
上传日期:2023-11-05 17:07:37
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说明:  计算社会科学的夏-冬学校、研讨会和会议
(Summer winter schools, workshops and conferences in computational social science)

# List of Summer/ Winter Schools, Workshops and Conferences in Computational Social Science Computational Social Science is a fast growing field that brings multiple disciplines together. Summer and winter schools are a great place to find like-minded people, exchange ideas, learning new things from experts and have a great time together (and make new friends). This community-driven repository attempts to list all upcomming events so that everyone has the chance to attend. But it needs the help of the CSS community: Please send me a message ( [mail](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/mailto:christopher.klamm@hotmail.de) or [twitter](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://twitter.com/chklamm)) or open pull requests for any summer and winter schools you come across! Thank you very much for your support ## **2024 Conferences and Workshops** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | |---|---|---|---|---| | COMPTEXT | Amsterdam | Mariken A.C.G. van der Velden, Roan Buma, Alona O. Dolinsky, Johannes Gruber, Kasper Welbers, Miklós Sebk | 2-4 May 2024 | Wednesday 20 December 2023 | | [Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://lawecon.ethz.ch/conferences-workshops/text-as-data-workshop.html) | Online | Monash University, the University of Warwick, and ETH Zurich's Center for Law & Economics | tbd 2024 | tbd | | [Speaker Series on text-as-data](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/tada.cool) | Online | Nicolai Berk, Christopher Klamm, Verena Kunz, Clint Claessen | Oct-Feb 2023/2024 | N/A | ## **2023 Conferences and Workshops** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | |---|---|---|---|---| | [Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://lawecon.ethz.ch/conferences-workshops/text-as-data-workshop.html) | Online | Monash University, the University of Warwick, and ETH Zurich's Center for Law & Economics | April 3 and 4, 2023 | January 25, 2023 AoE | | [Speaker Series on text-as-data](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/tada.cool) | Online | Nicolai Berk, Christopher Klamm, Verena Kunz, Clint Claessen | March-June 2023 | N/A | | [Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (CPSS 2023)](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://sites.google.com/view/cpss2023konvens/home-page) | Ingolstadt, Germany / Hybrid | Gabriella Lapesa, Christopher Klamm, Theresa Gessler, Valentin Gold and Simone Ponzetto | September 22, 2023 | June 15, 2023 | |[TADA 2023: New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://tada2023.org) | University of Massachusetts Amherst | O’Connor et al. | November 9-10, 2023 | August 4 | | [Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://lawecon.ethz.ch/conferences-workshops/text-as-data-workshop.html) | Online | Monash University, the University of Warwick, and ETH Zurich's Center for Law & Economics | September 18 - 19, 2023 | AoE August 6 | | [3-Day Workshop on Language Models for Social Sciences](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.llmsforsocialsciene.dev/about/) | University of Oxford | maksim.zubok@nuffield.ox.ac.uk | 27-29 September | 15 Aug 2023 | ## **2023 Summer/ Winter Schools** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | |---|---|---|---|---| | [Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://sicss.io) | world | N/A | June- August 2023 | March 2023 | | [Summer School for Women* in Political Methodology](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/http://summerschoolwpm.org) | UBasel | Theresa Gessler, Sophia Hunger, Denise Traber and Jana Boukemia | 16-22 July 2023 | March 27 | | [BIGSSS Summer Schools in Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/http://bigssscss.janlo.de) | Bremen | N/A | July 3 – 12, 2023 | Mai 2023 | ## **2022 Conferences and Workshops** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | |---|---|---|---|---| | [4th Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-as-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/3005150/_Schedule_-4th-Monash-Warwick-Zurich-Text-as-Data-Workshop-Schedule.pdf) | online | Elliott Ash (ETH Zurich) and Sascha O. Becker (Monash U & U Warwick) | Sept 1st and 2nd 2022 | N/A | | [4th Annual COMPTEXT Conference 2022](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.comptextconference.org/4th-annual-poltext-conference-2021/) | Dublin | James Cross | May | Fall | | [LREC 2022 Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Political sciences (PoliticalNLP) @ LREC 2022](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://lrec2022.lrec-conf.org/en/workshops-and-tutorials/ws-tut-schedule/) | Marseille | Haithem Afli | 24 June 2022 | 18th of April 2022 | | [ParlaCLARIN III Workshop on Creating, Enriching and Using Parliamentary Corpora @ LREC 2022](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.clarin.eu/ParlaCLARIN-III) | Marseille | Darja Fier, Franciska de Jong, MariaEskevich & Jakob Lenardi | 20 June 2022 | 25 March 2022 | | [8th International Conference on Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://boothuchicagocaai.wixsite.com/website-2) | Chicago, IL | Harper Center of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago | July 19-22 | February 25 | | [3rd MWZ Text-as-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FenzSyxGx5ksZApFG9&data=04%7C01%7C%7C8caff9b89f7742bedeec08d9cb08d6c5%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637764061079451902%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=d9V3SdaH9yeNEyUXflPZBn6585ZCnd3%2BfvS2bAbnXb0%3D&reserved=0) | online | ETH Zurich and Warwick CAGE | February 17th-18th | January 16th | | [2nd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://gscl.org/en/arbeitskreise/cpss/cpss-2022) | Potsdam, Germany | Ines Rehbein, Christopher Klamm, Simone Ponzetto & Gabriella Lapesa | 12.09.2022 | 31.06.2022 | | [Politis and Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfq2Zw6kS1SVCDl7tvWyeZXf65vUtWZcZITixXO4f330VNn1g/viewform) | hybrid/ Cambridge, Massachusetts (US) | co-chaired by David Lazer and Sarah Shugars, with support from Stefan McCabe, Burak Ozturan, Alexi Quintana, Alyssa Smith, Ata Uslu, and Allison Wan | June 16-18, 2022 | April 29, 2022 | | [21th Annual Conference on New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://tada2021.org) | hybrid | Cornell Tech, Roosevelt Island, New York City | October 6-7, 2022 | July 18, 2022 | N/A | ## **2022 Summer/ Winter Schools and Tutorials** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | |---|---|---|---|---| | [2nd Virtual GESIS Spring Seminar on "Simulation Techniques in the Social Sciences"](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.gesis.org/en/gesis-training/what-we-offer/spring-seminar-cutting-edge-methods) | Online | GESIS | March 7-25 | N/A | | [BIGSSS-CSS Summer School on Social Cohesion](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://bigsss-css.jacobs-university.de) | Groningen | University of Groningen | July 4-15 | March 27, 2022 | | [Computational Methods Workshops 2022](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.cssmethods.uzh.ch/en.html) | Online/ Zurich | Computational Methods Working Group | tbd | tbd | ## **2022 Speakers Series and Reading Groups** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | |---|---|---|---| | [3rd Text-as-data Reading Group w/ invited speakers](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://sites.google.com/view/polsci-ml-initiative) | online | Nicolai Berk, Christopher Klamm and Clint Claessen | 12.04.-19.07.2022, Tuesday, 5-6pm | | [4th Text-as-data Reading Group w/ invited speakers](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://sites.google.com/view/polsci-ml-initiative) | online | Nicolai Berk et al. | tbd, Tuesday, 5-6pm | | [MZES Methods Bites](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/socialsciencedatalab/page/events/) | hybrid | MZES Uni Mannheim | 06/2022-12/2022 winter term, Wednesday, 13:45-15:15 | ## Past events ## **2021 Method Workshops** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | Fee | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [Workshop on Automated Image Analysis](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.cssmethods.uzh.ch/en/cfp_imageanalysis.html) | online | University of Zurich & ETH | 5 November 2021 | NA | Free | ## **2021 Conferences** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Abstract/ Paper Deadline | Fee | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [11th Annual Conference on New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://tada2021.org) | hybrid | University of Michigan | October 28-29 | August 20 | N/A | | [Fourth annual Politics and Computational Social Science (PaCSS)](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://cssh.northeastern.edu/nulab/pacss/) | online | Northeastern University | August 9 – 13 | N/A | 20$| | [7th International Conference on Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://ic2s2-2021.ethz.ch) | online | ETH | 27-31 July | N/A | Student: 50, Regular: 100 | | [2nd Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-as-Data Workshop](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qFSUcYKawa-P7SpVmuutMaO9QVvrJvgYIvH28Sz-mUI/edit#gid=0) | online | Monash University, The University of Warwick, & ETH | 30-31 August | N/A | Free | ## **2021 Summer and Winter Schools** | Name and Link | Location | Organizer | Dates | Deadline | Fee | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [ESSA-BEHAVE Online Summer School 2021 on “Agent-Based Modelling for Social Scientists”](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/http://behavelab.org/behave-summer-school/) | online | University of Brescia & University of Milan | 30 August-10 September 2021 | 30 June | YES, e.g., Student: 400-800 | | [10th Summer School in Survey Methodology](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://www.gesis.org/en/gesis-training/what-we-offer/summer-school-in-survey-methodology) | online | GESIS | 28.07 - 20.08.2021 | August | Course: Students: 160 , Academics: 240 | | [DATA SCIENCE SUMMER SCHOOL](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://socialdatascience.network/summerschool.html) | online | Hertie School Data Science Lab | July 9-30 | July | Free | | [Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://essexsummerschool.com/summer-school-facts/) | online | Essex Summer School | 11-23 July | N/A | 100 | | [The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://sicss.io) | online | | June & July | N/A | Free | | [CIVICA DATA SCIENCE SEMINAR SERIES](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://socialdatascience.network/index.html#intro) | online | Hertie School, LSE, CEU, Bocconi University, SciencesPro, EUI | February to October 2021 | N/A | Free | ## **Additional Ressources** * "Computational Sociolinguistics" (David Jurgens): https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Ouyqz-emtOI-ohwTOdOZpcjcEFtPPilhJDso8sjgByU/mobilebasic * "APIs for social scientists: A collaborative review" (Paul C. Bauer, Jan Behnert, Lion Behrens, Chung-hong Chan, Lukas Isermann, Philipp Kadel, Melike N. Kaplan, Jana Klein, Barbara K. Kreis, Dean Lajic, Camille Landesvatter, Madleen Meier-Barthold, Ondrej Pekacek, Pirmin Stckle, Malte Shren): https://bookdown.org/paul/apis_for_social_scientists/ * Grimmer/ Roberts/ Stewart (2022): [Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences](https://github.com/chkla/CSS-Events/blob/master/https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691207551/text-as-data). Princeton University Press.


