
上传日期:2023-11-03 16:19:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  安全密码发生器和强度测试仪
(secure password generator & strength tester)

LICENSE.md (35148, 2023-11-03)
SECURITY.md (93, 2023-11-03)
build-linux.sh (111, 2023-11-03)
build-windows.cmd (369, 2023-11-03)
docs/ (0, 2023-11-03)
docs/jabberwock.jpg (289822, 2023-11-03)
release/ (0, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/ (0, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/Jabber-Tools/ (0, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/Jabber-Tools/Ingredients.txt (23, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/Jabber-Tools/Poison.txt (25, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/jabberwock (6052584, 2023-11-03)
release/Linux/jabberwock-linux-2023.11.3.tar (6056960, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/ (0, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/Jabber-Tools/ (0, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/Jabber-Tools/Ingredients.txt (23, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/Jabber-Tools/Poison.txt (25, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/jabberwock-windows-2023.11.3.zip (6867492, 2023-11-03)
release/Windows/jabberwock.exe (7048770, 2023-11-03)
source/ (0, 2023-11-03)
source/Jabber-Tools/ (0, 2023-11-03)
source/Jabber-Tools/Ingredients.txt (23, 2023-11-03)
source/Jabber-Tools/Poison.txt (25, 2023-11-03)
source/jabberwock.py (4259, 2023-11-03)


Secure password generator and strength tester.

## Pre-Requisites - (If using source) Python 3 - (Optional) text editor ## Installation & Setup ### From Release 1. Download the Windows or Linux release. 2. Put the program wherever you like, preferably somewhere that's easy to get to in your terminal. For Windows users, I'd recommend `C:/Users/user` because it's not uncommon for software and CMD will probably start there. ### From Source 1. Clone or download this repository and do what you wish with the code. 2. To build, run either `build-Windows` or `build-Linux`. 3. Move the `/release` contents to wherever you like. > Just be sure the `Jabber-Tools` folder is in the same directory as the script or executable. ### After Setup 1. Add unique content to `Jabber-Tools`, `Ingredients.txt`. These are terms the program will use to generate a password. The more the better, the longer the better, the more unique the better. Do not use terms that are personal to you such as family names, favorite sports teams, etc. 2. Add unique content to `Jabber-Tools`, `Poison.txt`. These are patterns that the program will deem unsafe to use. Add previously used passwords, and any common passwords you can find online, or think of yourself. The idea with this file is that it contains passwords or patterns that you should avoid. Contents can be either full passwords or also patterns such as "123", "abc", etc. > The contents of `Ingredients.txt` and `Poison.txt` in this repository are purely example. Do not use these contents. After you've added your own, it is highly recommended not to share them with others, keep it to yourself. Sharing those contents does not improve the security of this tool. It is recommended that you revisit your copy of these files from time to time and add more content. ## How to Use To generate a password, simply run the script or binary `jabberwock` in a directory that also contains its `Jabber-Tools` folder. Optionally, you can specify a number of terms for the generator to use, such as `jabberwock 10` and it will generate a password from 10 terms. By default it will use 6, which is plenty, but the longer the better where applicable. To test the strength of any given password, run the script or binary with a password, like so: `jabberwock mysecretpassword123`, and it will return any flaws it finds. ## Credits Written by telekrex. Please direct any suggestions, questions, or suspected security vulnerabilities to telekrex@gmail.com.


