
上传日期:2023-12-21 08:38:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于研究微服务、领域驱动设计和函数编程的社交网络平台项目
(A social-network platform project for studying microservices, domain-driven design, and functional programming)


# social-network Pet project built to learn microservices architecture ## Project structure of each microservice Example with sample service, each service contains 1 or more modules, each module is correspoding to 1 aggregate. In each module, it will be divided into 4 layer - api - application - domain - infrastructure ### Domain layer This layer contains the application's business rules. - entities, aggregate root - domain events - value objects - domain errors - types - ports ### Application layer This layer contains - command handler: used for state-changing actions - queries handler: is retrieval operation and should not make any state changes - event handler: handle event that is publish from other part of a service - dtos ### Infrastructure layer This layer is responsible for encapsulating technology, including implementations of database repositories for storing/retrieving business entities, message brokers to emit messages/events, I/O services to access external resources, framework related code and any other code that represents a replaceable detail for the architecture. ### Api This layer prodives - Http controller to handle http request from user - Message controller to handle message command from other service - Event controller to handle event that it subcribes ## Running sample service in backend folder, to install all dependencies run ``` npm i ``` run docker compose to setup mysql database ``` docker compose up ``` init migration by prisma, (run sql file to generate prisma client and syncronize database) ``` npx prisma migrate dev --schema=./prisma/sample/schema.prisma ``` run sample service ``` nx serve sample-service ```


