
上传日期:2023-12-20 12:14:16
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Aroved Wellness是一个为水疗业主量身定制的网站,提供了一个复杂的平台来展示水疗服务。存储库包括前端代码,突出显示特定于水疗中心的用户友好界面、响应式设计和交互式元素等功能。
(Aroved Wellness is a website tailored for spa owners, offering a sophisticated platform to showcase spa services. The repository includes the frontend code, highlighting features like a spa-specific user-friendly interface, responsive design, and interactive elements.)


# Aroved Wellness Welcome to Aroved Wellness, a website I designed and developed. This platform is dedicated to promoting wellness and providing valuable information to users. ## Technologies Used - **HTML**: Used for structuring the content of the website. - **CSS**: Employed to style and enhance the visual appeal of the website. - **JavaScript (JS)**: Implemented for dynamic and interactive features on the site. - **SQL**: Utilized for database management and data retrieval. - **PHP**: Employed for server-side scripting and dynamic content generation. ## Frameworks and Libraries - **Splide**: A powerful and flexible slider/carousel framework. - **GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)**: Used for creating smooth animations and transitions. - **Font Awesome Icon Pack**: A comprehensive collection of icons for a visually appealing user interface. - **Fancybox**: A tool for creating elegant lightbox pop-ups for images and other media. - **jQuery**: Simplifies DOM manipulation and event handling. ## Website Preview Visit the live website: [Aroved Wellness]( ## Features - **Responsive Design**: Ensuring a seamless experience across various devices. - **Interactive Animations**: Created using GSAP to enhance user engagement. - **Dynamic Content**: PHP and SQL integration for personalized and up-to-date information. - **User-Friendly Interface**: Utilized Font Awesome icons for intuitive navigation. - **Image Gallery with Fancybox**: Providing a visually appealing way to showcase images. ## Note - This repository only includes the frontend code for demonstration purposes. The backend code is not included for security reasons. - This README is intended for demonstration purposes and may not accurately reflect the details of the actual website. For the latest information and updates, please visit the live website: [Aroved Wellness](


