
上传日期:2023-10-29 18:55:53
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  小型连续概率编程语言实验室
(The tiny continuous probabilistic programming language lab)

LICENSE (11344, 2023-10-29)
bin/ (0, 2023-10-29)
bin/dune (137, 2023-10-29)
bin/main.ml (1484, 2023-10-29)
cont.opam (747, 2023-10-29)
dune-project (528, 2023-10-29)
lib/ (0, 2023-10-29)
lib/core_grammar.ml (1541, 2023-10-29)
lib/direct_sampling.ml (1588, 2023-10-29)
lib/dune (158, 2023-10-29)
lib/lexer.mll (3601, 2023-10-29)
lib/parser.mly (2463, 2023-10-29)
lib/syntax.ml (1368, 2023-10-29)
lib/util.ml (1202, 2023-10-29)
test/ (0, 2023-10-29)
test/cont.ml (1378, 2023-10-29)
test/dune (51, 2023-10-29)

A tiny continuous probabilistic programming language. # Organization This repository has the following organization: * `bin`: defines a binary that lets execute your code on input files * `test`: contains a test suite * `lib`: contains the core of the codebase - `syntax.ml`: defines the external user-facing grammar, which is the parser target - `core_grammar.ml`: contains an internal grammar that is desugared from the external grammar. This is the main grammar that you will be interacting with. - `lexer.mll` and `parser.mly`: these define the parser and lexer for the project using [menhir](https://dev.realworldocaml.org/parsing-with-ocamllex-and-menhir.html). You do not need to edit these files for the project. - `direct_sampling.ml`: this is the main file where you will be implementing the sampling semantics - `util.ml` contains various convenience utilities used across different parts of the library # How to build and run First, you should install all dependencies by [installing OCaml, dune, opam](https://dev.realworldocaml.org/install.html), and running `opam install . --deps-only` inside this repository. Now you should be able to run the following commands: * `dune test` runs the test suite defined in `test/cont.ml`. This runs basic tests for your sampler. - You should aim to pass all of these basic tests with your implementation. - Note: these tests are randomized, so there is some probability that your code will not pass the tests even if it is correctly implemented. * `dune build` builds the project. This creates a binary inside `_build/` that you can run. You can also run this binary using `dune exec`. # Syntax The top-level syntax is defined in `lib/parser.mly`: ``` e ::= ( e ) | observe e; e | x // identifier | num // a numeric value | true | false | if e then e else e | x <- e; e | unif // sample a uniform value | flip num | e + e | e * e | e < e | e && e | e || e | not e | return e // monadic return p ::= e // start symbol: an expression ``` You can see more example programs inside `test/cont.ml`.


