
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-01-17 13:02:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  我激动地宣布,我被选中参加CodSoft的“Python编程”虚拟实习!
(Thrilled to announce that I ve been selected for the "Python Programming" virtual internship at CodSoft!)

CODSOFT Internship - Macine Learning/
CODSOFT Internship - Python Programming/

# CODSOFT Internship: Python Programming & Macine Learning **Description:** The duration of the internship will be of 4 weeks, starting from 01 January 2024 to 31 January 2024. The internship is an educational opportunity for you hence the primary focus is on learning and developing new skills and gaining hands-on knowledge. We believe that you will perform all your tasks/projects. As an intern, we expect you to perform all assigned tasks to the best of your ability and follow any lawful and reasonable instructions provided to you. We are confident that this internship will be a valuable experience for you, we look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your career goals. **Features:** - **TASK 1: To-Do LIST** (A **To-Do List application** is a useful project that helps users manage and organize their tasks efficiently. This project aims to create a command-line or **GUI-based application** using Python, **allowing users** to create, update, and **track** their to-do lists.) - **TASK 2: CALCULATOR** (**Design** a simple calculator with basic arithmetic operations. **Prompt the user** to input two numbers and an operation choice. **Perform the calculation** and display the result.) - **TASK 3: PASSWORD GENERATOR** (A password generator is a useful tool that generates strong and random passwords for users. This project aims to create a password generator application using Python, allowing users to specify the length and complexity of the password. **User Input:** Prompt the user to specify the desired length of the password. **Generate Password:** Use a combination of random characters to generate a password of the specified length. **Display the Password:** Print the generated password on the screen.) **Author:** * **Name:** MD. SOROWAR MAHABUB RABBY * **LinkedIn:** [https://www.linkedin.com/in/sorowar-cse/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sorowar-cse/) * **GitHub:** [https://github.com/sorowar-cse](https://github.com/sorowar-cse) ![Screenshot_2023_1230_212156](https://github.com/sorowar-cse/CODSOFT_Python_Internship/assets/76944781/39353de5-d304-4eb4-8eb9-fe2d9f1e7696)


