
上传日期:2024-02-07 15:06:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  api.video的官方Flutter播放器
(The official Flutter player for api.video)


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api.video Flutter player

[api.video](https://api.video) is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app. ## Table of contents - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Project description](#project-description) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Installation](#installation) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Instantiation](#instantiation) - [1. The ApiVideoPlayerController](#1-the-apivideoplayercontroller) - [2. The ApiVideoPlayer](#2-the-apivideoplayer) - [Methods](#methods) - [Properties](#properties) - [Events listener](#events-listener) - [Add a new event listener: Method 1](#add-a-new-event-listener-method-1) - [Add a new event listener: Method 2](#add-a-new-event-listener-method-2) - [Remove an event listener](#remove-an-event-listener) - [Sample application](#sample-application) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [FAQ](#faq) ## Project description Easily integrate a video player for videos from api.video in your Flutter application for iOS, Android and Web. ## Getting started ### Installation Run the following command at the root of your project. ```shell flutter pub add apivideo_player ``` ## Documentation ### Instantiation #### 1. The ApiVideoPlayerController To use a video player, you must instantiate a new controller. The [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart) parameters are: | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | |--------------|--------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | videoOptions | Yes | [VideoOptions](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/4efe23f20ccf1c9459cee7588da1d3fed74e8e36/lib/src/apivideo_types.dart#L13) | Options from the video you want to display inside the current video player | | autoplay | No (default false) | bool | Whether you want your video to be automatically played when it's ready or not | | onReady | No | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is ready to be played | | onPlay | No | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is played | | onPause | No | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is paused | | onEnd | No | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video has ended | | onError | No | Function(Object) | A callback called when an error occured | Once instantiated, you need to initialize the controller by calling its `initialize()` method. ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); ``` See the sample application below for more details. #### 2. The ApiVideoPlayer A Widget that displays the video and its controls. The [ApiVideoPlayer](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/widgets/apivideo_player.dart) constructor takes 3 parameters: | Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | |------------|--------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | controller | Yes | [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart) | The controller that controls a video player | | Allows you to hide or show the controls of a video player | | fit | No (default BoxFit.contain) | [BoxFit](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/painting/BoxFit.html) | How the player should be inscribed into its box. | | style | No (default api.video style) | [PlayerStyle](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/style/apivideo_style.dart#L102) | Allows you to customize the video player's colors, shapes,... | | child | No (default api.video overlay) | Widget | Replace api.video overlay by your own implementation. | ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ApiVideoPlayer( controller: controller, ); } ``` ### Methods Once the [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart) has been instantiated, you can control the player it has been assigned to with its methods: | Method | Description | |--------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | play() | Play the video | | pause() | Pause the video | | seek(Duration offset) | Add/substract the given Duration from the current time | | setVolume(double volume) | Change the audio volume to the given value. From 0 to 1 (0 = muted, 1 = 100%) | | setIsMuted(bool isMuted) | Mute/unmute the video | | setAutoplay(bool autoplay) | Define if the video should start playing as soon as it is loaded | | setIsLooping(bool isLooping) | Define if the video should be played in loop | | setCurrentTime(Duration currentTime) | Set the current playback time | | setVideoOptions(VideoOptions videoOptions) | Set the video options | Example: ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); controller.play(); // Play the video ``` ### Properties Once the [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart) has been instantiated, you can access the video player's properties: | Property | Type | Description | |--------------|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | isCreated | Future\ | Check if the player has been created | | isPlaying | Future\ | Check whether the video is playing | | videoOptions | Future\ | Retrieve the current video options | | currentTime | Future\ | Retrieve the current playback time of the video | | duration | Future\ | Retrieve the duration of the video | | autoplay | Future\ | Check whether the video is autoplayed | | isMuted | Future\ | Check whether the video is muted | | isLooping | Future\ | Check whether the video is in loop mode | | volume | Future\ | Retrieve the current volume | | videoSize | Future\ | Retrieve the current video size | Example: ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); final bool isMuted = await controller.isMuted; ``` ### Events listener #### Add a new event listener: Method 1 When you instantiate a new [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart), you can bind callbacks to some events: ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") onPlay: () => print('PLAY'), onPause: () => print('PAUSE'), ); ``` #### Add a new event listener: Method 2 Once the [ApiVideoPlayerController](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/blob/main/lib/src/apivideo_player_controller.dart) has been instantiated, you can bind callbacks to some events: ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); final ApiVideoPlayerControllerEventsListener eventsListener = ApiVideoPlayerControllerEventsListener( onPlay: () => print('PLAY'), ); controller.addListener(eventsListener); ``` | Event | Type | Description | |---------|------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | onReady | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is ready to be played | | onPlay | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is played | | onPause | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video is paused | | onEnd | VoidCallback | A callback called when the video has ended | | onError | Function(Object) | A callback called when an error occured | #### Remove an event listener To remove an event listener, you need to call the controller's `removeListener` method. ```dart final ApiVideoPlayerController controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") ); await controller.initialize(); final ApiVideoPlayerControllerEventsListener eventsListener = ApiVideoPlayerControllerEventsListener( onPlay: () => print('PLAY'), ); controller.removeListener(eventsListener); ``` ## Sample application ```dart import 'package:apivideo_player/apivideo_player.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _MyAppState(); } class _MyAppState extends State { final ApiVideoPlayerController _controller = ApiVideoPlayerController( videoOptions: VideoOptions(videoId: 'VIDEO_ID'), // For private video: VideoOptions(videoId: "YOUR_VIDEO_ID", token: "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN") onPlay: () => print('PLAY'), ); String _duration = 'Get duration'; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller.initialize(); _controller.addListener( ApiVideoPlayerControllerEventsListener( onPause: () => print('PAUSE'), ), ); } void _getDuration() async { final Duration duration = await _controller.duration; setState(() { _duration = 'Duration: $duration'; }); } void _muteVideo() { _controller.setIsMuted(true); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Builder(builder: (context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Column( children: [ SizedBox( width: 400.0, height: 300.0, child: ApiVideoPlayer( controller: _controller, ), ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.volume_off), onPressed: _muteVideo, ), TextButton( onPressed: _getDuration, child: Text( _duration, textAlign: TextAlign.center, ), ), ], ), ), ); }), ); } } ``` ## Dependencies We are using external library | Plugin | README | |--------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | [Exoplayer](https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer) | [README.md](https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer#readme) | ## FAQ If you have any questions, ask us in the [community](https://community.api.video) or use [issues](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-flutter-player/issues).


