
上传日期:2023-08-22 17:59:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  通用数据表示序列化和反序列化库
(Common Data Representation serialization and deserialization library)

.eslintrc.yaml (304, 2023-11-16)
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LICENSE (1077, 2023-11-16)
jest.config.json (99, 2023-11-16)
package.json (1552, 2023-11-16)
src/ (0, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrReader.test.ts (12508, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrReader.ts (14628, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrSizeCalculator.test.ts (2599, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrSizeCalculator.ts (1377, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrWriter.test.ts (8589, 2023-11-16)
src/CdrWriter.ts (17206, 2023-11-16)
src/EncapsulationKind.ts (2396, 2023-11-16)
src/getEncapsulationKindInfo.ts (2935, 2023-11-16)
src/index.ts (132, 2023-11-16)
src/isBigEndian.ts (352, 2023-11-16)
src/lengthCodes.ts (853, 2023-11-16)
src/reservedPIDs.ts (72, 2023-11-16)
tsconfig.json (770, 2023-11-16)
yarn.lock (166219, 2023-11-16)

# @foxglove/cdr > _Common Data Representation serialization and deserialization library_ [![npm version](]( ## Introduction Common Data Representation (CDR) defines a serialization format for primitive types. When combined with an Interface Definition Language (IDL) it can be used to create complex types that can be serialized to disk, transmitted over the network, etc. while transparently handling endianness and alignment requirements. It's specified by (chapter 10) and XCDR implementation follows [DDS-XTypes V1.3 specification]( CDR is found in OMG DDS (Data Distributed Service) implementations such as the Real-Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) protocol. This is the wire protocol found in ROS2, and CDR is the default serialization format used in rosbag2. ## Usage ```Typescript import { CdrReader, CdrSizeCalculator, CdrWriter } from "@foxglove/cdr"; const calc = new CdrSizeCalculator(); calc.int8(); calc.uint8(); calc.int16(); calc.uint16(); calc.int32(); calc.uint32(); calc.int64(); calc.uint64(); calc.float32(); calc.float64(); calc.string("abc".length); calc.sequenceLength(); console.log(calc.size); const writer = new CdrWriter(); writer.int8(-1); writer.uint8(2); writer.int16(-300); writer.uint16(400); writer.int32(-500_000); writer.uint32(600_000); writer.int64(-7_000_000_001n); writer.uint64(8_000_000_003n); writer.float32(-9.14); writer.float64(1.7976931348623158e100); writer.string("abc"); writer.sequenceLength(0); const reader = new CdrReader(; console.log(reader.int8()); console.log(reader.uint8()); console.log(reader.int16()); console.log(reader.uint16()); console.log(reader.int32()); console.log(reader.uint32()); console.log(reader.int64()); console.log(reader.uint64()); console.log(reader.float32()); console.log(reader.float64()); console.log(reader.string()); console.log(reader.sequenceLength()); ``` ## Alternatives [jscdr]( - Does not support bigint, pre-allocated buffers, or buffer length calculations. ## License @foxglove/cdr is licensed under the [MIT License]( ## Releasing 1. Run `yarn version --[major|minor|patch]` to bump version 2. Run `git push && git push --tags` to push new tag 3. GitHub Actions will take care of the rest ## Stay in touch Join our [Slack channel]( to ask questions, share feedback, and stay up to date on what our team is working on.


