
开发工具:Visual Basic .NET
上传日期:2024-02-24 03:37:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  将鼠标指针锁定在屏幕中心,直到按下指定的键。
(Locks the mouse pointer at the center of the screen until a specified key is pressed.)


# MouseLock GUI ### Locks the mouse pointer at the center of the screen until a specified key is pressed. ------------------ ## Introduction The main idea behind the development of this program was to lock the mouse pointer when playing old video games that didn't lock the mouse and that caused problems. You may find different needs to lock the mouse. This is an old project, with ugly source-code, and probably I will not rewrite it with good and modern habbits. ## Features - Automatically locks the mouse when MouseLock program runs. - Automatically locks the mouse at certain hour. - Automatically locks the mouse when a specified process is running. - Set a single key or combination key to unlock the mouse. - Set a initial delay to start locking the mouse. ## Screenshots ![screenshot1]( ![screenshot2]( ![screenshot3]( ## Requirements - Microsoft Windows OS. ## Getting Started Download the latest release by clicking [here](https://github.com, ## Change Log Explore the complete list of changes, bug fixes, and improvements across different releases by clicking [here]( ## Credits This work relies on the following technologies and libraries: - [.NET Framework](https://github.com - [CButtonLib](https://github.com - [gTimePicker](https://github.com ## Disclaimer: This Work (the repository and the content provided in) is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Work or the use or other dealings in the Work. This Work has no affiliation, approval or endorsement by the author(s) of the third-party libraries used by this Work. ## Contributing Your contribution is highly appreciated!. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or encounter issues, feel free to open an issue by clicking [here](https://github.com Your input helps make this Work better for everyone. Thank you for your support! ## Beyond Contribution This work is distributed for educational purposes and without any profit motive. However, if you find value in my efforts and wish to support and motivate my ongoing work, you may consider contributing financially through the following options: - ### Paypal: You can donate any amount you like via **Paypal** by clicking on this button: [![Donation Account](https://github.comImages/Paypal_Donate.png)](https://github.com - ### Envato Market: If you are a .NET developer, you may want to explore '**DevCase Class Library for .NET**', a huge set of APIs that I have on sale. Almost all reusable code that you can find across my works is condensed, refined and provided through DevCase Class Library. Check out the product: [![DevCase Class Library for .NET](https://github.comImages/DevCase_Banner.png)](https://github.com **Your support means the world to me! Thank you for considering it!**


