
上传日期:2018-08-30 06:21:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Vue.js构建的黑客新闻阅读器PWA
(A Hacker News reader PWA built using Vue.js)

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dist/static/img/icons/icon-150x150.png (3445, 2018-08-29)
... ...

## Hacker News Reader using Vue.js #### [Link to Application]( A hacker news reader pwa (Progressive Web App) built using Vue.js and Vue-router.

### Features * Performance Scores * LightHouse: 91/100 [LightHouse Link]( * Faster_3G: 3.4s [WebpPageTest Link]( * 3G_EM: 4.3s [WebpPageTest Link]( * Built using Vue.js & Vue-router * route-level code splitting * preload / prefetch resources * dns-prefetch for api endpoint * api data preloading * Progressive Web App * app manifest * service worker using SWPrecachePlugin * app shell * Single-file vue components * hot reload in development * css extraction for production * Hosted using Github Pages * Uses [node-hnapi]( ### Development ``` # install dependencies $ npm install # serve locally with HMR at localhost:3001 $ npm run dev # build for production $ npm run build # build for production with bundle analyzer report $ npm run build --report ``` ### ToDo - [ ] API data caching using service worker (`networkFirst` strategy) - [ ] Conditionally load `fetch` & `promise` polyfills - [ ] Implement PRPL - [ ] Server Side Rendering (Maybe) - [ ] Add Tests


