
上传日期:2023-12-08 18:26:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一款惊险的跑酷游戏,向玩家挑战未来的灵活性和时间扭曲机制。掌握跳墙,利用抓钩...
(A thrilling parkour game that challenges players with futuristic agility and time-warping mechanics. Master wall jumps, utilize grappling guns, and manipulate time to navigate through intricate levels.)

# Temporal-Rift A thrilling parkour game that challenges players with futuristic agility and time-warping mechanics. Master wall jumps, utilize grappling guns, and manipulate time to navigate through diverse and challenging levels while dodging relentless enemies and obstacles. Confront hazards, solve puzzles, and uncover the mysteries of a unique world where precision and speed are paramount. Are you ready to embark on this heart-pounding journey through the Temporal Rift? # File Structure Game exe is present in the GameExe folder, double click on `Temporal Rift.exe` to play the game. # Basic Controls - **Movement:** W, A, S, D - **Jump:** Space - **Wall Jump:** - Use Space to jump on the wall - Control direction with the mouse - No need to use WASD keys; only mouse and Space for wall jumping - **Time Slow:** - Long press “E” to slow down time - Counter on the screen displays the time slowdown limit - **Grappling Gun:** - Keep pressing Left click on the mouse to use the grappling gun - Works only on grappling platforms - Use "E" to slow time down, aim at the grappler, and then fire - **Portals:** - Portals present at the end of each level - Use them to transition from one level to another - **Skip Level:** - If unable to cross a level, press “L” to skip to the next level - **Pause:** - Press “Esc” to pause the game - Press “Esc” again to resume the game For more information about the gameplay and its storyline refer to the Game design document attached above. # Unity Code The unity code source is uploaded on onedrive due to its size being larger then 2GB. The link to the onedrive is given below: https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/naval_s_research_iiit_ac_in/EeQkJyzOeLtDg1G52l-u550BFla1WvuZLZ35MtVByWb6JA?e=SbhXYe


