
上传日期:2023-12-05 20:12:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  传统应用程序的功能 React编程。支持JavaSwing,使用Clojure作为主要语言,并将视图视为...
(Functional reactive programing for legacy applications. Supports Java Swing, uses Clojure as the main language, and considers the view as a function of state.)

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src/main/clojure/examples/drag_and_drop.clj (1909, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/drag_and_drop_2.clj (1965, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/greeter.clj (2924, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/greeter_next.clj (4616, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/hello_world.clj (385, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/legacy_app.clj (1651, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/examples/todo.clj (6592, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/ (0, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/algorithms/ (0, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/algorithms/core.clj (3746, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/core.clj (41981, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/next.clj (31427, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing.clj (37376, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/ (0, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/compiled/ (0, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/compiled/jtable.clj (4590, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/compiled/jtree.clj (7547, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/compiled/retroact_invocation_event.clj (320, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/compiled/transferable.clj (1892, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/create_fns.clj (310, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/jcombobox.clj (352, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/jlist.clj (813, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/jtable.clj (1228, 2023-12-05)
src/main/clojure/retroact/swing/jtree.clj (1600, 2023-12-05)
... ...

# Retroact [![GitHub license](]( [![Clojars Project](]( An experiment in creating a React like library in Clojure for Clojure, Java, and Swing. The goal is to make something that can be used in Java and with legacy applications and have it be completely Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). The user interface code is declarative, it is a function of the app state, and the code that initializes and updates the UI is one. This is a pure Clojure implementation and no Java bindings. There may be a future version with a Java API. Though this is an experimental project, it is being used in a production rich internet client application for biological modeling and simulation. Its status will likely be upgraded, as it has matured significantly since the above text was written. ## Unique Contribution Retroact has a couple unique contributions to the software developer community. 1. Retroact is not tied to Swing and was designed from the start to have a modular connection to the underlying toolkit. Therefore, it is easy to add support for other toolkits such as JavaFX, SWT, AWT, etc.. 2. Retroact plays nice with existing legacy application code. The whole point of this project was to allow me to move my work forward into modern programming practices without requiring my clients to pay for a complete rewrite of their existing applications. Hence it is named "Retro"-act. ## The Future 1. Access control of state is planned to provide a better way to limit what components may access what state. The idea is to provide something transparent to components as they access the state and optional to components when they define new nodes/paths in the state tree. This is in contrast to the very limited, sometimes awkward, and sometimes incorrect way access control is handled in programs through OOP encapsulation and procedural scoping. 2. I would like to add JavaFX support using the modular interface for toolkit support and factor out Swing support into another project (say "retroact.swing"). I have no intentions of personally implementing support for toolkits other than Swing and JavaFX, but I hope others will and Retroact should fully support this. 3. Support for custom view languages. The view language is the result of calling the render fn and currently is a native Retroact syntax with keywords derived from the specifics of the underlying toolkit modular interface. This language is verbose and not the most fluent to read, though it is readable. It's possible to have a translation layer for arbitrary view languages to Retroact's native language in Retroact's main loop. In doing so, the components and render fns may work with the higher level view language, and possibly pluggable view languages of the user's choosing. # Dependency ```gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.insilicalabs:retroact:0.2.4' } ``` # Quick Start Here's how to create your own basic app. Alternatively, see [Run](#run) on how to run an example included with Retroact. The following is a basic "Hello World" app that displays a Swing JFrame with the message "Hello World!". ```clojure (defn hello-world-app [] {:component-did-mount (fn component-did-mount [onscreen-component app-ref app-value] (.pack onscreen-component) (.setVisible onscreen-component true)) :render (fn render [app-ref app-value] {:class :frame :on-close :dispose :contents [{:class :label :text "Hello World!"}] })}) ``` Note that there is no reference to Retroact. The app is simply a collection of fns and data. The fns are used by Retroact at different lifecycle stages of the component. This app is a single component app - the app and component are essentially one and the same here. The data (e.g., ":class :frame") is used by Retroact in conjunction with the toolkit interface file. Each toolkit may define different keywords to map to its classes and attributes. Here, ":frame" maps to a "JFrame", but it could very well be ":jframe" or ":foo". It depends on the author of the interface file. Since there is no reference to Retroact, you must be wondering how to run this application. If using the repl, you could run it like this > (require '[retroact.core :as r]) > (r/init-app (hello-world-app)) Notice that `hello-world-app` is a fn. This is useful to prevent evaluation of any values in the map until it's time to actually run the map. It's also useful in case something in the map should be dynamic and depend on a fn argument. However, there is nothing to prevent you from defining the map statically using `def` or some other means. Please remember that the contents of this map are to be treated as a value (that is, immutable). There are a few exceptions to this, but that's for another discussion. Consider the contents immutable, only put immutable things in there, and if something is mutable that you wish to be in there, don't mutate it. That does not mean the result of calling the render fn should return the same value, but those values should be immutable (true Clojure values) or Java Objects where you pledge not to mutate their state. # Run Run the REPL then execute the following to run the greeter-app from the Retroact examples. > (require '[retroact.core :refer :all] :reload-all) > (require '[examples.greeter :refer :all] :reload-all) > (init-app (greeter-app)) # Usage `init-app` only needs to be called once and may be called with a component. More components may be added later with `create-comp`. Generally, components created with `create-comp` are somewhere close to the root if not the root and last for the duration of the app. However, in some exceptional cases - like when transitioning a legacy code base - there may be components that need to be created and destroyed. Components may be destroyed with `destroy-comp`. * `init-app` - initialize Retroact and the current app. Maybe called multiple times if there are multiple apps in the current JVM. * `create-comp` - create a component; generally the root component or component that lasts for the duration of the app. Create as many components as you like, but there probably only needs to be one for a pure Retroact app - the root. All other components are created dynamically by Retroact. * `destroy-comp` - destroy a component; only used in rare cases like with legacy code. ## Legacy Apps The whole point of Retroact is enable the transition of legacy code to a functional reactive programming model. Here are some of the deeper ways in which Retroact supports this. An existing complex component may have part of its state transitioned to Clojure state and updated using FRP. For this example let's assume the component is created during application startup and is destroyed when the application is shutdown (though Retroact supports a component life cycle different from the application runtime). For simplicity, let's say the component is a subclass of `JFrame` and somewhere there is a line of Java code that looks like JFrame myComponent = createMyComponent(); Now this Java object may be saved in your definition of a Retroact component as follows (assuming you know how to get a reference to this Java object in Clojure): ```clojure (defn my-legacy-component [my-component] {:onscreen-component my-component :update-onscreen-component update-my-component :render (fn render-my-component [app-ref app-val] {:title (get-in app-val [:state :title]) :color (get-in app-val [:state :color]}) }) (my-legacy-component myComponent) ``` There are three important differences between this "legacy" component and a standard Retroact component. 1. The `:onscreen-component` is defined. Normally, Retroact manages the life cycle of the onscreen component. In this case we've supplied it and Retroact will use it and _not_ manage the life cycle of the onscreen component. 2. An updater fn is supplied in `:update-onscreen-component`. Retroact has a default updater fn, but when one is supplied Retroact will use the supplied fn instead. The supplied fn will be called _only_ when the result of the render fn has changed and the update fn must apply those updates to the onscreen component. 3. The render fn returns an arbitrary map that is only semantically meaningful to `update-my-component`. This map is not used in other parts of Retroact - unlike the maps for Swing components - except to compare equality to determine if the udpate fn should be called. And so, here is the update fn. ```clojure (defn update-my-component [{:keys [onscreen-component old-view new-view]}] (.setTitle onscreen-component (:title new-view)) (.setBackground onscreen-component (:color new-view))) ``` In this case both attributes are set, but for efficiency and larger components it would be better to compare those attributes in old-view and new-view to see which have actually changed. Also, it is a good practice to not change these attributes anywhere else - as in, do not modify the title or background in the legacy code - and let Retroact manage them. If the legacy code needs to update the title or background color then have it set the appropriate value in the Clojure version of the application state and Retroact will automatically update the component! You may be wondering about the mutability of `myComponent` and the earlier statement about only putting immutable data in Retroact components. This is precisely the exception, but it's also important to note that Retroact is only seeing the reference value and not the object value. Since the component is not changing, the reference value is not changing and, as far as Retroact is concerned, the Retroact component is a _value_, though not in the strictest of senses. ## Handler Fns Handler fns are better specified as named fns rather than anonymous fns. ```clojure :on-action handler ``` is better than ```clojure :on-action (fn [app-ref action-event] ...) ``` This is because the render fn is called every time something changes. An anonymous function will have a different name and id each time and therefore Retroact will see it as a different fn. Retroact will then remove the old handler and add the new one even if the actual code inside is identical. In some cases the attribute may not properly remove the previous fn, though this would be considered a bug. ## Extending Retroact may be extended to support any custom classes (Swing or otherwise) or support Swing classes that are not already supported. Use the `register-comp-type!` fn to register classes (as components) and attribute appliers for those classes. Note that attribute appliers are always global and will work on _all_ components. This may be avoided by specifically checking the instance type within the body of the attribute applier and executing the body only for the desired instance types. To register a component, somewhere in your startup code (before the component is used) run something like ```clojure (register-comp-type! app-ref :my-comp MyComp {:my-attr my-attr-applier-fn}) ``` `:my-comp` and `:my-attr` are arbitrary names for the keys you want to use. A rendered component view with these attribute names will then look like ```clojure {:class :my-comp :my-attr "my attribute value"} ``` `MyComp` is the class name of the component. Optionally a fn may be used that returns a new instance of the component. Fns have the advantage of receiving the view (as seen above) and may take attributes or other information from that view to use in the constructor. When a change in an attribute value requires recreating the instance then that must be specified during the `register-comp-type!` call with ```clojure (register-comp-type! app-ref :my-comp MyComp {:my-attr {:recreate [MyComp]}}) ``` The above will always recreate `MyComp` instances when `:my-attr` changes. It will not affect other instance types. Add more classes to the `:recreate` vector if you wish other instance types to be recreated also. Remember, the attribute applier works on all instance types! Though, this will only affect components created using `app-ref` as the app state in `create-comp`. Here's an example that adds `JLabel`, which is already supported, but this is what it could look like. ```clojure (register-comp-type! app-ref :name-label JLabel {:name-text (fn [c ctx name] (.setText c (str "Name: " name))])}) ``` Be careful not to override existing attribute appliers. See `retroact.swing` for a list of appliers for Swing. One way to reliably avoid this is to namespace your keys using `::` (two colons) or by explicity specifying the namespace. None of the default Retroact keys are namespaced. Same for the class name key. ### Appliers In Depth Attribute appliers, in their simplest form, are fns that know how to set the value of the attribute on the onscreen component. There are many cases where a simple function won't do, therefore, attribute appliers may also be a map with more details on how they should work. There are three basic types of appliers: fn applier, component applier, and children applier. * fn applier - assumes the attribute is a "simple" value like a string, integer, color, point, etc.. Note that some of these are objects, but they are small, easy to recreate, and usually immutable. * component applier - assumes the attribute points to a heavier weight component that has attributes of its own. This is a nested component and will have a map in the rendered view to represent _its_ attributes. The attributes will be recursively applied and the component will not be recreated or discarded. * children applier - assumes the attribute points to a list or array of components that must be managed. The rendered view will be a vector of maps where each map represents a component. Here are some examples of the specification and usage of each type of applier. ```clojure ; specification {:fn-applier attr-setter-fn :fn-applier-alternate {:fn attr-setter2-fn} :component-applier {:set set-component-fn :get get-component-fn} :children-applier {:get-child-at get-child-at-fn :add-new-child-at add-new-child-at-fn :get-existing-children get-existing-children-fn :remove-child-at remove-child-at-fn}} ; usage (defn render-fn [app-ref app-val] {:class :my-comp :fn-applier "bar" :fn-applier-alternate "foo" :component-applier {:class :label :text "World"} :children-applier [{:class :label :text "Hello"}]}) ``` See `retroact.swing` for complete examples of the implementations of the different types. Each applier map may also contain `:recreate` and `:deps` for further functionality. A map with only `:recreate` will only affect recreation of an instance when the attribute changes and will have no way to actually set the value of the attribute on an existing instance. This is the case for some classes (`FileNameExtensionFilter` for instance). `:deps` specifies the keys for other attribute appliers that must run before the current one. Like the `:selected-index` applier for `:tabbed-pane` (`JTabbedPane`). It must run _after_ the `:contents` have been updated otherwise the selected index may not exist. #### Update On Change Appliers are _not_ run unless the value returned by the render fn has changed. In particular, the _value of the attribute_ must have changed since it was last set. There are some things to consider here. One is that the component ought not be modified outside Retroact because Retroact will have no way to know the component state has changed. If the component state is changed by the user (like the value of a `JTextField`) then you'll have to update that value in the app state as the user changes it if that attribute applier is being used. If the `:text` attribute applier is not being used then it's possible to just get the value of the `JTextField` as necessary (e.g., in a handler). Infinite loops (updates) may occur if the app state is being updated from the onscreen component and the onscreen component is being updated from the app state. One particularly difficult situation is when the value of the onscreen component is behind the app state and an event is queued for updating the app state the same time an event is queued to update the onscreen component from the app state. This can cause the state to bounce between two values. Usually, these loops do not occur, but they may occur when the onscreen component state and the app state are being synced and the onscreen component state may be directly modified by the user. In such cases, checking if a modification came from the user (mouse or key event) can break the loop. Here's code I've used to do this check. ```clojure (defn user-initiated? [] (let [cause (EventQueue/getCurrentEvent)] (or (instance? MouseEvent cause) (instance? KeyEvent cause)))) ``` This isn't foolproof, but it works in many cases. ## Side Effects Retroact has support for side effects, but be careful. Somethings should _not_ be side effects. Here's a few examples of things that should be side effects: * making a network call to send an email * starting a long running task to calculate something complex * making an asynchronous network call to load data Some of these things may just be started inside a handler function and not need Retroact's side effect support. Some things that are _not_ side effects: * expanding a tree node after the user clicks a button * updating a selection * clearing text in a text field after a dialog "Ok" button is pressed All of these should be encoded in the application state and the view should be rendered from that state as a function of the state. So if the expansion of a tree node is to happen in response to the user clicking a button, then the application should _update the application state_ in response to the user clicking a button. The view will then automatically expand the tree node using the appropriate applier. The application will, of course, have to specify the applier in the appropriate render fn and reference the application state that holds the tree node expansion values. If the appropriate applier does not exist, then you may write one. They are easy enough to write and will maintain the ease of a declarative view and the view-is-a-function-of-the-state paradigm. Everything will be easier this way. # Internals When the app-ref (application state) changes, Retroact has a watch on that ref, which responds by updating the view. The watch does so by enqueueing a request to update the view on a channel specific to the app-ref. The chan has a sliding buffer so that only the latest update is performed. Since the view is a function of the state it does not matter what the previous value of the state was, only the current value matters. The old value from the watch is not transmitted to the update view code because it may have no relevance since the 1 element sliding buffer of the app-ref's chan will discard some values of app-ref before they ever get rendered. Therefor, the value of app-ref, or more importantly the rendered view, is saved with the onscreen component. This can then be retrieved as the old value of the rendered view for comparison to see what ... ...


