
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-11-23 16:11:59
上 传 者tjulxh
说明:  VC++ meanshift跟踪摄像头内目标的源码。无需opencv。需要directshow环境。 先点击确定,摄像头采集图像。然后拖动鼠标在图像中画红框,即可标定目标。 然后点击开始即可实现meanshift跟踪
(VC++ meanshift within the target tracking camera source. No opencv. Need directshow environment. First click OK, the camera capture images. Then drag the mouse in the image painted red box, you can calibrate the target. Then click the Start meanshift tracking can be achieved)

meanshif demo\CaiDX.cpp (14387, 2011-11-21)
meanshif demo\CaiDX.h (1735, 2011-11-17)
meanshif demo\CaiImage.cpp (24152, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\CaiImage.h (3892, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\colourModel.cpp (3587, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\colourModel.h (2012, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.aps (35948, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.clw (1437, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.cpp (2347, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.dsp (4927, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.dsw (551, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.h (1458, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.ncb (91136, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.opt (56832, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.plg (1666, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demo.rc (5532, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\meanshif demoDlg.cpp (13412, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\meanshif demoDlg.h (2856, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\MeanShiftSegger.cpp (7243, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\MeanShiftSegger.h (1282, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\res\meanshif demo.ico (1078, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo\res\meanshif demo.rc2 (405, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo\resource.h (783, 2011-11-22)
meanshif demo\RGB BMP.jpg (40023, 2011-11-23)
meanshif demo\StdAfx.cpp (215, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo\StdAfx.h (1054, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo\res (0, 2011-11-16)
meanshif demo (0, 2011-11-23)


