
上传日期:2023-11-24 16:07:02
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说明:  该回购包含AWS开源新闻稿中介绍的项目列表。
(This repo contains a list of projects featured in the AWS open source newsletter.)

LICENSE (1072, 2023-11-24)

# AWS open source newsletter projects This repo contains a list of projects featured in the AWS open source newsletter. This is new as of edition #178 of the newsletter, but I will try and back port projects when I have time. # By technology/use case ### AI & ML **awesome-codewhisperer** [awesome-codewhisperer]( this repo from Christian Bonzelet is a great collection of resources for those of you who are experimenting with Generative AI coding assistants such as Amazon CodeWhisperer. This resource should keep you busy, and help you master Amazon CodeWhisperer in no time. (#177) **aws-inference-benchmark** [aws-inference-benchmark ]( project from Rustem Feyzkhanov contains code for running deep learning inference benchmarks on different AWS instances and service types. Check out his post, [Making LLMs Scalable: Cloud Inference with AWS Fargate and Copilot]( where Rustem shows you in more details how you can use this repo. (#177) **gen-ai-on-eks** [gen-ai-on-eks]( this repository aims to showcase how to finetune a FM model in Amazon EKS cluster using, JupyterHub to provision notebooks and craft both serving and training scripts, RayOperator to manage Ray Clusters and Karpenter to manage Node Scaling. (#177) **makit-llm-lambda** [makit-llm-lambda ]( repo from Martyn Kilbryde is an example of how you can run a Large Language Model (LLM) inside an AWS Lambda Function. Whilst the code will help you deploy to AWS Lambda, it can be ran locally inside Docker for testing as well. The function contains the full LLM model and the code to use the model, allowing basic text generation from a HTTP call into it. (#177) **s3-connector-for-pytorch** [s3-connector-for-pytorch]( the Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch delivers high throughput for PyTorch training jobs that access or store data in Amazon S3. Using the S3 Connector for PyTorch automatically optimises performance when downloading training data from and writing checkpoints to Amazon S3, eliminating the need to write your own code to list S3 buckets and manage concurrent requests. Amazon S3 Connector for PyTorch provides implementations of PyTorch's dataset primitives that you can use to load training data from Amazon S3. It supports both map-style datasets for random data access patterns and iterable-style datasets for streaming sequential data access patterns. The S3 Connector for PyTorch also includes a checkpointing interface to save and load checkpoints directly to Amazon S3, without first saving to local storage. (#181) ### Data & Big Data **aws-data-solutions-framework** [aws-data-solutions-framework]( is a framework for implementation and delivery of data solutions with built-in AWS best practices. AWS Data Solutions Framework (DSF) is an abstraction atop AWS services based on AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) L3 constructs, packaged as a library. You can leverage AWS DSF to implement your data platform in weeks rather than in months. AWS DSF is available in TypeScript and Python. Use the framework to build your data solutions instead of building cloud infrastructure from scratch. Compose data solutions using integrated building blocks via Infrastructure as Code (IaC), that allow you to benefit from smart defaults and built-in AWS best practices. You can also customize or extend according to your requirements. Check out the dedicated documentation page, complete with examples to get you started. (#178) ### Databases **sso-sync-to-amazon-rds** [sso-sync-to-amazon-rds]( This project sets up AWS Lambda functions, Amazon EventBridge rule, Amazon VPC Endpoint for AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On), the related Security Groups and permissions necessary to automatically provision database users to the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) cluster using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). When a new user is created in IAM Identity Center and the user belongs to the group specified in a IAM_IDC_GROUP_NAME variable, EventBridge rule will trigger the Lambda function. The Lambda function will create a new user in a specified Amazon RDS cluster. The user will then be able to login to the database using their SSO username and IAM credentials. Adding a user to the configured group will trigger the Lambda function as well. (#178) ### Developer Tools **aws-iatk** [aws-iatk]( AWS Integrated Application Test Kit (IATK), a new open-source test library that makes it easier for developers to create tests for cloud applications with increased speed and accuracy. With AWS IATK, developers can quickly write tests that exercise their code and its AWS integrations against an environment in the cloud, making it easier to catch mistakes early in the development process. IATK includes utilities to generate test events, validate event delivery and structure in Amazon EventBridge Event Bus, and assertions to validate call flow using AWS X-Ray traces. The [AWS IATK]( is available for Python3.8+. To help you get started, check out the supporting blog post from Dan Fox and Brian Krygsman, [Introducing the AWS Integrated Application Test Kit (IATK)]( (#180) **aws-cdk-stack-builder-tool** [aws-cdk-stack-builder-tool]( or AWS CDK Builder, is a browser-based tool designed to streamline bootstrapping of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) projects using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Equipped with a dynamic visual designer and instant TypeScript code generation capabilities, the CDK Builder simplifies the construction and deployment of CDK projects. It stands as a resource for all CDK users, providing a platform to explore a broad array of CDK constructs. Very cool indeed, and you can deploy on AWS Cloud9, so that this project on my weekend to do list. (#180) **aws-external-package-security** [aws-external-package-security]( provides code to setup a solution that demonstrates how you can deploy AWS Code Services (e.g., AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon CodeGuru Security, AWS CodeArtifact) to orchestrate secure access to external package repositories from an Amazon SageMaker data science environment configured with multi-layer security. The solution can also be expanded upon to account for general developer workflows, where developers use external package dependencies. (#180) **cloudwatch-macros** [cloudwatch-macros]( is the latest open source creation from AWS Hero Efi Merdler-Kravitz, focused on improving the CloudFormation and AWS SAM developer experience. This project features a collection of (basic at the moment) CloudFormation macros, written in Rust, offering seamless deployment through SAM. Check out [Efi's post on LinkedIn]( for more details and additional useful resources. (#181) **localstack-aws-cdk-example** [localstack-aws-cdk-example]( This repo aims to showcase the usage of [Localstack]( and AWS CDK to address specific integration challenges regarding local development where the end target is the AWS platform. If you are unfamiliar with Localstack, it is an open source, fully functional local AWS cloud stack that allows you to develop and test your cloud and Serverless apps offline. (#178) **pagemosaic-website-starter** [pagemosaic-website-starter]( is an open source tool from Alex Pust that helps you to host static websites on AWS, using AWS CDK under the covers from the looks of things. To deploy your website, simply transfer your website files to the /platform/web-app directory. Following this, execute the command pnpm deploy-platform to initiate the deployment process. Nice use of You Tube videos in the README to help you get started. ### Governance & Risk **aws-control-tower-controls-cdk** [aws-control-tower-controls-cdk]( This pattern describes how to use AWS CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to implement and administer preventive, detective, and proactive AWS Control Tower controls as infrastructure as code (IaC). A control (also known as a guardrail) is a high-level rule that provides ongoing governance for your overall AWS Control Tower environment. For example, you can use controls to require logging for your AWS accounts and then configure automatic notifications if specific security-related events occur. Check out the REAMDE for more details on what you can do with this. (#178) **aws-external-package-security** [aws-external-package-security]( provides code to setup a solution that demonstrates how you can deploy AWS Code Services (e.g., AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon CodeGuru Security, AWS CodeArtifact) to orchestrate secure access to external package repositories from an Amazon SageMaker data science environment configured with multi-layer security. The solution can also be expanded upon to account for general developer workflows, where developers use external package dependencies. (#180) **awskillswitch** [awskillswitch]( is an open sourced tool from Jeffrey Lyon that is worth checking out. AWS Kill Switch is a Lambda function (and proof of concept client) that an organisation can implement in a dedicated "Security" account to give their security engineers the ability to delete IAM roles or apply a highly restrictive service control policy (SCP) on any account in their organisation. Make sure you check out the README for full details, but this looks like it might be one of those tools that are useful to have in the back pocket in times of need. (#181) **observability-solution-kit** [observability-solution-kit]( this repository is the Ollyv sdk. The Ollyv sdk offers a simple way to configure its behaviour through *.properties files, which are environment-specific. Currently code is provide from NodeLambda · NodeExpress · JavaSpring (#177) ### Java, Kotlin, Scala, OpenJDK **powertools-lambda-kotlin** [powertools-lambda-kotlin]( This project demonstrates the Lambda for Powertools Kotlin module deployed using Serverless Application Model with Gradle running the build. This example is configured for Java 8 only; in order to use a newer version, check out the Gradle configuration guide in the main project README. You can also use sam init to create a new Gradle-powered Powertools application - choose to use the AWS Quick Start Templates, and then Hello World Example with Powertools for AWS Lambda, Java 17 runtime, and finally gradle. (#178) ### Networking **trading-latency-benchmark** [trading-latency-benchmark]( This repository contains a network latency test stack that consists of Java based trading client and Ansible playbooks to coordinate distributed tests. Java based trading client is designed to send limit and cancel orders, allowing you to measure round-trip times of the network communication. (#177) ### Security **awskillswitch** [awskillswitch]( is an open sourced tool from Jeffrey Lyon that is worth checking out. AWS Kill Switch is a Lambda function (and proof of concept client) that an organisation can implement in a dedicated "Security" account to give their security engineers the ability to delete IAM roles or apply a highly restrictive service control policy (SCP) on any account in their organisation. Make sure you check out the README for full details, but this looks like it might be one of those tools that are useful to have in the back pocket in times of need. (#181) **sso-sync-to-amazon-rds** [sso-sync-to-amazon-rds]( This project sets up AWS Lambda functions, Amazon EventBridge rule, Amazon VPC Endpoint for AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On), the related Security Groups and permissions necessary to automatically provision database users to the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) cluster using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). When a new user is created in IAM Identity Center and the user belongs to the group specified in a IAM_IDC_GROUP_NAME variable, EventBridge rule will trigger the Lambda function. The Lambda function will create a new user in a specified Amazon RDS cluster. The user will then be able to login to the database using their SSO username and IAM credentials. Adding a user to the configured group will trigger the Lambda function as well. (#178) # AWS Services **aws-control-tower-controls-cdk** [aws-control-tower-controls-cdk]( This pattern describes how to use AWS CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to implement and administer preventive, detective, and proactive AWS Control Tower controls as infrastructure as code (IaC). A control (also known as a guardrail) is a high-level rule that provides ongoing governance for your overall AWS Control Tower environment. For example, you can use controls to require logging for your AWS accounts and then configure automatic notifications if specific security-related events occur. Check out the REAMDE for more details on what you can do with this. (#178) **aws-cdk-stack-builder-tool** [aws-cdk-stack-builder-tool]( or AWS CDK Builder, is a browser-based tool designed to streamline bootstrapping of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) projects using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Equipped with a dynamic visual designer and instant TypeScript code generation capabilities, the CDK Builder simplifies the construction and deployment of CDK projects. It stands as a resource for all CDK users, providing a platform to explore a broad array of CDK constructs. Very cool indeed, and you can deploy on AWS Cloud9, so that this project on my weekend to do list. (#180) **aws-external-package-security** [aws-external-package-security]( provides code to setup a solution that demonstrates how you can deploy AWS Code Services (e.g., AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon CodeGuru Security, AWS CodeArtifact) to orchestrate secure access to external package repositories from an Amazon SageMaker data science environment configured with multi-layer security. The solution can also be expanded upon to account for general developer workflows, where developers use external package dependencies. (#180) **aws-inference-benchmark** [aws-inference-benchmark ]( project from Rustem Feyzkhanov contains code for running deep learning inference benchmarks on different AWS instances and service types. Check out his post, [Making LLMs Scalable: Cloud Inference with AWS Fargate and Copilot]( where Rustem shows you in more details how you can use this repo. (#177) **gen-ai-on-eks** [gen-ai-on-eks]( this repository aims to showcase how to finetune a FM model in Amazon EKS cluster using, JupyterHub to provision notebooks and craft both serving and training scripts, RayOperator to manage Ray Clusters and Karpenter to manage Node Scaling. (#177) **makit-llm-lambda** [makit-llm-lambda ]( repo from Martyn Kilbryde is an example of how you can run a Large Language Model (LLM) inside an AWS Lambda Function. Whilst the code will help you deploy to AWS Lambda, it can be ran locally inside Docker for testing as well. The function contains the full LLM model and the code to use the model, allowing basic text generation from a HTTP call into it. (#177) **observability-solution-kit** [observability-solution-kit]( this repository is the Ollyv sdk. The Ollyv sdk offers a simple way to configure its behaviour through *.properties files, which are environment-specific. Currently code is provide from NodeLambda · NodeExpress · JavaSpring (#177) **resource-explorer-with-organizations** [resource-explorer-with-organizations]( you may have a use cases where you are eager to find lingering resources, or resources that were not at their optimal settings. By utilising Resource Explorer and Step Functions, you can gather all the necessary information from these accounts, and use them to create a report to gain a wider understanding of the state of your AWS accounts. As of this release, the limitation of Resource Explorer is that it is done on a per account basis. However, the README provides details of a workaround to deploy this to all your accounts in our AWS Organization using StackSets. The use case shown in the repo shows you how you can find resources in an multiple AWS accounts over multiple regions, and generating an Excel Document displaying the Account it belongs to, Name, Resource Type, and ARN of the resource. The repo provides details of how you can deploy this tool, so make sure you check that out too. (#178) **terraform-aws-ecr-watch** [terraform-aws-ecr-watch]( is a project out of the folks from Porsche, when they are not busy designing super fast cars, their engineers are busy creating useful open source tools for folks to use. This project is a Terraform module to configure an AWS ECR Usage Dashboard based on AWS CloudWatch log insight queries with data fetched from AWS CloudTrail. (#180) # Open Source projects on AWS **weaviate-on-eks** [weaviate-on-eks]( this repository includes sample code that can be used to deploy and configure an instance of the [Weaviate]( distributed vector database on EKS. (#177) **ragna** [ragna]( this is a repo I put together to show you how you can add Amazon Bedrock models from Anthropic and Meta within the Ragna tool. I blogged last week about this [#179]( but I have put together this repo that shows the actual code as I had received quite a few DMs, and as a bonus, I have also added the recently announced Llama2 13B model from Meta. To help with this, a new blog post, [Adding Amazon Bedrock Llama2 as an assistant in Ragna]( will help you get this all up and running. There is also lots of useful info in the project README. (#180) # Demos and Samples **aws-agentic-document-assistant** [aws-agentic-document-assistant]( The Agentic Documents Assistant is an LLM assistant that provides users with easy access to information and insights stored across their business documents, through natural conversations and question answering. It supports answering factual questions by retrieving information directly from documents using semantic search with the popular RAG design pattern. Additionally, it answers analytical questions by translating user questions into SQL queries and running them against a database of entities extracted from the documents with a batch process. It is also able to answer complex multi-step questions by combining different tools a ... ...


