
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-02-02 05:36:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  建立了一个基于TensorFlow的CNN,在RSI-CB256卫星图像分类上实现97%的准确性!这表明了深度学习从卫星图像中提取有意义信息的能力。
(Built a TensorFlow-based CNN achieving 97% accuracy on RSI-CB256 satellite image classification! This demonstrates the power of deep learning for extracting meaningful information from satellite imagery.)


# Satellite Image Classification with TensorFlow This repository contains the code and documentation for a satellite image classification project using TensorFlow. The goal of the project is to accurately predict the category of satellite images by building a convolutional neural network (CNN). ## Project Overview The model is designed to classify satellite images into four categories: cloudy, desert, green_area, and water. The dataset consists of labeled images collected from various sensors and Google Maps snapshots. ## Key Features - Data preparation using TensorFlow's ImageDataGenerator for real-time data augmentation. - Understanding the functionality of `flow_from_directory` for efficient data input pipeline. - Visualization of the model's predictions on satellite images. - Implementation of a CNN with several convolutional layers, max-pooling, dropout, and dense layers. - Usage of early stopping to prevent overfitting. - Evaluation of the model's performance using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. ## Dataset The dataset used for training and validation is the RSI-CB256 dataset, which includes satellite images across four classes with different environmental features. ### 4 class Images: ![1](https://github.com/Hasanshovon/Satellite-image-classification-A-TensorFlow-approach/assets/26182608/08d5f5ad-cdb8-46f3-bf03-06648b72d80a) ![2](https://github.com/Hasanshovon/Satellite-image-classification-A-TensorFlow-approach/assets/26182608/bb91b10b-627e-4b09-85c7-9f16f978841a) ![3](https://github.com/Hasanshovon/Satellite-image-classification-A-TensorFlow-approach/assets/26182608/6aa86547-620e-4301-a581-64caeba3d7cd) ![4](https://github.com/Hasanshovon/Satellite-image-classification-A-TensorFlow-approach/assets/26182608/df4a7242-9c25-4db7-a334-db21a824e1a9) ## Model Architecture The model is a CNN with the following layers: - Conv2D with ReLU activation, followed by BatchNormalization and MaxPooling. - Dropout layers to reduce overfitting. - A Flatten layer followed by a Dense layer with ReLU activation. - The output layer is a Dense layer with a softmax activation function to output class probabilities. ## Results The trained model achieved an accuracy of approximately 94.23% on the test set. The detailed classification report is available in the repository, showing precision, recall, and F1-score for each class. ## Requirements The project requires the following libraries: - TensorFlow - Keras - NumPy - Matplotlib - scikit-learn - Pandas


