
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-11-14 17:39:55
上 传 者zlaww
说明:  OSG在MFC环境的下开发模板,可直接运行。其它功能可直接在此基础上扩展
(OSG in MFC)

templateOSG\ChildFrm.cpp (1104, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\ChildFrm.h (522, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\CMakeLists.txt (381, 2007-06-25)
templateOSG\MainFrm.cpp (2272, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MainFrm.h (791, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG.cpp (4751, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG.h (1143, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDI.APS (54220, 2011-09-07)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDI.cpp (3951, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDI.h (549, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDI.rc (12099, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDIDoc.cpp (1110, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDIDoc.h (734, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDIView.cpp (2315, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\MFC_OSG_MDIView.h (1211, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\res\MFC_OSG_MDI.ico (21630, 2007-05-11)
templateOSG\res\MFC_OSG_MDI.rc2 (389, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\res\MFC_OSG_MDIDoc.ico (1078, 2007-05-11)
templateOSG\res\Thumbs.db (5120, 2011-09-07)
templateOSG\res\Toolbar.bmp (1078, 2007-05-11)
templateOSG\Resource.h (513, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\stdafx.cpp (204, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\stdafx.h (2836, 2011-04-19)
templateOSG\res (0, 2011-11-14)
templateOSG (0, 2011-11-14)

This project is a very simple implementation of the Microsoft Multiple Document/View Architecture. The only changes needed to compile the project should be to modify the include paths for headers and librarys. This project was written to show how to implement the new osgViewer library with MFC. There is only one problem that I have seen to this point and that is when you have multiple OSG documents open and then you close one of them then all remaining OSG documents quit rendering. I have a small work around in the code that calls AfxMessageBox when the closing windows tread exits and this keeps the other windows rendering correctly. Not sure what the problem is at this point so if anyone finds the cause and has a fix please update the code.


