
上传日期:2023-12-26 06:58:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  链永续交易平台apollox设置SDK
(SDK for setting apollox on chain perpetual trading platform)


# ApolloX Broker Web SDK - You still can use v1 trade sdk . [Go to v1.0]( - How to migration from v1 to v2. [Go to migration guide](./ - [Permissionless DEX Engine Product Introduction](./ - [AWS Onboarding Process](#aws-onboarding-process) - [Download the Latest SDK](#download-the-latest-sdk-v200) - [Configs](#configs) - [Events](#events) - [Proxy Setup](#proxy-setuponly-if-you-change-the-api-domain-in-sdk) - [FAQ](#faq) ## AWS Onboarding Process We take AWS service as an example to demostrate the whole process that you can get onboarded. You can use other service on other cloud platform of course. Before we start, make sure you set up AWS CLI []( ### Step1. Upload SDK Download the latest version of SDK zip file in [Releases]( Unzip the file and upload those 2 folders(static, sdk) to AWS S3 space. ```sh wget # download zip file from github unzip # unzip the zip file aws s3 mb s3://apx-s3-test # create s3 bucket: apx-s3-test # upload sdk folder to s3, and grant to all user aws s3 sync ./sdk s3://apx-s3-test/sdk --grants read=uri= # upload static folder to s3, and grant to all user aws s3 sync ./static s3://apx-s3-test/static --grants read=uri= ``` ### Step2. Initialize SDK ```sh # initialize npm and packages npm init npm install local-web-server ``` create `lws.config.js` and paste below ```js module.exports = { rewrite: [ { from: "/bapi/(.*)", to: "$1", }, { from: "/fapi/(.*)", to: "$1", }, { from: "/cloud-futures/(.*)", to: "$1", }, { from: "/api/(.*)", to: "$1", }, ], directory: "./", logFormat: "stats", }; ``` Create a index.html(can be skipped if you already have) Import the static files that you just uploaded and init the trading page. ```html My Futures Exchange
``` Then, run the local server and open[](, you will see your exchange website is ready! ``` ./node_modules/.bin/ws --port 3333 ``` ### Step3.Deploy Deploy the index.html to AWS sever under your domain. Now, you can visit trading page. ```sh aws s3 cp ./index.html s3://apx-s3-test/index.html --grants read=uri= ``` ## Download the Latest SDK You can find SDK in the release list Releases list: [](, and download the latest zip file ![download-link](./docs/images/download-link-v2.png) ## Usage Unzip the file and upload those 2 folders to your CDN. ![static-and-sdk-folder](./docs/images/static-and-sdk-folder-v2.png) Import `sdk.js` and initialize SDK. ```html My Futures Exchange
``` ## Configs ```ts type Config = { staticBaseUrl: string; apiBaseUrl: string; graphqlTemplateUrl?: string, brandName?: string; brokerId: number; i18nBaseUrl: string; configBaseUrl: string; enableThemeToggle?: boolean; isTestnet?: boolean; supportNetworks?: SupportedNetwork[]; supportLanguages?: SupportedLanguage[]; headerConfig: HeaderConfig; shareImgFolder?: string; loadingImage?: LoadingImage; notificationPosition?: NotificationPosition; defaultTheme?: "dark" | "light"; fontFamily?: string; fontUrl?: string; customCssUrl?: string; }; ``` ### staticBaseUrl the base url of your static files, for example: the complete url of um_futures.{version}.html would be: `${staticBaseUrl}um_futures.{version}.html` ### apiBaseUrl the base url of the api calls, for example: `${apiBaseUrl}/fapi/v1/exchangeInfo` ### brandName the brand name of customer ### brokerId will be used when user open position, recorded on the chain ### i18nBaseUrl the i18n base url ### configBaseUrl the config base url ### supportNetworks default is ['bnb'] ```ts export type SupportedNetwork = "bnb"; ``` ### supportLanguages default is all languages ```ts export type SupportedLanguage = | "de" | "uk-UA" | "ru" | "fr" | "zh-CN" | "ko" | "zh-TW" | "pt-BR" | "en" | "es" | "es-LA" | "th" | "ja" | "pl" | "tr"; ``` ### headerConfig the config to set up header ```ts // all navTo support `%lng%` placeholder, can be relpaced with language type MenuItem = { text: string | Record; navTo: string; navTarget?: "_blank" | "_parent"; // default '_blank', the target attribute if element, see }; type HeaderConfig = { disable?: boolean; // hide header logo?: { darkImgUrl: string; lightImgUrl: string; navTo?: string; navTarget?: "_blank" | "_parent"; // default '_parent' }; menu?: { data: MenuItem[]; placement?: "left" | "center"; // default 'center' }; token?: { imgUrl: string; // the image url of the token navTo?: string; // the href url on the token navTarget?: "_blank" | "_parent"; // default '_blank' pricePrecision: number; // the precision u want to display network: SupportedNetwork; // token network lpPairAddress: string; // the contract address of the pair in liquidity pool, for example: is the address of APX/BUSD in pancake pool lpBaseAddress: string; // the base asset address in the lp pair lpQuoteAddress: string; // the quote asset address in the lp pair quote?: { // Only config it when you must compute twice. For APX token which has configured APX/BUSD lp, add BUSD/USDT lp here, then you can get USDT price of APX lpPairAddress: string; lpBaseAddress: string; lpQuoteAddress: string; }; }; customerService?: { navTo: string; navTarget?: "_blank" | "_parent"; // default '_blank' }; }; ```
Examples ```ts // for bnb chain, BABY/BUSD pair lpPairAddress: '0xe730c7b7470447ad4886c763247012dfd233baff', // BABY/USDT lp address lpBaseAddress: '0x53e562b9b7e5e94b81f10e96ee70ad06df3d2657', // BABY contract address lpQuoteAddress: '0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955', // BUSD contract address // for eth chain, UNI/DAI pair lpPairAddress: '0xc34fecf98a7c48ee48288fc163ca5804d3235be5', // UNI/DAI lp address lpBaseAddress: '0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984', // UNI address lpQuoteAddress: '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', // DAI address tokenNetwork: 'eth', // for arb1 chain, WETH/USDC pair lpPairAddress: '0x905dfcd5649217c42684f23958568e533c711aa3', // WETH/USDC lp address lpBaseAddress: '0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1', // WETH address lpQuoteAddress: '0xff970a61a04b1ca14834a43f5de4533ebddb5cc8', // USDC address tokenNetwork: 'arb1', ```
### shareImgFolder default value: `static/images/share-poster` set up the images for share poster the image list: - `${shareImgFolder}/light_logo.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/dark_logo.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/pc_light_win.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/pc_dark_win.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/pc_light_loss.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/pc_dark_loss.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/mobile_light_win.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/mobile_dark_win.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/mobile_light_loss.png` - `${shareImgFolder}/mobile_dark_loss.png` ### loadingImage the loading image config, it will show before the trade page render ```ts type LoadingImage = { url: string; width?: number; backgroundColor?: string; }; ``` ### notificationPosition the position of all notification toast ```ts type NotificationPosition = { horizontal: "left" | "right"; vertical: "top" | "bottom"; }; ``` ### defaultTheme to configure the initial theme value, theme value will then be stored in cookies with key 'theme' ### fontFamily same as ### fontUrl the url of the custom font ### ~~lightPalette, darkPalette~~ ~~We support theme styles, you can customize the colors for light mode or dark mode, see color palette.~~ Remove in 3.0. Use `customCssUrl` instead ### ~~variants~~ ~~experimental feature, for customized style.~~ Remove in 3.0. Use `customCssUrl` instead ### customCssUrl custom css url (support since v2.0.3). since we deprecated our `darkPalette`/`lightPalette`/`variants` in v3.0, you have to customize style through this new property. [default template we used]( ## Events We also support several event to let u can customize the exchange more flexible ```js FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("symbolChange", (data) => { console.log("symbol change", data.symbol); window.history.replaceState( {}, null, `/${getLngFromUrl()}/futures/${data.symbol}` ); // assume the url is formaated as /:lng/futures/:symbol }); FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("invalidSymbol", () => console.log("invalid symbol") ); FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("startLoad", () => console.log("startLoad event received") ); FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("lngChange", (data) => { console.log("lng change", data.lng); window.history.pushState( {}, null, `/${data.lng}/futures/${getSymbolFromUrl()}` ); // assume the url is formaated as /:lng/futures/:symbol }); ``` ## Proxy Setup(only if you change the API domain in SDK) ### API ``` https://api.your.domain/bapi/* --- proxy to -->* https://api.your.domain/fapi/* --- proxy to -->* ``` ### WS ``` wss://fstream.your.domain/compress/stream --- proxyt to --> wss:// ``` ### Static files ``` https://static.your.domain --- proxy to --> ``` ## FAQ ### Q: How to remove the theme toggle component? Set `config.enableThemeToggle` to false. ### Q: How to change the font? Set `config.fontFamily`, or set `config.fontUrl` for custom font. ### Q:How to set the price display on the navigation bar? There are few configs related to the price display: - `config.headerConfig.token.pricePrecision`: the precision u want to display - `config.headerConfig.token.lpPairAddress`: the contract address of the pair in liquidity pool, for example: 0xa0ee789a8f581cb92dd9742ed0b5d54a0916976c is the address of APX/BUSD in pancake pool - `config.headerConfig.token.lpBaseAddress`: the base asset address in the lp pair - `config.headerConfig.token.lpQuoteAddress`: the quote asset address in the lp pair Before is only need if you want to compute twice. For APX token which has configured APX/BUSD lp, add BUSD/USDT lp here, then you can get USDT price of APX - `config.headerConfig.token.quote.lpPairAddress`: the contract address of the pair in liquidity pool, for example: 0xa0ee789a8f581cb92dd9742ed0b5d54a0916976c is the address of APX/BUSD in pancake pool - `config.headerConfig.token.quote.lpBaseAddress`: the base asset address in the lp pair - `config.headerConfig.token.quote.lpQuoteAddress`: the quote asset address in the lp pair ### Q: How to change title or favicon? Our SDK just generates an iframe into your specified DOM, so you can change the title or favicon in your HTML as normal. See [w3school]( ### Q: How to change the logo on the header? How to add the url on logo? Since we have two themes, dark and light, and also care about the RWD, we have 5 configs related to the logo. - `config.headerCnfig.logo.darkImgUrl`: the image url for dark theme - `config.headerCnfig.logo.lightImgUrl`: the image url for light theme ### Q: How to apply custom styles to some of the widgets There are some classes that you can override them with [customCssUrl]( ```css .button { /* your styles */ } .sheet-content { /* your styles */ } .input-text-field, .input-base-input { /* your styles */ } .dialog-content { /* your styles */ } .order-form-card { /* your styles */ } .radio-option { /* your styles */ } .currency-input { /* your styles */ } .direction-switch-long { /* your styles */ } .direction-switch-short { /* your styles */ } ``` ### Q: Hot to migrate to latest SDK 1. Go to [releases]( and download the latest SDK zip. 2. Unzip the file, and upload to your CDN. 3. Update the sdk version in your HTML file `` ### Q:Why 'wss://' return 404 in QA? Becasue SDK V2 is permissionless (that means no more whitelist as SDK V1), Please use our production api `wss://` replace of `wss://` (which been used in SDK v1 QA). if using `wss://` still return ws error, try to `clean site data` under `Application` tab in chrome devtools maybe work. ### Q: What are the `br` and `gz` `br` => `brotil` `gz` => `gzip` They are the two most common compression algorithms, widely used in modern web. They help user can download data faster. Check out the article to know more: ### Q: How to use `br` and `gz` static file Same as before, just ensure you download the `` or `` version. 1. Go to [releases]( and download the latest SDK zip file. 2. Unzip the file, and upload to your CDN. 3. Update the sdk version in your HTML file `` ### Q: How to integrate the sdk with customized url (e.g. /en/futures/BTCUSD) 1. Make sure `/:lng/futures/:symbol` can redirect to your html. Normally, this is configured by your infra team. 2. Parse the url to get `lng`, `symbol` ```js function getLngFromUrl() { return location.pathname.split("/")[1] || "en"; } function getSymbolFromUrl() { return location.pathname.split("/")[3] || "BTCUSD"; } ``` 3. Give the SDK lng and symbol that you get from url ```js FuturesSDK.createTradeUI({ // ... other configs state: { symbol: getSymbolFromUrl(), lng: getLngFromUrl(), }, }); ``` 4. Listen `lngChange` and `symbolChange` events, to change the pathname when lng or symbol changes. ```js FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("symbolChange", (data) => { window.history.replaceState( {}, null, `/${getLngFromUrl()}/futures/${data.symbol}` ); }); FuturesSDK.eventListener.on("lngChange", (data) => { window.history.pushState( {}, null, `/${data.lng}/futures/${getSymbolFromUrl()}` ); }); ``` You can check out the full code here:


