上传日期:2023-12-29 05:02:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  我已经用5个不同的项目覆盖了这节课。那么javascript的基本工作原理——“javascript中的一切都发生在Execution Context中。
(I have Covered this session with 5 different Projects. So How basically javascript works-"Everything in javascript happens inside an Excecution Context.)

1 Introduction/Practise code/
10 Advance Functions/
2 Numbers & Strings/Practise code/
3 HTML CSS and JS/
4 Variables/
5 if-else and Boolean/
6 Functions/
7 Objects/
8 JSON Local Storage Date and DOM/
9 Array and Loop/
Project - 1 Calculator/1 Calculator/
Project - 2 Bat Ball Game/Cricket Game/

# JAVASCRIPT- JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive. JavaScript improves the user experience of the web page by converting it from a static page into an interactive one. Youtube Link of the tutorial by Prashant Sir - --> Introduction 1. JS in Console 2. DOM Manipulation 3. Chrome Extensions 4. What is a Programming Language? 5. What is Syntax? 6. HTML/CSS/JavaScript --> Numbers & Strings 7. Arithmetic Operators 8. Order of Operations 9. Types of Numbers 10. Don’t learn syntax. 11. Strings 12. TypeOf Operator --> JavaScript With HTML & CSS 13. VS Code IDE 14. HTML Tags Introduction 15. CSS Introduction 16. Query Selector 17. Script Tag 18. Comments --> Variables 19. What are Variables 20.Syntax Rules 21. Updating Values 22.Myntra Bag Exercise 23.Naming Conventions 24.Ways to create Variables --> Project 1: Calculator ![Screenshot from 2023-11-25 12-53-23]( --> if-else & Boolean 25.What are Booleans 26.Comparison Operators 27.if-else 28.Logical Operator 29.Scope 30.Truthy and Falsy Values 31. If alternates --> Functions 32. What are Functions 33. Function Syntax 34. Return statement 35. Function Parameters --> Objects 36. What is an Object 37. Objects Syntax 38. Accessing Objects 39. Inside Objects 40. Autoboxing 41. Object References 42. Object Shortcuts --> Project 2: Cricket Game ![Screenshot from 2023-11-25 13-05-03]( --> JSON, Local Storage, Date & DOM 43. What is JSON? 44. Local Storage 45. Date 46. DOM Properties & Methods --> Arrays & Loops 47. What is an Array? 48. Array Syntax & Values 49. Array Properties & Methods 50. What is a Loop? 51. While Loop 52. Do While Loop 53. For Loop 54. Accumulator Pattern 55. Break & Continue --> Project 3: Todo App ![Screenshot from 2023-11-25 13-36-17]( --> Advance Functions 56. Anonymous Functions As Values 57. Arrow functions 58. setTimeout & setInterval 59. Event Listener 60. For Each Loop 61.Array methods --> Project 4: Myntra Functional Clone ![Screenshot from 2023-11-25 13-13-24](


