
上传日期:2023-08-23 08:05:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Twilio可编程语音、AmiVoice API(语音到文本)和ChatGPT(3.5)的Callbot
(Callbot that uses Twilio Programmable Voice, AmiVoice API (Speech-to-Text) and ChatGPT (3.5))

.env.example (94, 2023-08-23)
amivoice.js (5464, 2023-08-23)
package.json (645, 2023-08-23)
server.js (8681, 2023-08-23)

Call Center powered by Twilio, AmiVoice API (Speech-to-Text) and ChatGPT (3.5)

## Overview This is a application that uses Twilio Programmable Voice, AmiVoice API (Speech-to-Text) and ChatGPT (3.5) to create a call center that can respond to customer inquiries. AmiVoice API is a voice recognition for **Japanese** language only. So this application only works for Japanese conversation. ## Technologies - Node.js - Websocket - [Twilio Programmable Voice]( with Twilio SDK for Node.js - [AmiVoice API]( with AmiVoice Websocket API - [ChatGPT]( with OpenAI API library for Node.js ## Prerequisites You need to set the following information in `.env` to run this application: ``` AMIVOICE_API_KEY=[Obtainable from AmiVoice Cloud Platform] OPENAI_API_KEY=[Obtainable from OpenAI API] TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=[Obtainable from Twilio Console] TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=[Obtainable from Twilio Console] TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=[Obtainable from Twilio Console] NGROK_DOMAIN=[Obtainable from ngrok] ``` Also, for running this application locally and make it accessible from the Internet, you need to install [ngrok]( and run it with the following command. You will get a temporary domain name that can be accessed from the Internet. You will need to set this domain name (with https protocol and `/twiml` path) in the Twilio Console as the webhook URL for your phone number (example: You will need to set it inside `.env` as `NGROK_DOMAIN`. ``` ngrok http 3000 ``` ## Installation ``` npm install (only once) ngrok http 3000 node ./server.js ``` ## Usage Call the Twilio phone number associated with the function and enjoy the conversation with a Japanese AI bot


