
上传日期:2023-12-23 16:45:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  生命太短,无法进行Bash编程
(Life is too short for Bash programming)


A starter project to build command-line tools in Kotlin Multiplatform Contains a re-implementation of a real world CLI tool: [git-standup](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/git-standup) jmfayard_kotlin-cli-starter__Life_is_too_short_for_Bash_programming_and_Telegram_and_GitHub_Desktop ## Installation You can install using one of the options listed below | Source | Command | | --- | --- | | Node | npm install -g kotlin-cli-starter | Installer | `curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/main/installer.sh \| sudo sh` | | Tests | `./gradlew allTests` | | Kotlin All Platforms | Run `./gradlew allRun` | | Kotlin JVM | Run `./gradlew run` | | Kotlin Native | Run `./gradlew install` then `$ git standup` | | Kotlin Node.JS | Run `./gradlew jsNodeRun` | ## Why? Being able to write your own command-line tools is a great skill to have. Automate all the things! You can write the CLI tools in Kotlin and reap the benefits of using - a modern programming language - modern IDE support - modern practices such as unit testing and continuous integration - leverage Kotlin multiplatform libraries - run your code on the JVM and benefit from a wealth of Java libraries - or build a native executable, which starts very fast and can be deployed on a computer without the JVM My strong opinion - weakly held - is that there are only two good kind of Bash scripts: - the ones that are five lines long or less - the ones that are written and maintained by others ## Work in progress We want to support Windows, publish on Homebrew and simplify support of shell completion. Look at the issues https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/issues ## What the template contains The template - can be run - with Kotlin/Native via `$ ./gradlew install` and then `git-standup` - on the JVM with `$ ./gradlew run` - on Node.JS with `$ ./gradlew jsNodeRun`. The package is published on https://www.npmjs.com/package/kotlin-cli-starter - has tests that can also be run both - natively `$ ./gradlew nativeTest` - on the JVM `$ ./gradlew desktopTest` - on Node.js `$ ./gradlew jsTest` - has continuous integration powered by GitHub actions. The code and the tests are run both on native and on the JVM, both on Ubuntu and macOS. See [.github/workflows/runOnGitHub.yml](https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/blob/main/.github/workflows/runOnGitHub.yml) - includes those libraries - [ktor-client](https://ktor.io/docs/getting-started-ktor-client.html) to make HTTP calls - _Note: only in the branch ktor-client_ See https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/issues/15 - [Okio multiplatform](https://square.github.io/okio/multiplatform/) allows reading and writing files - [kotlin.test](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/kotlin.test/) for multi-platform testing - [CliKt](https://github.com/ajalt/clikt) which parses the command-line arguments in a typesafe way and automatically generates the help and Bash/Zsh/Fish auto-completion - [mordant](https://github.com/ajalt/mordant) to have colors and styles in the terminal - [kotlinx.serialization](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization) which provides Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization - [kotlinx.coroutines](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines) - [gradle refreshVersions](https://jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions/) to simplify dependency management - contains a work-around of the [missing `runBlocking { ... }` in commonTests](https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/issues/9) - contains an API to work with Files and execute shell subcommands. kotlin-cli-starter_–_nativeMain_…_Files_kt__kotlin-cli-starter_nativeMain__and_GitHub_Desktop_and_kamranahmedse_git-standup__Recall_what_you_did_on_the_last_working_day__Psst__or_be_nosy_and_find_what_someone_else_in_your_team_did__-_ ## The template reimplements `git-standup` The template reimplements [`git-standup`](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/git-standup) so that you can learn and find inspiration from a real world example. Simply run it in and it will give you the output from the last working day Open a directory having multiple repositories and run ```shell $ ./gradlew install $ git standup ``` ![git standup](http://i.imgur.com/4xmkA49.gif) This will show you all your commits since the last working day in all the repositories inside. There is auto-completion to see the options jmfayard_jmfayard____Downloads_and_kotlin-cli-starter_–_README_md__kotlin-cli-starter__and_README_·_Issue__7_·_jmfayard_kotlin-cli-starter ```shell git standup --help Usage: git-standup [OPTIONS] Recall what you did on the last working day ..or be nosy and find what someone else did. Options: --generate-completion [bash|zsh|fish] -a, --author TEXT Specify author to restrict search to -b, --branch TEXT Specify branch to restrict search to (unset: all branches, "$remote/$branch" to include fetches) [... and much more options....] Examples: git-standup -a "John Doe" -w "MON-FRI" -m 3 ``` ## CUSTOMIZE_ME So are you ready to write your own command-line tool? Have you an idea of what you want to write yet? You can find some inspiration in [15 Command Line Tools which Spark Joy in Your Terminal ](https://dev.to/jmfayard/15-command-line-tools-which-spark-joy-in-your-terminal-45ln) Then click on [Use this GitHub template](https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/generate) There are comments starting with [**CUSTOMIZE_ME**](https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter/search?q=CUSTOMIZE_ME) in all places you need to customize Find them with `Edit > File > Find in Files` ## Built with kotlin-cli-starter - [git-standup](https://github.com/jmfayard/kotlin-cli-starter) - [httpie.kt](https://github.com/raychenon/httpie.kt) - ... _Have you used the template to build something? Please advertise it here_


