
上传日期:2024-02-14 07:22:09
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  RPC办公中心


--- title: Configuration --- - [Obsidian Plugin](https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/obsidian-github-publisher) - [Template](https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/mkdocs-publisher-template) - [Documentation](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/) - [Github Discussion](https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/obsidian-github-publisher/discussions) ## Repository configuration The repository and the template rely on [GitHub Actions](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/template/actions/) to generate the website. You need to configure the repository to allow the actions to work properly. [Carefully follow this links to understand which keys you need to create](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/template/actions/#secrets) ## Mkdocs configuration You need to configure the plugin and the `mkdocs` configuration for it to work properly. You can find more information about creating the site using the [Material Mkdocs Documentation](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/creating-your-site/#advanced-configuration). > [!Warning] > Configuration is mandatory. Do not configure the template will lead to crash during build and errors. There is two way to edit the template for creating the website : - Manually, with editing `mkdocs.yml` and creating appropriate workflows files, - Automatically, through a Github Action. ### Automatic configuration 1. First go into SETTINGS - In `Pages` : If you want to use the template with Github Pages, you need to activate the GitHub Pages in your repository settings, and use **action** to trigger the page build. ![](https://i.imgur.com/VHPLooc.png) - In `Actions` -> `General` : Allow Github Actions to read and write, and allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests, as follows: ![](https://i.imgur.com/w79NrA8.png) Don't forget to save the changes! - Create a [personal access token](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?description=PUBLISHER%20TEMPLATE&scopes=repo,workflow), copy it and register it as a secrets : ![](https://i.imgur.com/CW7YTms.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/9SCSooJ.png) This key will also be used by the update workflows. - If you choose to rely on netlify or vercel, [you need to configure the keys](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/template/advanced_workflow/). 2. Go into the Actions tabs 3. Click on the Generate website workflow and `Run workflow`. A popup will appear, and fill the informations. ![](https://i.imgur.com/QZj8bk0.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/n8wyvSp.png) Each informations corresponding to the [mkdocs.yml configuration file](https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/). By default, the workflows will send you a pull requests, so you can review the generation before the merging. You can automatically merge with the last options. ![](https://i.imgur.com/SvPPyHc.png) 4. Go into the pull-request tab. Verify all files, and if it's okay for you, you can merge the PR. ![](https://i.imgur.com/zKtGagJ.png) ### Manual configuration [The configuration of mkdocs.yml is explained here](https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/). 1. First, edit the `mkdocs.yml` files with editing: - `site_name` : The name of your website - `site_description` : The description of your website - `site_author` : The author of your website - `site_url` : The url of your website - `language` : [The language of your website](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/setup/changing-the-language/) - In extra: - `comments` : If you want to enable comments, you need to set it to `true` and [configure the comments](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/advanced/customization/?h=comments#comments) - `generate_graph` : Set it to `true` if **you use GitHub Pages** and you want to generate the graph view. Set it to `false` if you use Netlify or Vercel. [See here on how to configure the graph with Netlify/vercel](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/template/advanced_workflow/) - `auto_h1` : Disable the automatic generation of h1 if no h1 is found 2. Create [keys if you use Vercel /Netlify](https://obsidian-publisher.netlify.app/template/advanced_workflow/). 3. [Grab the `.env` and `deploy.yml` corresponding to your methods of deployment](https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/actions/tree/main/template): - `.env` must be placed at `.github/` - `deploy.yml` must be placed at `.github/workflows/` 4. For **Vercel** or **Netlify** ONLY, create a `requirements_actions.txt` file at the root of your repository, and add the following lines: ``` obsidiantools==0.10.0 pyvis==0.3.1 ``` 5. **For Netlify ONLY** : Create a `runtime.txt` file with `3.8` in it. 6. Create the [Github Personal Access Token](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?description=PUBLISHER%20TEMPLATE&scopes=repo,workflow) and register it as a secrets (see the automatic configuration for this). ### Optional configuration To edit the logo and favicon, first put the chosen files in the `assets/logo` directory, and then change `logo` and `favicon`: 1. `logo: assets/meta/logo_name.png` 2. `favicon: assets/meta/favicon.png` 3. To properly work with SEO, also edit the `extra` with `SEO: 'assets/meta/LOGO_SEO.png'` You can also customize: - Font - Color scheme, palette, and icons - Language [Check the documentation for more information](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/setup/changing-the-colors/) You don't need to touch anything in `features` or `markdown_extensions`. #### Extra configuration The last part of the `mkdocs.yml` is a configuration for the `hooks` and the template Jinja displaying the list of articles (`blog_list.html`). There are also : - `SEO` (_`string`_): Link to your default image displayed by the SEO. - `comments` (_`boolean`_) : Allow the comments block at the end of the page - `generate_graph` (_`boolean`_): Generate the [[customization#Graph view|graph view]] - `attachments` (_`boolean`_): For [[configuration#Blog list (article listing)]] and image in SEO. Change it according to your Obsidian Plugin settings. ##### Blog list (article listing) The list of articles is configured by the key `blog_list` and can take the following parameters : - `pagination` (_`boolean, default: True`_): Display a pagination if the list is too long. - `pagination_message` (_`boolean, default: True`_): Display a message with the number of posts (article/file) in the folder. - `pagination_translation` (`string, default: 'posts in'`): Translation of the pagination's message. - `no_page_found` (`string, default: "No pages found!"`): The text to display if no pages were found. ##### Hooks This part contains the configuration of `hooks`, short python scripts that allow to patch some Obsidian parts incompatible with Mkdocs. You can configure : - The suppression of the Obsidian's comments (`%% comments %%`): `strip_comments: true` - A fix for headings, which adds a `#` to all headings (except the 6th one) because the Mkdocs TOC considers that the H1 is the main heading/title of the file: `fix_heading: true`


