
上传日期:2024-02-04 20:31:38
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  创建该项目是为了开发一个Android应用程序,该应用程序显示来自openbrewerydb.org的Open Brewery API内容,作为我关于Android编程的研究的一部分
(Project created to develop an Android app that shows Open Brewery API content from as a part of my studies about Android programming)


# OpenBrewery-Android Repository created to develop an Android app that shows Open Brewery API content ## Features

Open Brewery Video

### Brewery Home

Open Brewery Hone

### Brewery List

Open Brewery List

The results shown at brewery list is gotten from through GET HTTP request. This API returns a brewery list in a JSON array and the application is responsible for converting the data into a readable one. Example: ```json [ { "id": "5128df48-79fc-4f0f-8b52-d06be54d0cec", "name": "(405) Brewing Co", "brewery_type": "micro", "address_1": "1716 Topeka St", "address_2": null, "address_3": null, "city": "Norman", "state_province": "Oklahoma", "postal_code": "73069-8224", "country": "United States", "longitude": "-97.46818222", "latitude": "35.25738891", "phone": "4058160490", "website_url": "", "state": "Oklahoma", "street": "1716 Topeka St" }, { "id": "9c5a66c8-cc13-416f-a5d9-0a769c87d318", "name": "(512) Brewing Co", "brewery_type": "micro", "address_1": "407 Radam Ln Ste F200", "address_2": null, "address_3": null, "city": "Austin", "state_province": "Texas", "postal_code": "78745-1197", "country": "United States", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "phone": "5129211545", "website_url": "", "state": "Texas", "street": "407 Radam Ln Ste F200" }, { "id": "34e8c68b-6146-453f-a4b9-1f6cd99a5ada", "name": "1 of Us Brewing Company", "brewery_type": "micro", "address_1": "8100 Washington Ave", "address_2": null, "address_3": null, "city": "Mount Pleasant", "state_province": "Wisconsin", "postal_code": "53406-3920", "country": "United States", "longitude": "-87.88336350209435", "latitude": "42.72010826899558", "phone": "2624847553", "website_url": "", "state": "Wisconsin", "street": "8100 Washington Ave" } ] ``` ### Brewery Details

Open Brewery Details

When the user clicks on some brewery in the list, it's redirected to the details page where is shown all the info about the chosen brewery. Example: GET The result obtained is: ```json { "id": "b54b16e1-ac3b-4bff-a11f-f7ae9ddc27e0", "name": "MadTree Brewing 2.0", "brewery_type": "regional", "address_1": "5164 Kennedy Ave", "address_2": null, "address_3": null, "city": "Cincinnati", "state_province": "Ohio", "postal_code": "45213", "country": "United States", "longitude": "-84.4137736", "latitude": "39.1885752", "phone": "5138368733", "website_url": "", "state": "Ohio", "street": "5164 Kennedy Ave" } ``` Note that the brewery ID is passed at the and of the link. ## Architecture The architecture used in this project is MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) with Clean Architecture principles. ### Presentation layer The presentation layer is responsible for displaying the data to the user and handling user interactions. #### Activity and Fragment The Activity and Fragments are responsible for handling the UI and user interactions. #### Adapter and ViewHolder The Adapter and ViewHolder are responsible for handling with the RecyclerView and its items. #### ViewModel The ViewModel is responsible for handling the UI-related data. It provides data to the UI and acts as a communication center between the Repository and the UI. The ViewModel is part of the lifecycle library and it is lifecycle-aware, meaning it can be notified of lifecycle changes. ### Domain layer The domain layer is responsible for handling the business logic of the application. #### Model The Model is responsible for handling the data. #### Mappers The Mappers are responsible for handling the data conversion. #### UseCase The UseCase is responsible for executing any use case in the application. It is the bridge between the presentation layer and the data layer. #### Interfaces The Interfaces are responsible for handling the communication between the domain layer and the data ### Data layer (Datasource) The data layer is responsible for handling the data operations of the application. #### DataProvider The DataProvider is responsible for handling the data operations. In this project, it handles with local data using Room library. ##### Configuration The configuration is responsible for handling the database configuration. ##### DAO The DAO is responsible for handling the database operations. ##### Entity The Entity is responsible for handling the database entities. #### DataSource The DataSource is responsible for handling the data operations. In this project, it handles with remote data using Retrofit library. ##### Repository The Repository is responsible for handling the data operations. It is the bridge between the domain and data layers. ## Dependency Injection The dependency injection is done using Koin, a lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin ### Infrastructure The infrastructure layer is responsible for handling the dependency injection of the application. You can see infrastructure layers in whole project. ## Navigation The navigation is done using the Jetpack Navigation library. Home -> Brewery List -> Brewery Details ## Tests In this project with implemented Unit Test. The tests are done using JUnit, Mockk, Kotlintest Assertions, and Coroutines Test. ## Dependencies For this app we are using Gradle as the build system. You can check below the complete list of Gradle dependencies. ### Core - androidx.core:core-ktx - androidx.test:core - core-testing ### Layout - androidx.appcompat:appcompat - - androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout ### JUnit - junit:junit ### Mockk - io.mockk:mockk:$mockkVersion - io.mockk:mockk-android ### Kotlin test - io.kotlintest:kotlintest-assertions ### Koin - io.insert-koin:koin-core - io.insert-koin:koin-android - io.insert-koin:koin-test - io.insert-koin:koin-android-compat - io.insert-koin:koin-androidx-navigation ### Kotlin coroutines - org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core - org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android - org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test ### Recyclerview - androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview ### Navigation - androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx - androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx - androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment ### Okhttp - com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor ### Retrofit - com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit - com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson ### Room - - - -


