
上传日期:2023-12-26 15:25:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  PowerShell包管理器
(PowerShell Package Manager)


# pspm - PowerShell Package Manager pspm is the management tools for PowerShell modules. You can manage PowerShell modules [npm]( like commands. ---- ## Requirements + Windows PowerShell 5.1 or higher + PowerShell Core 6.0 or higher + Windows or macOS > Testing platforms: > Windows 11 Pro x64 22H2 with PowerShell 5.1 & PowerShell 7.3.1 > macOS Monterey 12.6 with PowerShell 7.3.1 ---- ## Installation You can install pspm from [PowerShell Gallery]( ```Powershell Install-Module -Name pspm ``` #### Option: Update PowerShellGet We strongly recommend using the latest PowerShellGet module to improve compatibility and stability. To update PowerShellGet use the following command and restart PowerShell. ```PowerShell Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber ``` ---- ## Usage ### Install & Import Modules The command `pspm install` will download a module from [PSGallery]( ```PowerShell pspm install '' ``` This will create the `Modules` folder in the current directory and will download the module to that folder, then import it to the current PS session. #### Tips: Specify the Module version If you want to install specific version of the Module. You can specify the Module name with version or [semver]( range syntax. ```PowerShell pspm install '@' # e.g) pspm install 'Pester@4.1.0' ``` #### Tips: Specify the repository If you want to install the module from specific repository (like Private repository) You can specify the PSRepository name. (You should register repositories before. See [Microsoft docs]( ```PowerShell pspm install '@/' # e.g) pspm install '@PrivateRepo/MyModule' ``` #### Tips: Get modules from GitHub :octocat: You can download modules from GitHub repos. Just `/` or `/#`, or `/#::path/to/subdir`. `` as `branch` or `commit-hash` or `Tag` ```PowerShell pspm install '/' pspm install '/#' pspm install '/#::path/to/subdir' # e.g) pspm install 'pester/Pester#7aa9e63' ``` You can specify `Credential` or `GitHubToken` If you want to get modules from **private** repos. Also, if an environment variable `GITHUB_TOKEN` is present, pspm uses it as GitHub Personal Access Token. (Priority: `Credential` > `GitHubToken` > `GITHUB_TOKEN`) ```PowerShell # Authenticate with Credential (username & password) pspm install '/' -Credential (Get-Credential) # Authenticate with Personal Access Token # You should convert token to [SecureString] $SecureToken = ConvertTo-SecureString '' -AsPlainText -Force pspm install '/' -GitHubToken $SecureToken ``` #### Tips: Install multiple Modules at once If you want to install multiple modules at once or manage modules as code. You can create `package.json` and run the `pspm install` without module name. If there is a `package.json` file in the working directory, pspm installs all modules in the list. About `package.json`, please refer [the section](#packagejson) below. #### Option: Global installation Install a module as global. Module will save to the `$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules` (on Windows) ```PowerShell pspm install '' -Global pspm install '' -g pspm install '' -Scope Global ``` #### Option: User installation Install a module to current user profile. Module will save to the `$env:UserProfile\WindowsPowerShell\Modules` (on Windows) ```PowerShell pspm install '' -Scope CurrentUser ``` #### Option: Clean installation When `-Clean` switch specified, pspm will remove **ALL modules** in the `Modules` folder before install process. ```PowerShell pspm install '' -Clean # WARNING: -Clean option will remove all modules in the Modules folder, NOT just the specified. ``` #### Option: Disable modules import `pspm install` will import modules automatically after install. If you don't like this behavior, Specify `-NoImport` switch. ```PowerShell pspm install '' -NoImport ``` ---- ### Update Modules The command `pspm update` will update modules. ```PowerShell pspm update '' # specify the name of module pspm update # with package.json ``` **NOTICE:** The `pspm update` will change `package.json` to save the new version as the minimum required dependency. If you don't wanna update, use `pspm update -Save:$false` #### Tips: What's the difference between install and update ? Thought as below scenarios. + The module `Example@1.0.0` is installed in the system. + Latest version of `Example` is `1.2.0`. In this scenario. If you run the command `pspm install 'Example@1.x'`, pspm will NOT update the module that because `1.0.0` is satisfied `1.x`. But if you run `pspm update 'Example@1.x'`, pspm will update the `Example` to `1.2.0`. ---- ### Uninstall Modules To remove a module from your `Modules` folder, use: ```PowerShell pspm uninstall '' ``` ---- ### Run scripts pspm supports the `"scripts"` property of the `package.json`. ```PowerShell pspm run '