
上传日期:2023-12-26 22:29:26
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  News Shorts是一款由Kotlin和Jetpack Compose构建的尖端Android应用程序,提供独特的新闻消费体验。受TikTok滚动格式的启发,News Shorts以视觉吸引人和直观的方式呈现新闻文章。
(News Shorts is a cutting-edge Android app built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, offering a unique news consumption experience. Inspired by the scrolling format of TikTok, News Shorts presents news articles in a visually engaging and intuitive manner.)


![News Shorts Logo]( # News Shorts News Shorts is a cutting-edge Android app built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, offering a unique news consumption experience. Inspired by the scrolling format of TikTok ## Table of Contents - [Overview]( - [Key Features]( - [Tech Stack]( - [Getting Started]( - [Installation]( - [Acknowledgements]( - [Contact]( ## Overview News Shorts is a cutting-edge Android app built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, offering a unique news consumption experience. Inspired by the scrolling format of TikTok, News Shorts presents news articles in a visually engaging and intuitive manner. The app primarily features two main screens: "All News" and "Top Headline News," each providing distinct ways to explore and consume news content. ### Key Features - **Scrolling Interface:** Enjoy a seamless and immersive news browsing experience with the app's TikTok-inspired scrolling interface. - **Language Selection:** Customize your news feed by selecting your preferred language in the "All News" section. - **Country-Specific Headlines:** Stay informed about the latest developments in any country by choosing your desired location in the "Top Headline News" section. - **Modern Architecture:** News Shorts is built using Jetpack Compose, following a modular MVVM architecture with UI, Data, and Dependency Injection layers. - **Coroutines & Flow:** Leverage the power of Kotlin Coroutines and Flow for efficient and responsive asynchronous programming. - **Dependency Injection:** Utilize Dagger-HILT for robust and maintainable dependency injection throughout the app. - **API Integration:** Seamless integration with Retrofit for efficient and reliable API calls to fetch the latest news updates. - **State Management:** Ensure a smooth user experience with effective state management mechanisms in place. - **Custom Composables:** Enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the app with custom Composable elements. - **BuildSrc for Dependency Management:** Streamline dependency management and version control using BuildSrc. ### Tech Stack - **Jetpack Compose for UI** - **UI + DATA + DI Layers** - **MVVM + Modular Architecture** - **Coroutines & Flow** - **Dependency Injection with Dagger-HILT** - **Retrofit for API Call** - **State Management** - **Custom Composable creation** - **BuildSrc for Management Dependencies and Versions** ## Getting Started Follow these steps to get News Shorts up and running on your local machine. ### Prerequisites - Android Studio 4.2 or higher - Kotlin 1.5.20 or higher ### Installation 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` 2. Open the project in Android Studio. 3. Build and run the app on an emulator or physical device. ## Acknowledgements - Special thanks to the contributors who have dedicated their time and effort to make News Shorts even better. ## Contact For any inquiries or support, please contact the project maintainer: - Mahmoud Ibrahim Abdulfattah ([](


