
上传日期:2024-01-22 04:17:49
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  HP分配:PThreads。用C++构建多线程服务器,利用PThreads进行并行编程。
(HP Assignement: PThreads. Build a multi-threaded server in C++, make use of PThreads for parallel programming.)


# Multithreaded TCP Server HP Assignement: PThreads Build a multi-threaded server in C++, make use of PThreads for parallel programming. Get started by forking this repo! ## Requirements - g++ - GNU Make (4.2.1 or higher) - [ncat (7.80 or higher)]( ## Protocol Definition The protocol consists of a series of messages sent between the client and the server. Each message is a single line of text, terminated by a newline character. The client and server will exchange messages until the client sends an `END` message, at which point the server will close the connection. The server will respond to each message with a single line of text, terminated by a newline character. The server will not send a response until it has received a complete message from the client. The client will send one of the following messages to the server: - `READ ` - Read the value of the given key from the database. - `WRITE :` - Write the given key-value pair to the database. - `COUNT` - Count the number of key-value pairs in the database. - `DELETE ` - Delete the given key from the database. - `END` - End the connection. The database is a simple key-value store. Each key is a string, and each value is an string. The database is initialized to an empty state when the server starts. It may be implemented as a simple `std::map KV_DATASTORE`, but the specifics are up to you. ## Sample Input & Output ### Write Following is an example `tests/inputs/WRITE.txt` to write a key value pair to the database. ```bash nc localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/WRITE.txt # FIN ``` ```txt WRITE Hello :1234 END ``` ### Read Following is an example `tests/inputs/READ.txt` to read a key value pair from the database. ```bash nc localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/READ.txt # NULL if does not exist ``` ```txt READ Hello END ``` ### Count Following is an example `tests/inputs/COUNT.txt` where the client only sends the `COUNT` message to list the number of KV pairs in the database. ```bash nc localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/COUNT.txt # 0,1, etc. ``` ```txt COUNT END ``` ### Delete Following is an example `tests/inputs/DELETE.txt` where the client only sends the `DELETE` message to list the number of KV pairs in the database. ```bash nc localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/DELETE.txt # FIN if key present, NULL otherwise ``` ```txt DELETE Hello END ``` ### All Commands Following is an example `tests/inputs/ALL.txt`. Consider we are starting from an empty database and this is the first client connecting to the server. ```bash nc localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/ALL.txt # 0,1, etc. ``` ```txt DELETE Hello # 1. Delete the Key Hello, (returns FIN because it was not present) COUNT # 2. Count the number of KV pairs (returns 0) READ Hello # 3. Read the value of the Key Hello WRITE Hello :1234 # 4. Write the KV pair Hello:1234 READ Hello # 5. Read the value of the Key Hello, (returns 1234) COUNT # 6. Count the number of KV pairs (returns 1) END # 7. End the connection ``` ### Anti-Example Following is an anti-example `tests/inputs/BROKEN.txt`. Here, the client has forgotten to send the `END` message. The server will wait forever for the `END` message, and the client will wait forever for the server's response to the `COUNT` message. ```txt DELETE Hello # 1. Delete the Key Hello, (returns FIN because it was not present) COUNT # 2. Count the number of KV pairs (returns 0) READ Hello # 3. Read the value of the Key Hello; the server will wait forever for the END message ``` ## Running To run serial version : ```bash make serial ./bin/serial_server 8080 ``` To run parallel version : ```bash make parallel ./bin/parallel_server 8080 ``` ## Testing To connect to the server ``` ncat localhost 8080 < tests/inputs/ALL.txt ``` Run the test cases ``` make test_serial make test_parallel # To run with logging enabled ENABLE_LOGGING=1 make test_serial ENABLE_LOGGING=1 make test_parallel ``` # FAQ 1. Port already in use. This may happen if the server was not closed properly and the port is still in use. Solution: Kill the process using the port ```bash sudo lsof -i :8080 kill -9 ``` 2. `nc: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Connection: close.` This may happen if the server is not running or netcat is pointed at the wrong port. Solution: Start the server and make sure the port is correct. ```bash ./bin/serial_server 8080 ```


