
上传日期:2023-11-12 14:58:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  公司是我们的分析工具和消息传递解决方案中心,旨在提高消费者参与度。它为......提供了必要的资源...
(Corporations our hub for analytical tools and messaging solutions aimed to enhance consumer engagement. It provides essential resources for understanding consumer behavior, analyzing market trends, and effective communication. Optimizing business strategies, improving customer interactions, and making data-driven decisions.)

.npmrc (26, 2023-11-14)
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api/.obsidian/workspace.json (4263, 2023-11-14)
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api/auth/auth.go (2580, 2023-11-14)
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api/controllers/public.go (3921, 2023-11-14)
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api/database/database.go (1069, 2023-11-14)
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api/docs/ (0, 2023-11-14)
... ...

# Turborepo Tailwind CSS starter This is an official starter Turborepo. ## Using this example Run the following command: ```sh npx create-turbo@latest -e with-tailwind ``` ## What's inside? This Turborepo includes the following packages/apps: ### Apps and Packages - `docs`: a [Next.js]( app with [Tailwind CSS]( - `web`: another [Next.js]( app with [Tailwind CSS]( - `ui`: a stub React component library with [Tailwind CSS]( shared by both `web` and `docs` applications - `eslint-config-custom`: `eslint` configurations (includes `eslint-config-next` and `eslint-config-prettier`) - `tsconfig`: `tsconfig.json`s used throughout the monorepo Each package/app is 100% [TypeScript]( ### Building packages/ui This example is setup to build `packages/ui` and output the transpiled source and compiled styles to `dist/`. This was chosen to make sharing one `tailwind.config.js` as easy as possible, and to ensure only the CSS that is used by the current application and its dependencies is generated. Another option is to consume `packages/ui` directly from source without building. If using this option, you will need to update your `tailwind.config.js` to be aware of your package locations, so it can find all usages of the `tailwindcss` class names. For example, in [tailwind.config.js](packages/tailwind-config/tailwind.config.js): ```js content: [ // app content `src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}`, // include packages if not transpiling "../../packages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", ], ``` ### Utilities This Turborepo has some additional tools already setup for you: - [Tailwind CSS]( for styles - [TypeScript]( for static type checking - [ESLint]( for code linting - [Prettier]( for code formatting


