
上传日期:2023-01-23 20:39:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  适用于所有Web代理和开发人员的旧学校网站模板
(Old School Web Site Template for All Web Agencies and Developers)

blititor-develop/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/.bowerrc (55, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/.snyk (118, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/LICENSE (1083, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/furion/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/furion/app.json (151, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/furion/index.js (843, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/furion/menu.js (1835, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/plain/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/plain/app.json (140, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/plain/index.js (1014, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/plain/menu.js (1779, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/simplestrap/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/simplestrap/app.json (151, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/simplestrap/index.js (1171, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/simplestrap/menu.js (1043, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/app/simplestrap/page.js (731, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/bower.json (305, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/app_default.json (160, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/database_default.json (71, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/module_list.json (3936, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/site_default.json (82, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/config/user_level.json (292, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/index.js (7288, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/ (0, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/common.js (6183, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/connection.js (3536, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/database.js (477, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/dependency.js (2784, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/misc.js (10865, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/socket.js (316, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/lib/theme.js (4397, 2020-10-16)
blititor-develop/core/log/ (0, 2020-10-16)
... ...

blititor ======== Easy to custom for the all Web Agencies and Web Masters in Korea > This code is really easy to customize for your business! - Web developer journal in korean times ![blititor_logo_nodejsstyle7]( (a logo presented by Hyejin Lee @melthleeth) ![FOSSA Status]( ## Stack - NodeJS + MysqlDB(MariaDB) + Nginx(Caddy) + Sphinx - Express.js + - Nunjucks html template - Jquery and many frontend frameworks - and wonderful NPM ## Development - [quick note](docs/develop/ - [convention](docs/develop/ - [mysql manage](docs/develop/ - [menu path system](docs/develop/ ## Demo check out the samples! based awesome css frameworks - pure - bulma - bootstrap - foundation - materialize - kube - ... ## Usage prepare git, nodejs, npm, bower ### clone repos ```shell git clone git:// ``` ### install component with npm and bower ```shell npm install bower install ``` ### create module_list.json ```shell node core/setup.js module ``` ### database configuration (mysql, mariadb) ```shell node core/setup.js db ``` ### make database tables for blititor ```shell node core/setup.js db-init ``` for preparing non-core modules ('guestbook' or 'teamblog'...) ```shell node core/setup.js db-init some_module_name ``` ### make theme configuration ```shell node core/setup.js theme ``` ### make admin account ```shell node core/setup.js admin ``` ### run node app ```shell node core/index ``` or u can override default port using option `port` or `p` ``` node core/index -port=3000 node core/index -p 3000 ``` or run dev mode using nodemon ``` npm run dev ``` ## License Blititor has MIT License basically. but each theme design license depends on each maker's opinions. it will be described each `app` and `theme`'s readme file or description file. ![FOSSA Status](


