
上传日期:2024-02-25 23:33:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  星际链接ipv6

**Setting Up Startlink And Fortigate IPv6 2024-02-25 Fortigate 7.2.7 Firmware** Dishy v1 Round Testing and working Starlink ------> POE (OEM) -------> WAN2 Fortigate No Starlink Router!! I am using SD-WAN. WAN1 doesn't support IPv6 so just WAN2 is for failover and primary IPv6. WAN2 settings: config system interface edit wan2 config ipv6 config ipv6 set ip6-allowaccess ping set dhcp6-prefix-delegation enable set autoconf enable config dhcp6-iapd-list edit 1 set prefix-hint ::/56 next end end Internal Settings: config system interface edit "internal" config ipv6 set ip6-mode delegated set ip6-allowaccess ping https ssh set dhcp6-prefix-delegation enable set ip6-send-adv enable set ip6-manage-flag enable set ip6-other-flag enable set ip6-delegated-prefix-iaid 1 set ip6-upstream-interface "wan2" set ip6-subnet ::1/64 config ip6-delegated-prefix-list edit 1 set upstream-interface "wan2" set delegated-prefix-iaid 1 set subnet ::/64 set rdnss-service default next end config dhcp6-iapd-list edit 1 set prefix-hint ::/56 next end end Rules. PLEASE NOTE rule numbers may very, don't just copy and paste this. Also note that my interface is virtual-wan-link, unless you are using SD-WAN you will need to change this. config firewall policy edit 31 set name "Allow_ping" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "ALL_ICMP6" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 32 set name "ALLOW_HTTP" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "HTTP" set utm-status enable set inspection-mode proxy set ssl-ssh-profile "certificate-inspection" set av-profile "default" set dnsfilter-profile "default" set application-list "default" next edit 33 set name "ALLOW_HTTPS" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "HTTPS" set inspection-mode proxy set ssl-ssh-profile "certificate-inspection" next edit 34 set name "ALLOW_DNS" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "DNS" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 35 set name "ALLOW_NTP_IPv6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "NTP" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 36 set name "ALLOW_VZW_IPv6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "IKE" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 45 set name "ALLOW_IPv6_SSH" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "SSH" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 48 set name "ALLOW_ALL_IPV6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "ALL" next set name "Allow_ping" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "ALL_ICMP6" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 32 set name "ALLOW_HTTP" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "HTTP" set utm-status enable set inspection-mode proxy set ssl-ssh-profile "certificate-inspection" set av-profile "default" set dnsfilter-profile "default" set application-list "default" next edit 33 set name "ALLOW_HTTPS" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "HTTPS" set inspection-mode proxy set ssl-ssh-profile "certificate-inspection" next edit 34 set name "ALLOW_DNS" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "DNS" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 35 set name "ALLOW_NTP_IPv6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "NTP" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 36 set name "ALLOW_VZW_IPv6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "IKE" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 45 set name "ALLOW_IPv6_SSH" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "SSH" set inspection-mode proxy next edit 48 set name "ALLOW_ALL_IPV6" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "virtual-wan-link" set action accept set srcaddr6 "all" set dstaddr6 "all" set schedule "always" set service "ALL" next **Bonus Starlink APP** In order to do this you need to use another interface I am selecting internal7 on it's own interface (Not part of the switch), since you can't do DHCP and static ip addresses at the same time (Lame). config system interface edit "internal7" set vdom "root" set ip set type physical set alias "Star Link MGMT" set device-identification enable set lldp-transmission enable set role lan set snmp-index 19 config ipv6 set ip6-allowaccess ping end next The wiring looks like this Starlink ---> POE ---> Switch(1) Switch(2) ----> WAN2 Switch(3) ---> internal7 make up an untagged VLAN like 72 for simplicity port 1 is Starlink Dishy, port 2 is WAN2, port 3 is internal7 Then in procurve (That is what I am using) config t vlan 72 untagged 1-3 then configure internal7 as above. Create a rule to allow internal to go to the internal7 as so edit 60 set name "ALLOW_TO_STARLINK_MGMT" set srcintf "internal" set dstintf "internal7" set action accept set srcaddr "Internal" set dstaddr "internal7 address" set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set nat enable next That's it now you should be able to use your Starlink APP to see Dishy stats. It's important to make sure Internal7 is NOT part of your switch and it's-it's own interface. Thanks all! john8675309 at the gmail dot com John Hass References: [Fixed Internal Interface (Comment Section)]( [Initial Setup Not Quite RIght](


