
上传日期:2023-11-24 13:05:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Darkmatter编程语言编译器
(The Darkmatter Programming Language Compiler)

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Darkmatter Logo


A programming language from another universe. Darkmatter is a fast & efficient general-purpose programming language simlar to Java/C/C#/Rust. This is the Darkmatter compiler project, its goal is to output LLVM-IR assembly which then is assembled into a native platform/architecture-specific binary (executable/library) or output JVM byte-code. **NOTE: This is a volunteer-effort project. This means we work on this project when we have time. Large portions of the project may currently be missing or broken for the time-being until more progress is made!** ### [ [Homepage](https://darkmatter.anthonyw.me) / [RFCs](https://github.com/darkmatter-lang/rfcs) ] [![build](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/darkmatter-lang/darkmatter/ci.yml?branch=master)](https://github.com/darkmatter-lang/darkmatter/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ### Table of Contents - [Feature Roadmap](#feature-roadmap) - [Compiler Parts](#compiler-parts) - [Syntax](#syntax) - [Compiler](#compiler) - [Standard Library](#standard-library) - [Package Manager](#package-manager) - [Specification](#specification) - [Compiler Logging](#compiler-logging) - [Logging Levels](#logging-levels) - [Console Logging](#console-logging) - [File Logging](#file-logging) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Why Darkmatter?](#why-darkmatter) - [What is Darkmatter's color palette?](#what-is-darkmatters-color-palette) - [How are variables defined?](#how-are-variables-defined) - [Why is printing to the console weird?](#why-is-printing-to-the-console-weird) - [Why is the data-type string lower-case and not upper-case like Java?](#why-is-the-data-type-string-lower-case-and-not-upper-case-like-java) - [What are Functions vs Methods?](#what-are-functions-vs-methods) - [Getting Help](#getting-help) - [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [License](#license) ## Feature Roadmap [Feature Roadmap]: #feature-roadmap ### Compiler Parts [Compiler Parts]: #compiler-parts Darkmatter's compiler is segmented into 2-parts. - Front-End (lexer, parser, linter, AST) - [ ] Currently under discussion to be written in Rust or Java - [ ] Syntax Definitions & Structure - [ ] Parse compiler flags and arguments - [ ] Input Darkmatter (`.dm`) - [ ] Lexer / Parser / Tokenizer - [ ] AST - [ ] LLVM codegen() for AST - [ ] Optimize produced LLVM-IR (depending on optimization-level) - [ ] Output LLVM-IR (`.ll`) - Back-End (assemble IR) - Input IR / Output Native Binary or JVM byte-code - [ ] *TBA* - [ ] Input LLVM-IR (`.ll`) - [ ] Linker - https://lld.llvm.org/ - [ ] Output Native Binary Static Library (`.a`, `.lib`) - [ ] Output Native Binary Dynamic Library (`.so`, `.dll`) - [ ] Output Native Binary Executable (`.exec`, `.exe`) - [ ] Output JVM byte-code (`.class`) ### Syntax [Syntax]: #syntax The Darkmatter grammer and syntax requirements. - [ ] Unsigned primitives - [ ] Operator overloading - [ ] Scopes / Contexts - [ ] Functions (non-class) and Methods (class) - [ ] Structs - [ ] References ("String Literal" -> &string) - [ ] FFI ### Compiler [Compiler]: #compiler ```mermaid flowchart LR; %% Back End %%; H(LLVM-IR):::blue --> |*.ll| I(" Optimization "); subgraph Darkmatter Back-end; I --> J(" LLVM-AS linker/assembler "); end; J--> |"*.{a,so,lib,dll,dylib}"| K[" - Library - ELF,PE,MACH-O amd64,i386,arm64,armhf,mips "]:::green; J--> |"*.{,exe,exec}"| L[" - Executable - ELF,PE,MACH-O amd64,i386,arm64,armhf,mips "]:::red; %% Front End %%; A(Source Code):::cyan --> |*.dm| B(" Tokenizer lexical analysis "):::yellow; subgraph Darkmatter Front-end; B --> |Tokens| C(" Parser syntactic analysis "); C --> D(" AST "); D --> E(" Generator "); end; E --> G(" LLVM-IR "):::blue; E --> F[" JVM byte-code "]:::orange; %% Styling %%; classDef red stroke:#FF0000; classDef green stroke:#00FF00; classDef blue stroke:#0000FF; classDef yellow stroke:#FFFF00; classDef orange stroke:#FFAA00; classDef cyan stroke:#00FFFF; ``` ##### Currently considering RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization/Scope-Bound Resource Management) for memory management. - [ ] Output LLVM-IR assembly - [ ] Compile LLVM-IR to platform/architecture binary (supported ABI/ISAs): - [ ] Linux/amd64 (Intel/AMD 64-bit) - [ ] Linux/aarch64 (RISC ARMv8 64-bit) - [ ] Linux/mips64 (RISC MIPS III ISA VR4300 / R5900) - [ ] Linux/x86 (Intel/AMD 32-bit) - [ ] MacOS/amd64 (64-bit) - [ ] MacOS/aarch64 (RISC ARMv8 64-bit) - [ ] Windows/x86 (Intel/AMD 32-bit) - [ ] Windows/amd64 (RISC ARMv8 64-bit) - [ ] Output JVM byte-code - [ ] `dmc` - Compiler flags/options/args (`ARGS*` are the input Darkmatter source-files to compile) - `-l`, `--log-level` - Specify the logger level (`TRACE`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARN`, `ERROR`) (Default: `INFO`) - `-j`, `--threads` - Specify threads for compilation/transpilation - [ ] `compile` - Compile Darkmatter directly to a native binary (library/executable) - `-o`, `--output` - Output destination of the library/executable - `-t`, `--target` - Specify the target platform/architecture - `-k`, `--library` - Specify the library type (`static`/`dynamic`) (Default: `static`) - `-A`, `--emit` - Only emit LLVM-IR assembly, do not assemble. - `-O`, `--optimize` - Optimization level (`0`=no optimization, `2`=aggressive optimization) (Default: `0`) - [ ] `generate` - Compile Darkmatter to JVM byte-code - `-o`, `--output` - Output file destination - `-b`, `--byte-code` - The byte-code language to produce (`jvm`) (Default: `jvm`) Examples: ```sh ## AoT Examples # Compile `count_to_ten.dm` to a native executable binary named `count` dmc compile --output count count_to_ten.dm dmc compile -o count count_to_ten.dm # Compile `count_to_ten.dm` to a native `linux/amd64` executable binary (ELF) dmc compile --output count --target linux/amd64 count_to_ten.dm dmc compile -o count -t linux/amd64 count_to_ten.dm ## JIT Examples # Compile `my_class.dm` to a JVM byte-code class file dmc generate --output MyClass.class --byte-code jvm my_class.dm dmc generate -o MyClass.class my_class.dm # Compile `a.dm` and `b.dm` to a JVM byte-code jar file dmc generate --output MyApp.jar --byte-code jvm a.dm b.dm dmc generate -o MyApp.jar a.dm b.dm ``` ### Standard Library [Standard Library]: #standard-library The Standard Library `stdlib` is the standard-API that all Darkmatter programs have access to which allows developers to access parts of a user's underlying system devices and resources. - [ ] core - [ ] system - [ ] Console - [ ] Process - [ ] types - [ ] scalar - [ ] boolean - [ ] char - [ ] reference (&string) - [ ] arrays - [ ] version (semver) - [ ] ffi - [ ] filesystem - [ ] network - [ ] graphics - [ ] OpenGL bindings - [ ] Vulkan bindings - [ ] audio ### Package Manager [Package Manager]: #package-manager Currently the package-manager is planned to be built-in with the compiler. All packages are downloaded to the local-project directory, no files are stored elsewhere. - [ ] Read `project.toml`. - [ ] Fetch project/lib by `URL` from Git (you must specify the URL). - [ ] Fetch project/lib by `username/name:version` from Darkmatter's site. - [ ] Fetch project/lib by `username/name:version` from DHT (P2P network). - [ ] CLI Args/flags - [ ] `--pkg-init` - Initialize the current directory as a project that can be packaged (creates `project.toml` if it does not exist, and adds `.darkmatter-pkgs/` to `.gitignore`) - [ ] `--pkg-info` - Print info on the current local-project. - [ ] `--pkg-update` - Update all local-project dependencies. - [ ] `--pkg-add` - Add a local-project dependency by `URL` or `username/name:version` pair on Darkmatter's site or DHT network. - [ ] `--pkg-remove` - Remove a local-project dependency by its `name:version`. - [ ] **Separate project** - [ ] Rename? (partical-`accel`-erator or `tess`eract) - [ ] Source-code generator `tess --generate gen-config.toml` based on a JSON/markup-file. ## Specification [Specification]: #specification - Directly compiled language, no JIT. - Can output a static/shared library (.so/.dll/.dylib) or executable (ELF/PE/MACH-O). - Similar to Java/C# syntax. - RAII (no Garbage Collector)? ## Compiler Logging [Compiler Logging]: #compiler-logging ### Logging Levels [Logging Levels]: #logging-levels The default logging levels are as follows: - `TRACE` Most verbose, all debug messages will be shown including internal process states. - `DEBUG` Verbose debugging messages will be shown, may contain sensitive information. - `INFO` Normal, only informational messages will be shown. - `WARN` Only warning messages will be shown along with errors. - `ERROR` Strictly only error messages will be shown. ### Console Logging [Console Logging]: #console-logging Console logging is always enabled but can be limited to only showing certain messages tagged with specific severities such as `WARN` OR `ERROR`. This is by-design. ### File Logging [File Logging]: #file-logging File logging can be enabled by either passing in a valid file path as to where logs will be stored, by setting the environment variable `LOG_FILE` to a valid path, or by configuring this via the Java API. ## FAQ [FAQ]: #faq ### Why Darkmatter? [Why Darkmatter?]: #faq-why-darkmatter Because it sounds cool :) > I invision Darkmatter as an alternative language syntactically-similar to Java/C# but while still allowing for fast low-level access. > > Darkmatter is designed to be efficient, simple, clean, fast and platform-independent. > > Some limitations of Java include: > - JVM JIT-only compilation (inability to compile directly to a specific platform/architecture) > - Lack of unsigned scalar types (`uint8`, `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64`) > - Lack of a non-painful FFI to other languages; Assembly, C, C++, etc. > > Some limitations of C# include: > - CLR/.NOT core is Windows-first support, other platforms are 3rd-class citizens. > - A native binary created in Java by GraalVM native-image is still faster. > - PascalCase is disgusting. > > \- [anthonywww](https://github.com/anthonywww) ### What is Darkmatter's color palette? [What is Darkmatter's color palette?]: #faq-what-is-darkmatters-color-palette? Darkmatter adopts the color-palette ![cyan](./img/cyan.png) `#00FFFF`, ![dark-cyan](./img/dark-cyan.png) `#045454` and ![black](./img/black.png) `#000000`. We would appreciate [GitHub Linguist](https://github.com/github-linguist/linguist) classifying Darkmatter as ![cyan](./img/cyan.png) `#00FFFF`. ### How are variables defined? [How are variables defined?]: #faq-how-are-variables-defined All variables are statically-typed and immutable by default. You can declare a variable like so: ```dm // Integers int32 unsigned_number = 3; // Strings string message = "Hello, World!; // For everything else: var x = "something else"; ``` ### Why is printing to the console weird? [Why is printing to the console weird?]: #faq-why-is-printing-to-the-console-weird? If you are asking why we don't have `System.out.println()`, it's because of how the Standard Library (stdlib) is structured. ``` core (namespace) \-- system (namespace) \-- Console (class) \-- writeLine (method) ``` `Console` is the class that is responsible for I/O with the underlying terminal. Whereas `writeLine()` is a method that lets you print a message to the console which will also append a `\n` character to the end of your provided message. We chose `write` instead of `print` because just like with other I/O operations, such as files or sockets, you are `write()`-ing or `read()`-ing to the device/buffer. Available public methods to print in the `Console` class: - writeLine(...) - write(...) - writef(string format, ...) If you really prefer `printf()` or `println()` over the methods above, discussion/proposals/suggestions are open on how these can be implemented without breaking convention/standards while keeping namespaces clean. ### Why is the data-type string lower-case and not upper-case like Java? [Why is the data-type string lower-case and not upper-case like Java?]: #faq-why-is-string-lower-case? Because in Darkmatter a string is a Primitive data-type and not an Object. It should be noted, Primitives in Darkmatter may have functions attached to them. ### What are Functions vs Methods? [What are Functions vs Methods?]: #faq-what-are-functions-vs-methods As with other languages, a Method is basically just a member-function of a class in OOP. Example: ```dm // A function that adds 1 to an integer. uint32 myFunction(uint32 x) { return x + 1; } public void MyClass { // A method that adds 1 to an integer. public uint32 myFunction(uint32 y) { return y + 1; } } int main(string[] args) { uint32 my_number = 3; // Function invocation uint32 function_result = myFunction(my_number); Console.writeLine(function_result); // 4 // Method invocation MyClass my_class = new MyClass(); uint32 method_result = my_class.myFunction(my_number); Console.writeLine(method_result); // 4 } ``` ## Getting Help [Getting Help]: #getting-help Are you having trouble with Darkmatter? We want to help! - If you are upgrading, read the release notes for upgrade instructions and "new and noteworthy" features. - Ask a question we monitor stackoverflow.com for questions tagged with darkmatter. You can also talk with the community on X. - Report bugs with Darkmatter at [https://github.com/darkmatter-lang/darkmatter/issues](https://github.com/darkmatter-lang/darkmatter/issues). - Join the Discussion on X and be part of the community [https://twitter.com/i/communities/1727990925480079392](https://twitter.com/i/communities/1727990925480079392) ## Reporting Issues [Reporting Issues]: #reporting-issues Darkmatter uses GitHub’s integrated issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests. If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below: - Before you log a bug, please search the issue tracker to see if someone has already reported the problem. - If the issue doesn’t already exist, create a new issue. - Please provide as much information as possible with the issue report. We like to know the Darkmatter version, operating system etc you’re using. - If you need to paste code or include a stack trace, use Markdown. ``` escapes before and after your text. - If possible, try to create a test case or project that replicates the problem and attach it to the issue. ## Contributors [Contributors]: #contributors The following contributors have either helped to start this project, have contributed code, are actively maintaining it (including documentation), or in other ways being awesome contributors to this project. **We'd like to take a moment to recognize them.** [anthonywww](https://github.com/anthonywww) [mjovanc](https://github.com/mjovanc) ## License [License]: #license The MIT License.


