
上传日期:2023-12-06 12:16:55
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![Laravel Users]( # Laravel Users | A Laravel Users CRUD Management [Package]( A Users Management CRUD [Package]( that includes all necessary routes, views, models, and controllers for a user management dashboard and associated pages for managing Laravels built in user scaffolding. Easily start creating, updating, editing, and deleting users in minutes with minimal setup required; Easily search all users, helpful for large user bases. [![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![Travis-CI Build](]( [![StyleCI](]( [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](]( [![License: MIT](]( Become a Patreon #### Table of contents - [About](#about) - [Features](#features) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Integrations](#integrations) - [Installation Instructions](#installation-instructions) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Routes](#routes) - [Screenshots](#screenshots) - [File Tree](#file-tree) - [Opening an Issue](#opening-an-issue) - [License](#license) ### Features | Laravel Users Features | | :------------ | |Full CRUD of Laravel Users| |Works with built in [auth scaffolding](| |Works with various [Roles/ACL Packages](| |Uses [Language localization]( File System| |Uses [font awesome](, cdn can be optionally called in config| |Can use built in [pagination]( and/or [datatables.js](| |Can search all users by name, id, or email| |Lots of [configuration](#configuration) options| ### Requirements * [Laravel 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, 7, or 8+]( ### Integrations Laravel users can work out the box with or without the following roles packages: * [jeremykenedy/laravel-roles]( * [Zizaco/entrust]( * [romanbican/roles]( * [ultraware/roles]( ### Installation Instructions 1. From your projects root folder in terminal run: Laravel 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, 7, and 8+ use: ``` composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users ``` Laravel 5.5 use: ``` composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users:2.0.2 ``` Laravel 5.4 use: ``` composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users:1.4.0 ``` Laravel 5.3 use: ``` composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users:1.3.0 ``` Laravel 5.2 use: ``` composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users:1.2.0 ``` 2. Register Package * Laravel 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, 7, 8+ Uses package auto discovery feature, no need to edit the `config/app.php` file. * Laravel 5.4 and below Register the package with laravel in `config/app.php` under `providers` with the following: ``` Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider::class, jeremykenedy\laravelusers\LaravelUsersServiceProvider::class, ``` 3. Register the dependencies aliases * Laravel 5.5 and up Uses package auto discovery feature, no need to edit the `config/app.php` file. * Laravel 5.4 and below In `config/app.php` section under `aliases` with the following: ``` 'Form' => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class, 'Html' => Collective\Html\HtmlFacade::class, ``` 4. Publish the package config and language files by running the following from your projects root folder: ``` php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelusers ``` ### Configuration Laravel Users can be configured directly in [`/config/laravelusers.php`]( once you publish the assets. ```php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Laravel-users setting |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // The parent blade file 'laravelUsersBladeExtended' => '', // '' // Enable `auth` middleware 'authEnabled' => true, // Enable Optional Roles Middleware on the users assignments 'rolesEnabled' => false, /* | Enable Roles Middlware on the usability of this package. | This requires the middleware from the roles package to be registered in `App\Http\Kernel.php` | An Example: of roles middleware entry in protected `$routeMiddleware` array would be: | 'role' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Middleware\VerifyRole::class, */ 'rolesMiddlwareEnabled' => true, // Optional Roles Middleware 'rolesMiddlware' => 'role:admin', // Optional Role Model 'roleModel' => 'jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Role', // Enable Soft Deletes - Not yet setup - on the roadmap. 'softDeletedEnabled' => false, // Laravel Default User Model 'defaultUserModel' => 'App\User', // Use the provided blade templates or extend to your own templates. 'showUsersBlade' => '', 'createUserBlade' => 'laravelusers::usersmanagement.create-user', 'showIndividualUserBlade' => '', 'editIndividualUserBlade' => 'laravelusers::usersmanagement.edit-user', // Use Package Bootstrap Flash Alerts 'enablePackageBootstapAlerts' => true, // Users List Pagination 'enablePagination' => true, 'paginateListSize' => 25, // Enable Search Users- Uses jQuery Ajax 'enableSearchUsers' => true, // Users List JS DataTables - not recommended use with pagination 'enabledDatatablesJs' => false, 'datatablesJsStartCount' => 25, 'datatablesCssCDN' => '', 'datatablesJsCDN' => '', 'datatablesJsPresetCDN' => '', // Bootstrap Tooltips 'tooltipsEnabled' => true, 'enableBootstrapPopperJsCdn' => true, 'bootstrapPopperJsCdn' => '', // Icons 'fontAwesomeEnabled' => true, 'fontAwesomeCdn' => '', // Extended blade options for packages app.blade.php 'enableBootstrapCssCdn' => true, 'bootstrapCssCdn' => '', 'enableAppCss' => true, 'appCssPublicFile' => 'css/app.css', 'enableBootstrapJsCdn' => true, 'bootstrapJsCdn' => '', 'enableAppJs' => true, 'appJsPublicFile' => 'js/app.js', 'enablejQueryCdn' => true, 'jQueryCdn' => '', ``` ### Routes * ```/users``` * ```/users/{id}``` * ```/users/create``` * ```/users/{id}/edit``` ###### Routes In-depth | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware | | :-------- | :--------------------- | :--------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------- | | GET/HEAD | users | users | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@index | web,auth | | POST | users | | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@store | web,auth | | GET/HEAD | users/create | users.create | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@create | web,auth | | GET/HEAD | users/{user} | | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@show | web,auth | | DELETE | users/{user} | user.destroy | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@destroy | web,auth | | PUT/PATCH | users/{user} | users.update | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@update | web,auth | | GET/HEAD | users/{user}/edit | users.edit | jeremykenedy\laravelusers\app\Http\Controllers\UsersManagementController@edit | web,auth | ### Required Packages (included in this package) * [laravelcollective/html]( ### Screenshots ![Show Users]( ![Show User]( ![Edit User]( ![Edit User Password]( ![Create User]( ![Create User Modal]( ![Delete User Modal]( ![Error Create]( ![Error Update]( ![Error Delete]( ### File Tree ```bash laravel-users/ ├── .env.travis ├── .gitignore ├── .travis.yml ├── LICENSE ├── composer.json ├── phpunit.xml ├── └── src ├── App │ └── Http │ └── Controllers │ └── UsersManagementController.php ├── LaravelUsersFacade.php ├── LaravelUsersServiceProvider.php ├── config │ └── laravelusers.php ├── resources │ ├── lang │ │ └── en │ │ ├── app.php │ │ ├── forms.php │ │ ├── laravelusers.php │ │ └── modals.php │ └── views │ ├── layouts │ │ └── app.blade.php │ ├── modals │ │ ├── modal-delete.blade.php │ │ └── modal-save.blade.php │ ├── partials │ │ ├── bs-visibility-css.blade.php │ │ ├── form-status.blade.php │ │ ├── search-users-form.blade.php │ │ └── styles.blade.php │ ├── scripts │ │ ├── check-changed.blade.php │ │ ├── datatables.blade.php │ │ ├── delete-modal-script.blade.php │ │ ├── save-modal-script.blade.php │ │ ├── search-users.blade.php │ │ ├── toggleText.blade.php │ │ └── tooltips.blade.php │ └── usersmanagement │ ├── create-user.blade.php │ ├── edit-user.blade.php │ ├── show-user.blade.php │ └── show-users.blade.php └── routes └── web.php ``` * Tree command can be installed using brew: `brew install tree` * File tree generated using command `tree -a -I '.git|node_modules|vendor|storage|tests'` ### Opening an Issue Before opening an issue there are a couple of considerations: * You are all awesome! * **Read the instructions** and make sure all steps were *followed correctly*. * **Check** that the issue is not *specific to your development environment* setup. * **Provide** *duplication steps*. * **Attempt to look into the issue**, and if you *have a solution, make a pull request*. * **Show that you have made an attempt** to *look into the issue*. * **Check** to see if the issue you are *reporting is a duplicate* of a previous reported issue. * **Following these instructions show me that you have tried.** * If you have a questions send me an email to * Need some help, I can do my best on Slack: * Please be considerate that this is an open source project that I provide to the community for FREE when opening an issue. ### License Laravel Users | A Laravel Users Management Package is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license]( Enjoy!


