
上传日期:2023-03-03 09:04:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  多平台开源DDS-XRCE客户端API
(A multi-platform, open-source DDS-XRCE Client API)

CMakeLists.txt (6064, 2023-03-03)
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Makefile (2002, 2023-03-03) (1670, 2023-03-03)
core/ (0, 2023-03-03)
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core/LICENSE (11358, 2023-03-03)
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core/include/nano/ (0, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core.h (1268, 2023-03-03)
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core/include/nano/nano_core_cdr_basic.h (59377, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_cdr_xrce.h (104636, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_config.h (30358, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_log.h (33781, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_log_impl_printf.h (8984, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_log_termcolor.h (4420, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi.h (84105, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_cc.h (8371, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_cc_stdc.h (10337, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_net_lwip.h (4757, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_net_socket.h (8226, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_net_win.h (5272, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_platform_arduino.h (7219, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_platform_posix.h (4688, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_platform_win.h (3799, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_seq_decl.h (4644, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_seq_defn.h (3550, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_seq_end.h (1210, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_seq_prelude.h (3569, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_serial_arduino.h (3668, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_serial_std.h (3688, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_osapi_serial_win.h (3341, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_user_config.h (1172, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_xrce.h (1309, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_xrce_activity.h (12182, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_xrce_basic.h (33359, 2023-03-03)
core/include/nano/nano_core_xrce_message.h (72958, 2023-03-03)
... ...

# RTI nano-client *RTI nano-client* provides a lightweight, open-source C/C++ API to access any DDS Global Data Space using the [standard XRCE protocol][omg-xrce]. Consider [*RTI nano-agent*][nano-agent-git] for a standard-compliant implementation of the XRCE Agent built with [RTI Connext DDS][connext-home]. This project is part of RTI's [Experimental Projects][experimental-faq]. ## DDS-XRCE ![DDS-XRCE System Architecture][dds-xrce-architecture] Thanks to XRCE, limited devices such as microcontrollers and other embedded targets can become part of a DDS system. [DDS-XRCE][omg-xrce] (or "DDS for e*X*tremely *R*esource *C*onstrained *E*nvironments") introduces an alternative interface to DDS which offloads all management of DDS entities from applications to an external Agent process. Applications connect to the XRCE Agent as clients, and they use the *XRCE Client API* to: * Create and configure DDS entities on the Agent. * Write DDS samples using a DataWriter on the Agent. * Read DDS samples received by a DataReader on the Agent. XRCE's client/server model significantly reduces the memory footprint and network bandwidth required by an application to use DDS. The XRCE protocol may be carried over any transport that has a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of at least 24 bytes. There are standard mappings for TCP/UDP sockets, and Serial Transports. The XRCE standard also defines a reliability protocol for reliable delivery of messages over unreliable transports. XRCE also supports fragmentation (and reconstruction) of large data payloads, allowing XRCE to send data larger than the transport's MTU. ## Documentation Please refer to the [User Manual][nano-client-docs] for information on how to install, build, and use *RTI nano-client*. ## License *RTI nano-client* is released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information. ```text (c) 2020 Copyright, Real-Time Innovations, Inc. (RTI) ``` [omg-xrce]: "OMG DDS-XRCE Specification" [nano-agent-git]: "RTI nano-agent Git repository" [nano-client-docs]: "RTI nano-client User Manual" [dds-xrce-architecture]: doc/static/dds_xrce_architecture.png "DDS-XRCE System Architecture" [experimental-faq]: "RTI Experimental Product FAQ" [connext-home]: "RTI Connext DDS Professional Homepage"


