
上传日期:2023-12-31 22:01:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Flutch中的多平台移动应用程序,隐藏在计算器中的密码管理器
(MultiPlatform Mobile app in flutter, a password manager hidden in a calculator)


# Password Keeper Multi-platform mobile app in Flutter, a password manager hidden in a calculator ## Reflections on Password Security In the digital era, password security has become an essential element in protecting our identity and personal information. Password Keeper fits into this context, aiming to provoke deeper reflections on our relationship with digital security. ## The Strength of Passwords Passwords are our first line of defense against unauthorized access. They reflect our digital identity, and how we manage them can have a significant impact on our online life. Password Keeper aspires to promote responsible and conscious use of passwords. ## The Meaning of Cryptography Cryptography, often understood merely as a technology, has a deeper meaning. It represents trust and the protection of our digital communications. At the core of Password Keeper, cryptography is a tool to ensure that your privacy is secure. ## Control of Your Information Taking control of your information is an act of digital responsibility. Password Keeper offers an opportunity to explore your digital security, promoting transparency and total control over your passwords. ## An Appeal to Digital Education This project is an appeal to digital education and security awareness. Our hope is that Password Keeper is not just a tool but also a means to spark conversations on how we can better protect ourselves and others in the digital world. ## Development Environment This project is developed using: - Dart version: 3.2.3 - Flutter version: 3.16.5 It is recommended to use the specified versions for optimal compatibility. ## How to Customize Your Version Make your version unique by customizing key parameters in the `encryption.dart` file: **Initialization Vector (IV):** static const ivString = 'IVIVIVIVIVIVIVIV'; // <-- Customize the Initialization Vector with an 16-character string **Filename:** static const filename ='data.calc'; // <-- Customize the dataSave filename **Salt:** static const salt = 'SALT'; // <-- Customize the salt Feel free to hide your password manager in the app of your choice based on this project. Only by doing so can we be true custodians of our keys. ## Security Measures **Delay for Brute Force Prevention:** Upon launching the application and each time the '=' button is pressed to confirm a password, a 7-second delay is introduced. This deliberate delay serves as a preventive measure against potential brute force attacks generated by fake input. It adds an additional layer of security to protect your passwords. **Independent Timer for Enhanced Security:** The implemented timer for the 7-second delay is independent of the system clock. This design choice ensures that the delay is not susceptible to manipulation by altering the device's clock. By using an independent timer, we enhance the overall security of the application against potential threats. ## Tutorial: Setting Up Password Keeper 1. **Customize the Initialization Vector, Data Save Filename, and Salt in the `encryption.dart` file.** 2. **Compile the app and install it on your device.** 3. **Open the app and set up a master password.** 4. **Wait for 7 seconds, then use the expression string from the calculator as your password. Press '=' to confirm and access the password manager.** **Note:** Remember to wait for 7 seconds after each '=' press for enhanced security. This simple tutorial helps you personalize and secure your Password Keeper instance. Remember, your expression in the calculator is the key to unlocking your password manager. ## Download Password Keeper APK (Test Version) If you'd like to test the app without compiling the code, you can download a precompiled APK file. Please note that this version might not be the latest, and we recommend creating your own version with personalized encryption keys for optimal security. [Download Password Keeper APK (Test Version)]( ## How to Contribute If you find this project helpful and would like to support my work, you can contribute by making a donation. Your contributions help in maintaining and improving this project, as well as in the creation of more projects like this. Thank you for your support!


