
上传日期:2023-11-21 03:56:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个基于PHP CRUD的内容管理系统(CMS)。目标是建立一个网站来共享提示、指南、资源、服务器、新闻,...
(This is a PHP CRUD-based Content Management System (CMS). The goal is to build a website to share tips, guides, resources, servers, news, and updates to Minecraft community.)

.DS_Store (8196, 2023-11-19)
LICENSE (11324, 2023-11-19)
about.php (832, 2023-11-19)
admin/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/add-category.php (3815, 2023-11-19)
admin/add-post.php (5811, 2023-11-19)
admin/add-user.php (4690, 2023-11-19)
admin/admin-dashboard.php (4325, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/css/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/css/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/css/sb-admin-2.css (211157, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/css/sb-admin-2.min.css (170737, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_posting_photo.svg (37285, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_profile.svg (2820, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_profile_1.svg (2163, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_profile_2.svg (2630, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_profile_3.svg (2733, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/img/undraw_rocket.svg (3147, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/demo/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/demo/chart-area-demo.js (3569, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/demo/chart-bar-demo.js (3189, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/demo/chart-pie-demo.js (1057, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/demo/datatables-demo.js (103, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/sb-admin-2.js (1780, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/js/sb-admin-2.min.js (1265, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/ (0, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/_buttons.scss (980, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/_cards.scss (733, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/_charts.scss (454, 2023-11-19)
admin/assets/scss/_dropdowns.scss (356, 2023-11-19)
... ...

# minecraft-cms-website ### What the project does? This is a CMS Website, which stores information about resources for the Minecraft. It has basic funtions like a wordpress-based blog. Logged-in users can publish posts, comment on posts. Administrative users can CUD tasks of users roles and review posts, comments of non-admin users before publishing them. ### What technologies are used? - PHP is used for backend side - HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-end side - MySQL for database ### Users roles: There are three types of uses: non-users, users, and admins - Non-users: they can view posts, pages of blog, but they can't comment on posts, or create posts - Users: they can create and publish, edit, update posts of their own but they need get approved from admin. They can certainly comment on posts. - Admins: they can do all CRUD, but they can publish posts, comments that are created by others (users, admins) ### Database structure and description: ![My Image](https://github.com/khuongmai-dev/Minecraft-CMS-Blog/blob/master/./database/minecraft-blog.jpeg) ### The goal of the project is building a cms website from scrach: - Project planning and management - Develop a database structure based on business's needs. - Setup tools: Visual studio Code extension, database setup with XAMPP. For managing MySql database, I use DBeaver - a SQL client software application and a database administration tool. You can check it out here. https://dbeaver.io/ - Building the content management system CRUD for pages. The system will generate a website consisting of number of pages and data will be stored in database based on roles. - Admins and logged-in users - Non-administrative users - Content search - Validation and Security - Layout and design - Image upload and image processing - Administrative Logins: - Admins can perform admin page CUD tasks - Usernames & passwords are stored in a users table with CRUD admin access - Passwords stored in database are hashed and salted - User login: - Users can login to Admin portal - Users can register an account with a username and a password - Deploy to a cloud service.


