上传日期:2024-01-11 16:22:12
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  开放数据中心移动API v2的新家
(The new home of the Open Data Hub Mobility API v2)


# API Version 2 (Ninja) [![REUSE Compliance](]( [![CI](]( **Table Of Content** - [ API Version 2 (Ninja)](#itbzopendatahubapimobility-api-version-2-ninja) - [Usage of the API](#usage-of-the-api) - [I want to see what this API provides](#i-want-to-see-what-this-api-provides) - [Station and Edge Types / Categories](#station-and-edge-types--categories) - [I want to get all station or edge types](#i-want-to-get-all-station-or-edge-types) - [Events](#events) - [I want to get all event origins available](#i-want-to-get-all-event-origins-available) - [I want to get all events of a certain origin](#i-want-to-get-all-events-of-a-certain-origin) - [I want to get the latest events of a certain origin in all eventseries therein](#i-want-to-get-the-latest-events-of-a-certain-origin-in-all-eventseries-therein) - [I want to get all events that were active on 3rd January 2022](#i-want-to-get-all-events-that-were-active-on-3rd-january-2022) - [I want to get all events that were active on 3rd January 2022, but not after 2022-02-01](#i-want-to-get-all-events-that-were-active-on-3rd-january-2022-but-not-after-2022-02-01) - [Edges](#edges) - [I want to get all edges of a certain category](#i-want-to-get-all-edges-of-a-certain-category) - [I want to get a specific edge of a certain category](#i-want-to-get-a-specific-edge-of-a-certain-category) - [Stations](#stations) - [I want to get all e-charging stations including details](#i-want-to-get-all-e-charging-stations-including-details) - [I want to get all e-charging stations and their plugs including details](#i-want-to-get-all-e-charging-stations-and-their-plugs-including-details) - [I want to get all stations of any type including details](#i-want-to-get-all-stations-of-any-type-including-details) - [Stations, Data Types and most up-to-date Measurements](#stations-data-types-and-most-up-to-date-measurements) - [I want to get all most up-to-date measurements of all parking lots](#i-want-to-get-all-most-up-to-date-measurements-of-all-parking-lots) - [I want to get all most up-to-date occupancy values of all parking lots](#i-want-to-get-all-most-up-to-date-occupancy-values-of-all-parking-lots) - [Stations, Data Types and historical Measurements](#stations-data-types-and-historical-measurements) - [I want to get historical occupancy values of all parking lots from a certain period](#i-want-to-get-historical-occupancy-values-of-all-parking-lots-from-a-certain-period) - [Pagination](#pagination) - [Filtering with SELECT and WHERE](#filtering-with-select-and-where) - [Functions / Aggregation / Grouping](#functions--aggregation--grouping) - [I want to see only station names, data type names and the value of the measurement](#i-want-to-see-only-station-names-data-type-names-and-the-value-of-the-measurement) - [I want to see only parking stations within a bounding box of a map](#i-want-to-see-only-parking-stations-within-a-bounding-box-of-a-map) - [I want to see all information where the measured value is greater than 100 and the station origin is FAMAS](#i-want-to-see-all-information-where-the-measured-value-is-greater-than-100-and-the-station-origin-is-famas) - [I want all creative industry station names, which do not have a sector assigned](#i-want-all-creative-industry-station-names-which-do-not-have-a-sector-assigned) - [I want to see all information where the station code starts with "me" or "rovereto"](#i-want-to-see-all-information-where-the-station-code-starts-with-me-or-rovereto) - [I want active creative industry stations with their sector and website, but only if the have one](#i-want-active-creative-industry-stations-with-their-sector-and-website-but-only-if-the-have-one) - [Time Zones](#time-zones) - [Null values](#null-values) - [Representation](#representation) - [Quota](#quota) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [I want to retrieve protected measurements (closed data)](#i-want-to-retrieve-protected-measurements-closed-data) - [Additional Sample Queries](#additional-sample-queries) - [show all echarging stations of bolzano](#show-all-echarging-stations-of-bolzano) - [Show number of public, private and private with public access echarging stations](#show-number-of-public-private-and-private-with-public-access-echarging-stations) - [Show the total number of plugs and how many are currently available](#show-the-total-number-of-plugs-and-how-many-are-currently-available) - [Filter EchargingPlugs by voltage](#filter-echargingplugs-by-voltage) - [Filter EchargingStations by payment method](#filter-echargingstations-by-payment-method) - [Get all possible states of all echarging stations](#get-all-possible-states-of-all-echarging-stations) - [Filter EchargingStations by state](#filter-echargingstations-by-state) - [Local development](#local-development) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [How to setup NOI Authentication Server locally? (optional)](#how-to-setup-noi-authentication-server-locally-optional) - [How to register this application in your local authentication server?](#how-to-register-this-application-in-your-local-authentication-server) - [How to create a user or assign a user the necessary roles for this application?](#how-to-create-a-user-or-assign-a-user-the-necessary-roles-for-this-application) - [How to create a client to generate tokens for testing purposes?](#how-to-create-a-client-to-generate-tokens-for-testing-purposes) ## Usage of the API ### I want to see what this API provides ``` GET / ``` ### Station and Edge Types / Categories #### I want to get all station or edge types The API provides data about nodes and edges on a map. The node is a measurement station, and the connection between stations are called edges. The first path variable is the [representation](#representation). For compactness, we will use only flat representations throughout this tutorial. Examples: ``` GET /tree,node/ GET /flat,node/ GET /tree,edge/ GET /flat,edge/ GET /tree,event/ GET /flat,event/ ``` ### Events We expose all kinds of events, that are labels on the timeline. An event has a unique ID and corresponding time series UUID, which allows us to concatenate events into a historical view. Events come from a certain `origin`, for example, traffic events from the `A22` highway. The prefixes of events are `ev` for the general information part, and `evl` for its location (could be points, polygons or multilines). #### I want to get all event origins available ``` GET /flat,event/ ``` #### I want to get all events of a certain origin ``` GET /flat,event/A22 ``` #### I want to get the latest events of a certain origin in all eventseries therein ``` GET /flat,event/A22/latest ``` #### I want to get all events that were active on 3rd January 2022 ``` GET /flat,event/A22/2022-01-03 ``` #### I want to get all events that were active on 3rd January 2022, but not after 2022-02-01 ``` GET /flat,event/A22/latest/2022-01-03/2022-02-01 ``` ### Edges We expose only **available** edges, but for historical reasons the `eavailable`, `sbavailable` and `seavailable` fields are still accessible. Availability should have been an internal-only field to mark a station visible through the API. An edge is a connection between two stations and some descriptive fields attached. In addition it contains geometries, that describe the connection on a map. An edge is (for historical reasons) internally represented with three stations, a start station, an end station and a station that represents the description of the edge. Therefore we have three prefixes of JSON fields: - fields with prefix `e` are part of the edge descriptions - fields with prefix `sb` are part of the beginning station - fields with prefix `se` are part of the ending station #### I want to get all edges of a certain category ``` GET /flat,edge/Linkstation ``` #### I want to get a specific edge of a certain category ``` /flat,edge/LinkStation?where=ename.eq."tis -> cfirmiano" ``` ### Stations We expose only **available** stations, but for historical reasons the `savailable` fields are still accessible. Availability should have been an internal-only field to mark a station visible through the API. Please note, that the response is limited. However, you can [set another limit or disable it completely](#pagination). #### I want to get all e-charging stations including details ``` GET /node,flat/EChargingStation ``` is the same as ``` GET /flat/EChargingStation ``` #### I want to get all e-charging stations and their plugs including details ``` GET /flat/EChargingStation,EChargingPlug ``` As you see an `EChargingStation` is a parent of `EchargingPlug`s, hence we could avoid duplicate output, by simply fetching only plugs. ``` GET /flat/EChargingPlug ``` #### I want to get all stations of any type including details ``` GET /flat/* ``` ### Stations, Data Types and most up-to-date Measurements #### I want to get all most up-to-date measurements of all parking lots ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/*/latest ``` #### I want to get all most up-to-date occupancy values of all parking lots ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/latest ``` ### Stations, Data Types and historical Measurements The URL pattern is `/station-types/data-types/from/to`, where `from` and `to` form a half-open interval, i.e., `[from, to)`. This is important, if we want to have a moving window over a timeline without selecting certain values multiple times. #### I want to get historical occupancy values of all parking lots from a certain period ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02 ``` ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01T23/2019-01-02 ``` ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02T12:30:15 ``` The date format is `yyyy-MM-dd` or `yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS`, where `Thh:mm:ss.SSS` is optional and any part of it can be shortened from left-to-right to any subset. ### Historical Station metadata The URL pattern is `/station-types/metadata/from/to`, where `from` and `to` form a half-open interval, i.e., `[from, to)`. Note that while metadata looks like a data type in the URL, the data structure is actually different from normal data requests. Current metadata is still included as smetadata, historical metadata has the prefix "mh" #### I want to get historical metadata for all bluetooth stations from a certain period ``` GET /tree,node/BluetoothStation/metadata/2019-01-01/2023-01-02 ``` ``` GET /tree,node/BluetoothStation/metadata/2019-01-01T23/2023-01-02 ``` ``` GET /flat/BluetoothStation/metadata/2019-01-01/2023-01-02T12:30:15 ``` The date format is `yyyy-MM-dd` or `yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS`, where `Thh:mm:ss.SSS` is optional and any part of it can be shortened from left-to-right to any subset. ### Pagination You can limit your output by adding `limit` to your request, and paginate your results with an `offset`. If you want to disable the limit, set it to a negative number, like `limit=-1`. Per default, the limit is set to a low number to prevent excessive response times. ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02?limit=100&offset=300 ``` ### Filtering with SELECT and WHERE It is possible to filter against JSON fields (columns in a database) with `select=alias,alias,alias,...`, or per record (rows in a database) with `where=filter,filter,filter,...`. The latter, is a conjunction (`and`) of all clauses. Also complex logic is possible, with nested `or(...)` and `and(...)` clauses, for instance `where=or(filter,filter,and(filter,filter))`. **alias** An `alias` is a list of point-separated-fields, where each field corresponds to a step inside the JSON hierarchy. Internally, the first field represents the database column and all subsequent fields drill into the JSON hierarchy. For example, `metadata.municipality.cap` is an JSONB inside the database with a column `metadata` and a JSONB object called `municipality` which has a `cap` inside. **filter** A `filter` has the form `alias.operator.value_or_list`. **value_or_list** - `value`: Whatever you want, also a regular expression. Use double-quotes to force string recognition. Alternatively, you can escape characters `,`, `'` and `"` with a `\`. Use url-encoding, if your tool does not support certain characters. Special values are `null`, numbers and omitted values. Examples: - `description.eq.null`, checks if a description is not set - `description.eq.`, checks if a description is a string of length 0 - `list`: `(value,value,value)` **operator** - `eq`: Equal - `neq`: Not Equal - `lt`: Less Than - `gt`: Greater Than - `lteq`: Less Than Or Equal - `gteq`: Greater Than Or Equal - `re`: Regular Expression - `ire`: Insensitive Regular Expression - `nre`: Negated Regular Expression - `nire`: Negated Insensitive Regular Expression - `bbi`: Bounding box intersecting objects (ex., a street that is only partially covered by the box) - `bbc`: Bounding box containing objects (ex., a station or street, that is completely covered by the box) - `in`: True, if the value of the alias can be found within the given list. Example: `,Rudi,Peter)` - `nin`: False, if the value of the alias can be found within the given list. Example: `name.nin.(Patrick,Rudi,Peter)` **logical operations** - `and(filter,filter,...)`: Conjunction of filters (can be nested) - `or(filter,filter,...)`: Disjunction of filters (can be nested) Multiple conditions possible as comma-separated-values. Example-syntax for `bbi` or `bbc` could be `coordinate.bbi.(11,46,12,47,4326)`, where the ordering inside the list is left-x, left-y, right-x, right-y and SRID (optional). NB: Currently it is not possible to distinguish between a JSON field containing `null` or a non-existing JSON field. ### Functions / Aggregation / Grouping You can use any SQL function within **select**, which takes only a single numeric value. All selected aliases, that are not within a function are used for grouping. Example: I want to have the `min`, `max`, `avg` and `count` of all data types of e-charging stations. ``` GET /flat/EChargingStation/*?select=tname,min(mvalue),max(mvalue),avg(mvalue),count(mvalue) ``` NB: Currently only numeric functions are possible, we will not select anything from our string measurements. #### I want to see only station names, data type names and the value of the measurement ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02?select=sname,tname,mvalue ``` #### I want to see only parking stations within a bounding box of a map ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/*?where=scoordinate.bbi.(11.63,46.0,11.65,47.0,4326) ``` ... I want now to add to that query two additional stations (ex., 69440GW and AB3), that I need regardless, if they are within the bounding box or not. ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/*?where=or(scoordinate.bbi.(11.63,46.0,11.65,47.0,4326),,AB3)) ``` #### I want to see all information where the measured value is greater than 100 and the station origin is FAMAS ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02?,sorigin.eq.FAMAS ``` Here the syntax for each clause is `attribute.operator.value`, where value can be composed of any character except `,'"`, which must be escaped like `\,`, `\'` or `\"`. A special value is `null`. If you want to use it as a literal value, that is, the String itself, then you must put it into double-quotes, like `"null"`. #### I want all creative industry station names, which do not have a sector assigned We use a JSON selector and JSON filters here: ``` GET /flat/CreativeIndustry?where=smetadata.sector.eq.null&select=sname ``` #### I want to see all information where the station code starts with "me" or "rovereto" We use a key-insensitive regular expression here: ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02?where=scode.ire.(ME|Rovereto) ``` #### I want active creative industry stations with their sector and website, but only if the have one We use a JSON selector and JSON filters here: ``` GET /flat/CreativeIndustry?where=sactive.eq.true,,"http"&select=sname,smetadata.sector, ``` We check not only for `` to be present, but also to start with `http` to be sure it is not a description telling us, that the website is currently under development or similar things. ### Time Zones We use UTC as default time zone, but it is now possible to get timestamp reponses in any timezone. Use `timezone=Europe/Rome` for instance. See [java.time.ZoneId]( for details. If the browser replaces `+` with spaces, the API tries to insert `+` again, and searches then for matching zone IDs. ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/latest?timezone=UTC-2 ``` Please note, that `metadata` are kept as is, date or time representations inside it are stored as simple strings, and therefore not recognized as date or time. ### Null values You can also see null-values within JSON, by adding `shownull=true` to your parameter list. ``` GET /flat/ParkingStation/occupied/2019-01-01/2019-01-02?shownull=true ``` ### Representation We have various types of representations to choose from. Separate each type with commas: - type #1: `flat` or `tree` - type #2: `node`, `edge` or `event` (`node` is the default and can be omitted) The flat one shows each JSON object with all selected attributes at the first level. Deeper levels represent complex data types, such as `coordinates` and `jsonb`. Only the first level can be selected or filtered. Example with `select=stype,tname,mvalue,smetadata`: ```json { "data": [ { "stype": "ParkingStation", "tname": "occupied", "mvalue": 300, "smetadata": { "capacity": 1200, "...": "..." } } ] } ``` As you can see, the station type `stype` and the data type `tname` are on the same level within the JSON object. These are first order attributes, whereas `smetadata` is a `jsonb`-typed column. If you want to retrieve only subsets of information, like `all data types`, which do not match inside a hierarchy, this representation is suited for you. ```json { "data": [ { "tname": "ParkingStation" }, { "tname": "VMS" }, { "tname": "EChargingStation" } ] } ``` The `tree` representation, shows a hierarchy of the following kind for nodes: ``` station types / categories └── stations (incl. parent and metadata) ├── data types │ └── measurements └── metadatahistory ``` ...and the following hierarchy for edges: ``` edge types / categories └── edge ... ...


