
上传日期:2023-12-23 14:01:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Starvania Studio的编程评估
(Programming Assesment for Starvania Studio)


# SV TopDown Programming Assesment for Starvania Studio Unity Version: 2022.3.4f1 Systems Description: IDamageable (interface): Defines the TakeDamage function PlayerData scriptable object, stores the following data: - Max Health - Current Health - Max Mana - Current Mana - Mana regen rate - Attack Cooldown PlayerController: - Refrences PlayerData scriptable object - Implements IDamagable - Tracks health and send death event - Takes care of refilling the mana PlayerHUD: - Refrences PlayerData scriptable object - Updates health and mana bars - Updates current key count Finite State Machine - States: - Idle State: waits a random amount of time between a given min and max - Patrol State: picks a random position within a certain range of spawn, and moves towards it - Pulled State: moves to towards player position at a given speed - Player Detected State: Orients towards player position and fires a projectile Entity: Enemy AI controller. Implements IDamageable Defines player detection functions used by diffrent states LevelEventChannel: - Scriptable object channel that allows communication between scripts via events - Defined events: OnPlayerDeath, OnKeyPickedUp and OnPlayerRespawn Character Movement: moves rigidbody given a movement direction. - Variables: - Move Speed - Velocity smoothing - Knockback speed Projectille Controller: spawns the referenced projectile prefab Projectile: - Variables: - Speed - Damage Respawn Controller: listens to OnPlayerRespawn event, and repawns player at a given location Pickup base class: defines a virtual pickup method Key Pickup (implements pickup base): Refrences a KeyData scriptable object. On pickup sets the HasBeenPickedUp value of its KeyData object to true Health Pickup (implements pickup base): On pickup heals the player. - Variables: - Heal amount Door: Refrences a KeyData scriptable object. Allows player to open the door if the HasBeenPickedUp value of its KeyData object is set to true.


