dapp ipfs web3 

上传日期:2022-02-20 12:38:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个去中心化的社交平台,用户可以发布他们的想法和图像,并将其制作成NFT。使用Gun JS为d建造...
(It s a decentralized social platform where users can post their thoughts and images and mint them into NFTs. Built using Gun JS for the decentralized database/authetication and Solidity for the NFT minting smart contracts. The smart contract was then deployed temporarily on the Ropsten, Rinkeby and Polygon testnet.)

.firebase/ (0, 2022-02-20)
.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQ.cache (3502, 2022-02-20)
.firebase/hosting.cHVibGlj.cache (1123, 2022-02-20)
.firebaserc (48, 2022-02-20)
contracts/ (0, 2022-02-20)
contracts/Greeter.sol (561, 2022-02-20)
contracts/PostMint.sol (1844, 2022-02-20)
firebase.json (235, 2022-02-20)
hardhat.config.js (1263, 2022-02-20)
package-lock.json (2468957, 2022-02-20)
package.json (1488, 2022-02-20)
public/ (0, 2022-02-20)
public/favicon-16x16.png (1273, 2022-02-20)
public/favicon-32x32.png (1856, 2022-02-20)
public/favicon.ico (1150, 2022-02-20)
public/images/ (0, 2022-02-20)
public/images/Back.png (12609, 2022-02-20)
public/images/Banner.png (45893, 2022-02-20)
public/images/Banner.psd (1238816, 2022-02-20)
public/images/DeSo Banner.png (968127, 2022-02-20)
public/images/ (1203987, 2022-02-20)
public/images/Logo.png (28918, 2022-02-20)
public/images/brainfart.png (32115, 2022-02-20)
public/index.html (568, 2022-02-20)
public/logo192.png (14907, 2022-02-20)
public/logo512.png (34845, 2022-02-20)
public/manifest.json (493, 2022-02-20)
public/robots.txt (67, 2022-02-20)
scripts/ (0, 2022-02-20)
scripts/sample-script.js (386, 2022-02-20)
server/ (0, 2022-02-20)
server/mint-nft.js (1430, 2022-02-20)
server/server.js (351, 2022-02-20)
src/ (0, 2022-02-20)
src/_color-themes.scss (2407, 2022-02-20)
... ...

## What is DeSo? It's a decentralized social platform where users can post their thoughts and images and mint them into NFTs. Built using Gun JS for the decentralized database/authetication and Solidity for the NFT minting smart contracts. The smart contract was then deployed temporarily on the Ropsten, Rinkeby and Polygon testnet. ## How To Run with References
What to Run? ## What to Run? - Run command to compile the smart contracts into ABIs `npx hardhat compile` - Run command when??? `npx hardhat test` - Follow the necessary steps from the link above. Run command after deploying the smart contract onto a network (`rinkeby` in this case, `0x5a951603fDaaBab6e9bC9149c2eCc15b1917E96c` is contract address) `npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby 0x5a951603fDaaBab6e9bC9149c2eCc15b1917E96c ""` - Run command to deploy the smart contract to the network (`rinkeby` in this case). The network name, URL and account can be changed in the `hardhat.config` file. `npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network rinkeby`
Links ## Links - Use link below to validate the NFT with the contract adress `0x5a951603fDaaBab6e9bC9149c2eCc15b1917E96c` and tokenID `5` - Use link below to see transactions related to your contract `0x5a951603fDaaBab6e9bC9149c2eCc15b1917E96c` - Use link below to test stuff - Fleek for deployment - Alchemy for smart contract deployment to network - Pinata for file distribution
## To-Dos
To-Dos ## To-Dos * General - [ ] Ensure each client is able to connect to relay on Heroku - [ ] Add a link to view the NFT on OpenSea - [ ] Add a way to link existing NFTs into a post * Posts - [ ] Commenting - [ ] Need to include nested comments - [ ] Deleting - [ ] Include a group consensus mechanism to delete posts if flagged by enough users - [ ] While adding to reportcount consider the user's trust status to influence reportcount weight - [ ] Remove the post automatically if the report count is X% of the total interactions on the post (including likecount, commentcount etc.) - [ ] Calculate trust score for each user on each interaction and give priority to those in the top 80%th * Login Component - [ ] Can't seem to generate duplicate users with the same username so just ensure that that's the case * NFT - [ ] Update the smart contract to make the paytomint cost flexible (ALSO MAKE IT SO YOU GET PAYED ON PAYTOMINT COMPLETING) - [ ] See if to include additional data in metadata and if you can write other data into blockchain * Completed - [x] Change NFT post styling to make interactions more visible - [x] Check why text-only NFT is including an image - [x] Instead of encrypting only the post text maybe encrypt the whole post? - [x] Fix the sorting order of the posts (Doesn't work sometimes?) - [x] Allow for comment deletion - [x] Search for all of a User's posts and then filter depending on user's public key - [x] Fix how to pull the IPFS hash / API avatar from the data - [x] Check out below link to see potential APIs that can be used to convert text-only posts into images - [x] Check out below link to see how to deploy the site on IPFS - [x] Create a page that makes individual user's content accessible - [x] Maybe use the common User page for the curr User too just including an 'Edit' button - [x] Figure out better way to route the screens - [x] Streamline how the flow works on sign out and sending to '/' path - [x] Allow removal of pfp - [x] Allow upload of new pfp - [x] While the post data gets removed from GUN peers there may still remain images on Pinata - [x] Kinda fixed it by getting an unpin function built on API. Check why it isn't working. - [x] Show react toast to confirm the edits were completed - [x] Also fix how the thing loads at the bottom of the feed instead of top - [x] Find a way to upload text-only posts as NFT (Maybe by using an API to format the text into a picture?) - [x] Include additional data like user's name, email-id and bio. (Make it editable) - [x] Check why SCSS mixins aren't working in Popups - [x] Liking - [x] Also allow unliking - [x] Need to also include the the public key of the user that liked the post and use that to prevent multi liking - [x] Like count increment works - [x] Put delete and share buttons into a popup menu - [x] Check why NFT's images aren't loading on MetaMask/OpenSea - [x] Setup meta data sctructure according to OpenSea guidelines - [x] Include MetaMask wallet login to allow for NFT stuff - [x] Close PostModal when post is pushed - [x] Include basic CRUD operations (maybe no updating since Twitter doesn;t either lmao) - [x] Fixed Create and put data into better format - [x] Reading data correctly - [x] Can Delete posts - [x] Ignoring update for now - [x] Use IPFS for PFP/Image uploads? - [x] Fix the broken initials problem - [x] Kinda shifted from chat to Twitter feed-ish - [x] Include user's pub key in the post along with alias - [x] Fix the posts so that they scroll within the div


