
上传日期:2024-02-21 02:07:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Flutter web应用程序中的本机浏览器颜色选择器
(Native browser s color picker in Flutter web apps)


A Flutter widget that displays the native web color picker for browsers for use in Flutter Web apps. > [!NOTE] > This package supports only Flutter web. ## Features - **Default Browser Color Picker**: Uses the built-in color picker of web browsers. - **Callbacks for Color Change Events**: Notifies you when a color is selected or confirmed. - **Customizable Selector Appearance**: Allows you to display a custom widget as the color picker selector. ## Usage To use the `web_color_picker` package in your Flutter Web application, follow these steps: ### 1. Import the Package First, make sure to add `web_color_picker` to your `pubspec.yaml` dependencies. Then, import it in your Dart code: ```dart import 'package:web_color_picker/web_color_picker.dart'; ``` ### 2. Using The `WebColorPicker` Widget #### To Display A Custom Color Picker Selector Use the `WebColorPicker.builder` constructor to display a custom color picker selector provided by the `builder` parameter. Tapping on the custom color picker will open the browser's color picker. An example showing how to use an `ElevatedButton` as the custom color picker selector: A gif showing how to use an `ElevatedButton` as the custom color picker selector ```dart WebColorPicker.builder( initialColor: textColor, builder: (context, selectedColor) { return ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { print('ElevatedButton pressed'); }, style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: 8, vertical: 12, ), ), child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Container( width: 20, height: 20, decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), color: selectedColor, ), ), const SizedBox( width: 8, ), Text( 'Select color', ), ], ), ); }, ) ``` #### To Display The Default Color Picker Selector Use the `WebColorPicker` constructor to display the browser's default color picker selector. An example showing how to use the default color picker selector: A gif showing how to use the default color picker selector ```dart WebColorPicker( initialColor: Colors.red, width: 60.0, height: 30.0, ) ``` ### 3. Handle Color Change Events There are two main callbacks you can handle: - **onInput**: Triggered whenever a color is selected in the picker. - **onChange**: Triggered whenever the picker is dismissed and a color is confirmed. Each of these callbacks provides the selected `Color` and the corresponding HTML event: An example demonstrating the color picker events using the default color picker selector and a custom color picker selector: A gif demonstrating the color picker events using the default color picker selector and a custom color picker selector ```dart WebColorPicker( initialColor: textColor, onInput: (color, event) { setState(() { previewTextColor = color; }); }, onChange: (color, event) { setState(() { textColor = color; }); }, // ... other properties ), ``` See the [example](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/example) directory for a complete example. ## Resources For more understanding on how the HTML color input (which this package uses) works, check out the following: - [MDN Documentation: ``](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color): An in-depth overview of the HTML color input element. - [Using Color Inputs on MDN](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color#using_color_inputs): A guide that explains the user interactions and behavior of the color input. - [Color Inputs: A Deep Dive into Cross-Browser Differences | CSS-Tricks](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/https://css-tricks.com/color-inputs-a-deep-dive-into-cross-browser-differences/): An article that delves into the cross-browser differences of color inputs. ### Apps Using This Library - [Flutter Gradient Generator](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/https://fluttergradientgenerator.com) - An online tool for creating and customizing gradients for use in Flutter applications. Check it out on [GitHub](https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_web_color_picker/blob/master/https://github.com/victoreronmosele/flutter_gradient_generator).


