
上传日期:2024-01-26 12:54:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种用于Erlang的因果一致可逆调试器
(A Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugger for Erlang)


# CauDEr A Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugger for Erlang. [![Erlang](]( [![GitHub Actions](]( [![License](;base64,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)]( **_This tool is still under development_** ### Core Erlang version In 2020, we decided to rewrite CauDEr to work directly with Erlang instead of Core Erlang. The main reasons for this change where simplicity, user-friendliness and breaking changes introduced in newer version of Erlang/OTP. The old version of CauDEr developed for Core Erlang is still available at [mistupv/cauder-core](, however it is no longer being actively maintained. ## Dependencies * Erlang 23 or higher ## Building To build the project, type: ./rebar3 compile To create an _escript_, type: ./rebar3 escriptize To create a release for your platform, type: ./rebar3 reltool ## Reviewing To run a success typing analysis, type: ./rebar3 dialyzer To run a cross-reference analysis, type: ./rebar3 xref To run the code formatter, type: ./rebar3 fmt To run the style reviewer, type: ./rebar3 lint To run the unit tests, type: ./rebar3 eunit To run the common tests, type: ./rebar3 ct To clean-up the build files, type: ./rebar3 clean ## Running ### Using the Erlang shell To start an Erlang shell with all the required dependencies, type: ./rebar3 shell There are multiples ways to run CauDEr from the Erlang shell: #### Like an _escript_ ``` Eshell V11.0 (abort with ^G) 1> cauder:main(). ok ``` This function will wait for the CauDEr window to close before returning, which means the shell will be blocked. #### Like an application ``` Eshell V11.0 (abort with ^G) 1> application:start(wx), application:start(cauder). ok ``` To stop CauDEr you can use `application:stop(cauder)`, or simply close the window. #### Manually ``` Eshell V11.0 (abort with ^G) 1> cauder:start(). % Starting the debugger {ok,<0.80.0>} 2> cauder_wx:start(). % Starting the GUI {ok,<0.82.0>,{wx_ref,35,wxFrame,<0.82.0>}} ``` If you try to start the GUI without previously starting the debugger, it will fail with the following error: `{error,{not_started,cauder}}` ### Using the _escript_ ./_build/default/bin/cauder This will block the current shell until the CauDEr window is closed. In Unix systems a symbolic link pointing to `./_build/default/bin/cauder` will be created in the root of the project. ### Using the release ./_build/default/reltool/cauder This script will start CauDEr in detached mode. ## Creating a log To trace the execution of a function call you should use either the `cauder_tracer:trace/3` or `cauder_tracer:trace/4` function. Both functions accept as their first three argument the components of a function application, i.e. to trace `apply(Module, Function, Arguments)` you should call `cauder_tracer:trace(Module, Function, Arguments)`, they also return the trace in case you want to use it directly. The optional fourth argument is a collection of configuration options for the trace process, these options can be provider either as a `proplist` or as a `map`. The available options are: * `{dir, Dir}`: the directory where the source code is located. Default is the current directory (`"."`). * `{modules, Modules}`: a list of additional modules to instrument. Default is an empty list (`[]`). * `{timeout, Timeout}`: the number of milliseconds the tracer can run, or the atom `infinity` to run forever (this is however not recommended as there is currently no way to stop the tracer without losing the trace). Default is `10000`. * `{stamp_mode, Mode}`: the policy through which stamps in messages are managed. Default is `centralized`. * `{output, Dir}`: the directory where the trace will be saved, or an empty list (`[]`) to not save the trace to disk. Default is `[]`. For distributed programs simply start the Erlang runtime system as a distributed node, using the `-name` or `-sname` options. ### Stamp Modes The available stamp modes are: * `centralized`: There is a central authority that distributes the stamp, it can always be considered safe. * `distributed`: Every send generates its own stamp, more lightweight but safe only if one system instance is involved. ### Example Suppose that you want to trace the `barber` case study located in the `case-studies/barber/` folder, and you would also like to store the results in a new folder called `trace/`. If you prefer using a `proplist` for options, type: cauder_tracer:trace(barber, main, [], [{dir, "case-studies/barber"}, {output, "case-studies/barber/trace"}]). Or if you prefer using a `map` for options, type: cauder_tracer:trace(barber, main, [], #{dir => "case-studies/barber", output => "case-studies/barber/trace"}). ## Screenshot ![CauDEr screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Documentation To learn how to use CauDEr you can check the [Wiki]( (Under construction!) ## Mailing list Announcements as well as questions and discussion among users and developers of the causal consistent reversible debugger CauDEr for Erlang programs are carried out in the [Mailing List]( ## Contributing Please read the [Contributing guide](.github/ ## License This project is available under the terms of the MIT license. See the [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file for the copyright information and licensing terms.


