
上传日期:2023-12-25 04:00:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种微小的可视化编程语言。
(A tiny visual programming language.)


# signalcraft A tiny visual programming language. ![art/fui-e.jpg]( ## Usage CTRL+Click on caption or cable will select it. ## TODO - add boolean math for this.el.EditorValue to hide text overflow, currently substr is in place - give view/menu/Dropdown.js .setData() support and make it generic - finish load() in API - break up Line in preparation for more UI complexity as onmouseDown foreignObject magic is introduced - Ensure foreignObject data fields are created OnClick - on mouse over indicate that the propery is editable by shifting the background color - on mouse down create the foreignObject data editor, and on mouse leave (of xhtml field) destroy the edit field - upon completion, ensure the value is clearly displayed where the foreignObject field was ### Bug Fix - No bugs atm ### Urgent! - Instead of centering nodes on add (which calls for rendering and measuring, and thus EventEmitter) allow drag and drop from the toolbox, allowing user to pick the position - Add File > Save - Add File > Load - Finish Toolbox - Add Property Pane - Live Data Output Bottom Debugger - Add minimal previews to nodes (string, number color, etc...) - Drag Connecting lines between entire Line.js not just Port, it is easier to hit the target - default action for drag should be selection manager not panning, see NodeRED - Prefer Api usage over manually interacting with collections: search for [A-Z][a-z]+\.create and replace with API methods ### Main - When deleting a Junction between two other junction reconnect them, investigate reconnecting of nodes as well - Cable Type Sensitivity - Should be type sensitive numbers, strings, objects. - Input/Output Line where both I/O ports visually align for neat programs (Line.js) - ForeignObjects in ZUI Mode - Give TODOM multiple code generation profiles - Node Property Editor (YAML First) - Add A Game Like Tutorial with Achievement unlocked - documentaion must state that use cannot create id and type named fields on a node as those are reserved ### Unsure - LOD: on scale 2+ show string preview in Line via FOreignObject - Add Node Selection Manager (maybe groups, maybe lasso select with boolean math) - Add Node Search And Canvas Scroll - consider bounds padding to become a [0, 3, [0], [3]] with top right, bottom left like in CSS - too hard to click on caption, at certain scale make the entire node draggable? - Drag Cable at any point to take over XY of destination? - Node Alignment, Aligh Tops of Nodes (via shortcut key) ## How It Works - you define node types first - then create a view, which is a UI, an SVG - then you addNode(type) the view will update to show that node - then you linkNodes to create a flow (see src/usage.js) - then you .run(node), you have to specify a node you want to spider up and execute payload on ## How It Really Works - System Is Reactive, Full Time Travel - When defining Types, you really just specify Input Dots and Reply Dots. - Input is the Property of a Node that you can link to - Reply is the Function of a Node that gets executed via a downstream node - Nodes are decorated as Panels - Edges are decorated as Cables - Reactivity Links everything together. ### Current State ![art/fui-d.jpg]( ![art/fui-c.jpg]( ![art/fui-b.jpg]( ![art/fui-a.jpg]( ![art/fui-z.jpg]( ![art/fui-y.jpg]( ![art/fui-x.jpg]( ### Design Ideas ![art/fui-11.jpg]( ![art/fui-10.jpg]( ![art/fui-9.jpg]( ![art/fui-8.jpg]( ![art/fui-7.jpg]( ![art/fui-6.jpg]( ![art/fui-5.jpg]( ![art/fui-4.jpg]( ![art/fui-3.jpg]( ![art/fui-2.jpg]( ![art/fui-1.jpg]( ![art/fui-0.jpg]( ### Notes ```JavaScript // centering a node, it requires an even emitter trigerring "rendered" and then measuring width and height of the rendered node // using the calculation below as base, but then setting CX/XY (centerX, centerY) by substracting half with/height from below // this means that cx/cy calls for use of event emitter, good idea but too early in development atm. x: (0-this.view.transform.x+((this.view.svg.getBoundingClientRect().width/2)))/this.view.transform.scale, y: (0-this.view.transform.y+((this.view.svg.getBoundingClientRect().width/2)))/this.view.transform.scale ```


