
上传日期:2023-10-27 22:53:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  编程语言,
(programming language,)

Cargo.toml (223, 2023-12-03)
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demo/demo.nv (4414, 2023-12-03)
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disassembler/Cargo.toml (212, 2023-12-03)
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disassembler/src/ (19867, 2023-12-03)
lexer/ (0, 2023-12-03)
lexer/Cargo.toml (205, 2023-12-03)
lexer/src/ (0, 2023-12-03)
lexer/src/ (30235, 2023-12-03)
native/ (0, 2023-12-03)
native/Cargo.toml (245, 2023-12-03)
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native/src/ (555, 2023-12-03)
native/src/ (53, 2023-12-03)
... ...

# nova-lang ![Screenshot]( Programming lang WIP Enjoy this demo! ```swift // Type declaration struct Person { name: String, age: Int, } // Hello world println("hello world!") // Creating instance of type let person : Person = Person {name = "bob", age = 42} // Optional type annotation let person2 = Person("joe", 50) // Creating new variable the easy way person3 <- Person("bobby", 30) // Updating a variable person3 = Person("jesse", 25) // Function for type fn display(self: Person) { println( println(self.age) } // Using function person.display() display(person2) // For loop for i <- 0; i < 10; i += 1 { println(i) } using "../std/list.nv" // Array let arr = [1,2,3] println(arr) let arr2 = []: Int.list::fill(10,5) arr2.println() let arr3 = list::initList(10,5) arr3.println() arr[1] = 4 println(arr) // Changing struct value = "bingo" person.display() struct Zed { test: () } // Creating an instance from a type let zed = Zed { test = fn() { print("wow\n") } } // Now we can access its namespace and call functions directly zed::test() // Using iterators using "../std/iter.nv" let myIter = [1,2,3,4,5] .iter::create() .iter::map(fn(x:Int)->Int{return x * x}) myIter .iter::printIter() // Function pointers struct SomeFunction { function: (Int,Int) -> Int } let myMul = SomeFunction(fn(x:Int,y:Int)->Int { return x * y }) let myOtherFunc = myMul.function let simpleSquare = fn(x: Int) -> Int {return x * x} // Calling function pointer from a struct (myMul.function)(4,99).println() myMul::function(4,99).println() // Support for most escape chars print("hello again!\n") myOtherFunc(4,7).println() let myIterTwo = [1,2,3,4,5] .iter::create() .iter::map(simpleSquare) .iter::map(simpleSquare) .iter::collect() println(myIterTwo) // Creating an empty list mylist <- []: Int // function overloading fn add(x:Int,y:Int) -> Int { println("im adding ints") return x + y } fn add(x:Float,y:Float) -> Float { println("im adding floats") return x + y } add(1,3).println() add(1.0,3.0).println() // Passing an overloaded function myIntAdder <- add@(Int,Int) myIntAdder(1,4).println() // Generic functions fn generic(x: $A) { x.println() } generic("hello!") generic(10) generic(5.5) // More advance structs struct Counter { value: Int, count: (Counter) -> Int, reset: (Counter) } // Creating a init funciton for Counter fn CounterInit() -> Counter { return Counter { value = 0, count = fn(self: Counter) -> Int { result <- self.value self.value += 1 return result }, reset = fn(self: Counter) { self.value = 0 } } } // Creating a function for counter outside of the struct fn count(self: Counter) -> Int { println("im in a normal function") result <- self.value self.value += 1 return result } mycounter <- CounterInit() // The -> takes the function from the struct, and applys it to itself mycounter->count().println() // the normal function 'count' will be called here, not from the struct itself mycounter.count().println() // Option type ?type lets you represent none let x: ?Int = some(20) // using the isSome() function here if x.isSome() { x.unwrap().println() } x = none() if x.isSome() { println("i never print") x.unwrap().println() } fn do(x: ?$A, f:($A)) { if x.isSome() { f(x.unwrap()) } } {x.println()}) // String manipulation str <- "hello world!" .strToChars() .iter::create() .iter::filter(fn(x:Char) -> Bool {return (x != 'l') && (x != 'o') }) .charsToStr() str.println() // Currying fn add(x:Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> Int { return fn(y:Int) -> (Int) -> (Int) -> Int { return fn(z:Int) -> (Int) -> Int { return fn(t:Int) -> Int { return x + y + z + t } } } } inc <- add(1)(2)(3)(4) inc.println() fn curry(f:($A,$A) -> $A) -> ($A) -> ($A) -> $A { return fn(x: $A) -> ($A) -> $A { return fn(y: $A) -> $A { return f(x,y) } } } fn mul(x:Int,y:Int) -> Int { return x * y } curriedmul <- curry(mul@(Int,Int)) curriedmul(5)(5).println() // Type alias type Str = String let name : Str = "wow" fn test(x: Str) -> Str { return x } test("hello world").println() ```


