
上传日期:2023-11-21 09:57:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Apache Airvlow Airflow是由社区创建的一个平台,用于以编程方式编写、调度和监控工作流
(Apache Airflow Airflow is a platform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows)

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# Airflow docker-compose demo CI/CD pipeline Deploy on Example CI/CD pipeline showing how to deploy an Airflow instance to elestio. # Once deployed ... You can connect to your instance with the Airflow Web UI: Host: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN] Login: [ADMIN_LOGIN] (set in env var) Password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD] (set in env var) Airflow connection details: Host: [CI_CD_DOMAIN] Port: 25672 Login: [ADMIN_LOGIN] (set in env var) Password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD] (set in env var) Service URI: amqp://[ADMIN_LOGIN]:[ADMIN_PASSWORD]@[CI_CD_DOMAIN]:25672 # Sample usage in Node.js First, install the NPM package: `npm install amqplib` var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api'); amqp.connect('amqp://[ADMIN_LOGIN]:[ADMIN_PASSWORD]@[CI_CD_DOMAIN]:25672', function(error0, connection) { if (error0) { throw error0; } connection.createChannel(function(error1, channel) { if (error1) { throw error1; } var queue = 'hello'; var msg = 'Hello World!'; channel.assertQueue(queue, { durable: false }); channel.sendToQueue(queue, Buffer.from(msg)); console.log(" [x] Sent %s", msg); }); setTimeout(function() { connection.close(); process.exit(0); }, 500); }); # Steps to Install Library Packages in Airflow: There are two methods for installing the library package in Airflow. One option is to configure the *__PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS_* variable in the docker-compose file. Alternatively, utilize the custom Docker image provided at To opt for the straightforward approach using the *__PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS_* variable in docker-compose, navigate to your docker-compose file, Open Elestio dashboard > Service overview > Click on the Update CONFIG button > Once in the docker-compose file, insert the *__PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS_* variable in all instances specified at Finally, click the "Update & Restart" button to apply the changes.


