上传日期:2023-12-25 12:58:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  AMMO新闻中心是一个单页应用程序(SPA),使用Django开发用于基于模型的web API,使用Vue Vite开发用于 React前端。该应用程序允许用户浏览新闻文章、评论文章和管理他们的个人资料,包括选择最喜欢的新闻类别。
(AMMO News Hub is a Single Page Application (SPA) developed using Django for the model-based web API and Vue Vite for the reactive frontend. The application allows users to browse news articles, comment on articles, and manage their profiles, including selecting favorite news categories.)


# **AMMO News Hub** ## **Project Overview** AMMO News Hub is a Single Page Application (SPA) developed using Django for the model-based web API and Vue/Vite for the reactive frontend. The application allows users to browse news articles, comment on articles, and manage their profiles, including selecting favorite news categories. ### **Key Features** - User account creation, login, and logout using Django's authentication framework. - Custom User model including fields for profile image, email, and date of birth. - Profile page where users can edit their details and profile pictures via Ajax. - News articles categorized into sections like Sports, World News, Finance, etc. - Users can select their favorite news categories in their profile, filtering the articles shown to them. - Commenting system on news articles, with options to reply, edit, and delete comments. - Both frontend and backend support static type checking with TypeScript and Python type annotations, respectively. ### **Technologies Used** - **Backend**: Django 4.2, Python 3.10 - **Frontend**: Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, TypeScript - **Database**: SQLite (development), PostgreSQL (production) - **Other Tools**: Git, npm, Conda --- ## **Deployment** The application has been deployed to EECS's OpenShift platform. You can access it at the following URL: [Group 50 AMMO News Hub Link]( ### **Admin Access** - **Username**: admin - **Password**: [admin] ### **Test Users** 1. **Username**: marco | **Password**: [testpass1] 2. **Username**: abbas | **Password**: [testpass1] 3. **Username**: oryna | **Password**: [testpass1] 4. **Username**: milena | **Password**: [testpass1] 5. **Username**: john | **Password**: [testpass1] --- ## **Local Development** Follow these steps to run the project on your local machine: 1. **Set Up the Conda Environment**: **`conda create --name ammoenv python=3.10`** 2. **Activate the Environment**: **`conda activate ammoenv`** 3. **Install Python Dependencies**: **`pip install -r requirements.txt`** 4. **Create and Migrate Database**: **`python migrate`** 5. **Install JavaScript Dependencies**: Navigate to 'frontend' folder and run **`npm install`** 6. **Run the Vue Server**: In a separate terminal, navigate to 'frontend' and run **`npm run dev`** 7. **Run the Django Server**: **`python runserver`** 8. **Access the Application**: Open a browser and navigate to **`http://localhost:8000`** ## **Contributors** - [Abbas Alibhai - ec20660]( - Responsible for creating the Profile Page and its and its subsequent functionality, including the uploading of images to the backend. Also assisted in deployment. - [Marco Giovanni Solari - ec20333]( - Responsible for creating Main Articles page and its subsequent functionality, and filtering news based on the user's favourite categories. Also assisted in deployment. - [Milena Serych - ec211006]( - Responsible for database modelling and backend setup as well as setting up the Login and Registration pages and functionality. Also assisted in styling. - [Oryna Goichuk - ec20251]( - Responsible for the detailed Article page and its subsequent functionality, as well as creating the Commenting and Replying functionality. Also assisted in styling.


