
上传日期:2023-12-30 20:56:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种用于自主程序综合的实验性编程语言。
(An experimental programming language designed for autonomous program synthesis.)


# gadfly `gadfly` is an experimental programming language and treewalk interpreter, written in `go`, and designed for autonomous program synthesis. _It is currently under heavy development._ # notes on the vision - Imagine a programming language designed from the ground up to be used by language models (LMs). - An LM wouldn't need to generalize, it could write a new program for each new task it encounters. - An LM could analyze running programs very quickly, it could modify running programs according to new data. - Instead of importing code, an LM could search for similar code in a database and then repurpose it. - Because an LM could analyze running programs very quickly, it could make sense to store all kinds of useful metadata in the parse tree. - More generally, the parse tree could be something that is constantly manipulated by the LM. - An LM could outsource subtrees to other LMs, there could be a whole ecosystem built around this idea. - An LM could evaluate subtrees in parallel and then merge, prune, and recombine them according to certain policies. # notes on the design - It's looking like the language will (unsurprisingly) be very Lispy. One way to think about things is that `gadfly` takes homoiconicity to wild extremes. - Right now the language is dynamically typed, but I feel like it would be better to have static typing. I don't have any great reasons to articulate why I feel that way other than maybe that it adds a ton of metadata to the parse tree. I don't know enough about programming languages to know whether lisps are amenable to static typing. - I have this vague notion of a `remote` keyword, or something like that, where a subtree is farmed out to the network. I feel like a `remote` node could be implemented in any language and basically implement any feature. - The syntax is intended to mirror the parse tree very closely. I imagine that developers will jump around _a lot_ between the two. I want the _homoiconicity_ to be very apparent. - Everything about the language needs to be ridiculously printable, introspectable, and serializable. I want to be able to seralize the parse tree, wire it somewhere, and then execute it on another machine. # usage _Requires `go` 1.21 or higher. Learn how to install `go` [here]( ```bash go run . ``` ```bash go run example.fizzbuzz.gadfly go run example.sieve.gadfly go run example.fibonacci.gadfly go run example.factorial.gadfly go run example.palindrome.gadfly ``` # syntax TODO # basic examples Other than the fundamental `for`, `map`, `filter`, and `reduce` functions, the array utilities are implemented in `gadfly` itself. See []( for the full implementation. Here's some specific examples (_please note that performance is not a priority at this point at may never be_): ```text def slice fn |arr start finish| filter arr fn |el i| def result and i >= start true i < finish true end end result == true end end end end ``` ```text def length fn |arr| def result 0 end for arr fn |e i| let result i end end end result + 1 end end ``` # keywords # roadmap ### the core language - [ ] interpreter - [ ] lex - [ ] parse - [ ] eval - [ ] closures - [ ] mvp language features - [ ] array and associated utilities - [ ] hashmaps and associated utilities - [ ] strings and associated utilities - [ ] exceptions and associated utilities - [ ] puts and gets - [ ] http functionality - [ ] error reporting - [ ] very simple FFI (maybe) ### parse tree tools - [ ] start, stop, pause, resume, retry - [ ] serialize, deserialize, resume - [ ] what else? ### nice to haves - [ ] syntax highlighter - [ ] language server protocol implementation - [ ] repl - [ ] tail call optimization - [ ] looping constructs (maybe) ### autonomous program synthesis - policies - reflection - remote subtrees - generated subtrees # topics to research - probabilistic programming - compiler design and implementation - data flow analysis and control flow analysis - prolog and logic programming - ...


