
上传日期:2024-01-26 03:41:59
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说明:  人工智能为科技博客生成新闻稿
(AI generated newsletter for tech blogs)


# Tech Blog Llama2U Newsletter ## Summary of 49 tech blogs as of 2024-01-21 ### Elastic [Blog]( | [Post]( Based on the provided text, here are some key points about Elastic AI Assistant for Security: 1. Elastic AI Assistant is a new capability in Elasticsearch that helps security analysts with their tasks. 2. It uses generative AI to simplify cybersecurity information and make it easily accessible. 3. The assistant reduces the security learning curve by providing natural language queries and suggesting next steps. 4. The technology behind the assistant is open and transparent, allowing for customization and adaptability to user needs. 5. EMA (Enterprise Management Associates) has published an impact brief on Elastic AI Assistant for Security, highlighting its potential to reshape the security landscape. 6. The brief explores the unique advantages of the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine (ESRE), which powers the assistant's ability to generate ES|QL queries from natural language. 7. The assistant is available to customers using Elastic Security 8.8 and beyond. 8. Elastic AI Assistant for Security is a game-changer for security analysts, making cybersecurity information easily accessible and reducing the learning curve. 9. The technology has the potential to revolutionize cybersecurity, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. ### Stackshare [Blog]( | [Post]( This is a job posting for a Senior Backend Engineer position at Pinterest. The job involves developing and maintaining the company's API and backend systems, working with design, product, and backend teams to build end-to-end functionality, and suggesting new product ideas and features. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of API/workflow development and best practices in Python or Java, experience with distributed systems and large-scale data processing, and expertise in software engineering principles, patterns, and paradigms. They should also have experience with containerization technologies such as Docker and container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes. The job posting also highlights Pinterest's commitment to diversity and inclusion, and the company's use of StackShare, a platform for tech companies to share their stacks. The posting also includes a summary of Pinterest's Tech Stack, which includes technologies such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy. ### Target [Blog]( | [Post]( Redstack is a full-stack cluster delivery service developed by Target Brands, Inc. that allows users to spin up sandbox environments for big data clusters in a matter of hours. The service automates the entire process of building and configuring Hadoop, Elasticsearch, and Druid clusters, making it easier for teams to work with big data technologies. The journey towards Redstack began with the need for a sandbox environment for big data technologies within Target's data engineering team. The team faced challenges such as provisioning and configuring virtual machines, installing and configuring software, and ensuring consistency across environments. To address these challenges, the team developed a set of Chef recipes that could automatically configure and provision big data clusters. The next step was to create a product out of this internal tool, which became known as Redstack. The service was designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a simple web interface that allows users to request a cluster and track its progress. The service uses a Python application to automate the build process, and it has been successful in providing clusters for over 500 unique requests and at least 30 teams. Redstack has evolved over time to include multiple types of big data clusters, such as Elasticsearch and Druid, in addition to Hadoop. The service continues to evolve with new releases and versions of the software, and additional ease-of-use features for user management and cluster administration. In conclusion, Redstack is a full-stack cluster delivery service that simplifies the process of building and configuring big data clusters, allowing teams to work more efficiently with these technologies. The service has been successful within Target's data engineering team and has the potential to benefit other organizations in the industry. ### Wealthfront [Blog]( | [Post]( This is a technical blog post from Wealthfront, a financial services company, discussing the development of a new transfer flow for their mobile app. The post highlights the challenges faced by the engineering team in adapting to evolving needs and providing a flexible solution that could handle various transfer details, such as stock transfers, wire transfers, and withdrawals. The post provides a detailed overview of the design and implementation of the new transfer flow, emphasizing the importance of robust mechanisms for gating new functionalities and ensuring consistency across different front-end platforms. The authors also highlight the lessons learned from the project, including the need for intentionality in maintaining logical implementation consistency and the value of using explicit app version checks to gate functionality. The post concludes by emphasizing the importance of flexibility and adaptability in software development, particularly in the financial services industry, and encourages readers to join the Wealthfront engineering team to unlock their full potential. Overall, the post provides a detailed technical discussion of the development of a new transfer flow for a mobile app, highlighting the challenges faced and the solutions implemented. ### Gusto [Blog]( | [Post]( This text is a blog post featuring testimonials from four engineers at Gusto, a software company. The post highlights the diversity of backgrounds and skills among the engineering team, and offers advice for those looking to join the company. The four engineers share their experiences working at Gusto, including the opportunities they've had to learn and grow, the supportive environment, and the importance of continuous learning and user engagement. Here are some key points from the post: 1. Diversity of backgrounds and skills: The engineers at Gusto come from a wide range of backgrounds and have diverse skill sets. 2. Opportunities for learning and growth: Gusto provides opportunities for its engineers to learn and grow, including access to training and resources. 3. Supportive environment: The engineering team at Gusto is supportive and collaborative, with a focus on helping each other succeed. 4. Continuous learning and user engagement: The company emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and user engagement, with a focus on creating software that meets the needs of its users. 5. Advice for those looking to join Gusto: The engineers offer advice for those looking to join the company, including the importance of having a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and solid fundamentals in engineering. Overall, the post highlights the unique culture and opportunities at Gusto, and provides insight into what it's like to work as an engineer at the company. ### Etsy [Blog]( | [Post]( This is a blog post written in Markdown format, with the title "Etsy's Quotation and Distribution Systems: Scaling to Meet Growing Demand". The post discusses the challenges of scaling Etsy's quotation and distribution systems to handle increasing traffic and data volume, and describes the solutions implemented by the author and their team. Here is a summary of the main points in the post: 1. Introduction: The author explains that Etsy's quotation and distribution systems are critical for the company's success, but they have faced challenges as traffic and data volume have grown. 2. Challenges: The author describes the specific challenges they faced, including the need to scale the systems to handle increased traffic and data volume, and the need to ensure that the systems could handle a high volume of requests without affecting performance. 3. Solutions: The author discusses the solutions they implemented to address these challenges, including using a multi-instance architecture, aligning configurations between instances, splitting up quotation and distribution calls, and using shadow logging to simulate stress on the system. 4. Conclusion: The author concludes that Etsy's quotation and distribution systems have been successful in handling growing demand, but that there are still challenges to be addressed in order to ensure continued performance and scalability. The post includes several technical details about the solutions implemented, such as using a multi-instance architecture and splitting up quotation and distribution calls, which may be of interest to readers with technical backgrounds or expertise in this area. ### RapidAPI [Blog]( | [Post]( The post from the RapidAPI tech engineering blog discusses the latest release of the Enterprise Hub, which includes new and improved features to enhance functionality, streamline user workflows, and provide deeper insights into API usage and performance. The main features include: 1. Enhanced Dashboard for improved overview and governance, with a dedicated section for users and APIs, and improved filtering capabilities. 2. New API Providers widget for enhanced API visibility, showing the total number of teams and users that have added at least one API to the Hub. 3. Improved user experience for approvals and extensions, with an Approvals Center and consistent extensions user experience. 4. Enhanced insights into API usage and performance, including clickable widgets for API exploration, detailed logs for individual HTTP requests, and improved analytics and usage tab. 5. Support for monetization management through Stripe, with a new Billing section for users who monetize APIs. The post highlights the significant improvements in functionality, usability, and user experience, making RapidAPI an even more powerful and valuable tool for API management. ### CockroachDB [Blog]( | [Post]( The text is discussing the new features and improvements in CockroachDB version 23.2, particularly its enhanced resilience and high availability capabilities. The author highlights the importance of these features for organizations looking to modernize their infrastructure and migrate from legacy databases. The article mentions the following key features: 1. Physical cluster replication: This feature allows for the continuous replication of data at the byte level from a primary cluster to an independent standby cluster, providing strategic benefits for organizations with limited regional distribution. 2. Improved load balancing and faster recovery from failures: These features enhance CockroachDB's resilience by improving its ability to handle high traffic and recover quickly from failures. 3. Enhanced disaster recovery capabilities: These capabilities provide businesses with the flexibility to design their infrastructure for enterprise-level resilience. 4. Stored procedures, MOLT Live Migration Service, and read committed isolation: These features support and streamline the labor of infrastructure modernization by making it easier for companies to move off legacy databases. The article also provides a brief overview of CockroachDB and its benefits, such as scalability, consistently replicated data, and high availability. It concludes by encouraging readers to explore the release notes for more information on the new features and capabilities in version 23.2. ### Facebook [Blog]( | [Post]( The text appears to be a job posting for an applied AI research scientist position at Meta. The job description outlines the responsibilities and qualifications for the role, which include developing and implementing new algorithms and techniques in computer vision and machine learning, working with cross-functional teams to integrate research into Meta's products, and contributing to open-source projects in the field of AI research. The job posting also highlights Meta's commitment to open source technology and provides links to various open-source projects related to AI, data infrastructure, development tools, front-end, languages, platforms, security, virtual reality, and more. Additionally, it mentions the company's engineering team and provides information about available positions and how to learn more about the team's work. Overall, the text is informative and provides details about a job opportunity in the field of AI research at Meta. ### Twitter [Blog]( | [Post]( This is a Twitter thread discussing the platform's transparency and privacy features. The tweets in this thread are: 1. "We're working on several features to provide you greater transparency within our app. Some of the new developments we have planned include: better Twitter analytics for creators, greater transparency into safety labels applied to Tweets or accounts, and more visibility into why Tweets appear on your timeline." 2. "What's Next? Twitter is the center of conversations around the world. Ensuring that we're delivering the best content possible to our users is both a challenging and exciting problem." 3. "We're building the town square of the future. If this interests you, please consider joining us." 4. "Tags: open source" 5. "Introducing Rezolus" 6. "Introducing Vireo: a lightweight and versatile video processing library" 7. "Introducing Serial: improved data serialization on Android" 8. "X platform" 9. "X Corp." 10. "Help" 11. "Developer resources" 12. "Business resources" 13. "Did someone say \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 cookies? X and its partners use cookies to provide you with a better, safer and faster service and to support our business." Overall, this thread is discussing Twitter's efforts to improve transparency and privacy within the platform, as well as its commitment to open source technology and developer resources. ### Soundcloud [Blog]( | [Post]( The text is a technical article discussing the optimization of the SoundCloud app for large screens, specifically for devices with screen sizes greater than 600dp (density-independent pixels). The author describes the challenges faced in adapting the app's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to different device types, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, TVs, foldables, and more. The article highlights several key aspects of the optimization process: 1. Support for playback toggling through the space bar key: The author explains how the app supports playback toggling through the space bar key, allowing users to play or pause music with a single press. 2. Customization of UI elements: The author describes the customization of various UI elements, such as the player and search screens, to provide a seamless experience across different devices. 3. Redesign of the artist screen layout: The author discusses the redesign of the artist screen layout to ensure that the app's UX is optimized for large screens. 4. Implementation of hover states and keyboard navigation: The author explains how the app was modified to support hover states and keyboard navigation, ensuring a smooth user experience. 5. Testing on emulators and devices: The author discusses the testing process, including the use of emulators for different device types and physical devices such as the Samsung Fold. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of staying flexible in the face of evolving trends and technology, and the commitment to continued improvement to ensure that SoundCloud remains the leading choice for music streaming across all devices. ### Confluent [Blog]( | [Post]( The blog post discusses the Confluent CLI and how it can be extended with plugins to provide more complex workflows for Kafka and Flink developers and administrators. The article explains that the Confluent CLI plugin framework allows users to create custom commands within the CLI, making them discoverable to all users and avoiding the need for external scripts. The post also provides an example of using the confluent-flink-quickstart plugin to quickly set up a Flink compute pool and start a Flink shell session. The article highlights the benefits of using plugins in the Confluent CLI, including: 1. Custom workflows: Plugins allow developers and administrators to create custom commands within the CLI, enabling them to automate complex tasks and streamline their workflows. 2. Discoverability: Plugins are immediately discoverable to all users of the CLI, eliminating the need for external scripts or manual processes. 3. Ease of use: Plugins provide a seamless experience within the CLI, allowing users to focus on their core tasks without context switching to external tools. 4. Extensibility: The plugin framework enables developers and administrators to extend the functionality of the CLI beyond what is provided out-of-the-box. The article concludes by highlighting the resources available for learning more about the Confluent CLI and how to create plugins, including documentation and a repository of publicly available plugins. ### Guardian [Blog]( | [Post]( The Guardian's engineering blog discusses a recent hack day where developers and data scientists explored the potential of large language models (LLMs) and generative artificial intelligence. The event focused on practical applications in podcasting, search, and image generation, with teams presenting 24 hacks, including a browser extension that assesses the mood of a news article and finds an appropriate music track to enhance reading experience. Three acts won awards: CrosswordsPlus, a hack that enables multiplayer crossword puzzles using SharePlay, a native iOS framework; 5/15s in 515s, a hack that summarizes weekly reports into an audio podcast using OpenAI GPT-3.5 model; and Linguini Labelling Method, which leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to speed up the process of building labelled training datasets for machine learning projects. The article highlights the potential of LLMs and generative AI in improving software development and explores their app ... ...


