
上传日期:2024-02-18 10:44:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  MishkaPub是ActivityPub去中心化社交网络协议在Elixir中的模块化实现
(MishkaPub is a modular implementation of the ActivityPub decentralized social networking protocol in Elixir)


# MishkaPub > ### This was a practice project to implement ActivityPub as well as ActivityStream, which led to the creation of the [GuardedStruct](https://github.com/mishka-group/mishka_developer_tools/blob/master/guidance/guarded-struct.livemd) macro. This project will be archived, but it can have a good educational load to start with -------- ## Actor fields `name`, `preferredUsername`, `inbox`, `outbox`, `followers`, `following`, `liked` --> enforce All list of top types field should be OrderedCollection -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Sending email - User's feed is its inbox with Get - User's profile is its outbox for other poaple with Get - Send message to someone or public is user'outbox with POST - Then server sends the user's outbox request to the poaple inbox - If user want to see another users profile should GET their outbox -------------------------------------------------------------------- - A client to server protocol, or "Social API" - A server to server protocol, or "Federation Protocol" - `application/ld+json`; - `application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"` - `Location: https://dustycloud.org/likes/345` - user should put the full url in location header when a activity is transient - `bto` / `bcc` ---> should be deleted from activity but should be delivered - `to`, `bto`, `cc`, `bcc`, `audience` ----> server should manage - `Add`, `Remove` --> activity should have target - If a activity is created SHOULD be copied onto the object's attributedTo (for Create) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When a user send a request to his outbox for creating an object can be like: ```json { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "type": "Note", "content": "This is a note", "published": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z", "to": ["https://example.org/~john/"], "cc": ["https://example.com/~erik/followers", "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"] } ``` This top object is about the object of creating a not, but who sends to his outbox for example mallory, so we should add activity properties automaticly and delete all sent ids like this: ```json { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "type": "Create", "id": "https://example.net/~mallory/87374", "actor": "https://example.net/~mallory", "object": { "id": "https://example.com/~mallory/note/72", "type": "Note", "attributedTo": "https://example.net/~mallory", "content": "This is a note", "published": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z", "to": ["https://example.org/~john/"], "cc": ["https://example.com/~erik/followers", "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"] }, "published": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z", "to": ["https://example.org/~john/"], "cc": ["https://example.com/~erik/followers", "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"] } ``` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updating, for deleteing one field user should send `json null` this exeption for activitypub --> client to server ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting, If an object deleted and a user request it, server should response HTTP 410, if there is not object at first server should return 404 ```json { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "id": "https://example.com/~alice/note/72", "type": "Tombstone", "published": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z", "updated": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z", "deleted": "2015-02-10T15:04:55Z" } ``` If user send a request to delete an activity should consider this is for the server has permition ot not Side effect, the server for any reson maybe not give the accses for deleting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Extera activityes - `Accept` and `Reject`, - `Arrive` and `Leave`, - `Join` and `Leave`, - `Create` and `Delete`, - `Like` and `Dislike` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - For Undoing: `Create` --> `Delete`, `Add` ---> `Remove` - Some recurse object and edit should have a limition ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## For uploading media - `https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/ActivityPub/MediaUpload` - `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="wireworld.webm"` - `Content-Type: video/webm` ----> 202 Accepted --- Server should prevent oversized Collections from client, must have a limition and rate limit


