) - requests (used v.2.31.0) :pushpin: In addition, the project utilizes built-in Python modules, including: - time - os - logging ## Python Version This project is written in Python 3.10 ## License This project is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v2.0]( - see the []( file for details.


