
上传日期:2024-03-01 03:38:00
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  One For All API通过结合天气数据、文本生成、市场分析、新闻检索和电影细节来简化开发。它通过单个界面提供多个功能来简化应用程序创建,减少了管理多个API的需要。
(The One-For-All API streamlines development by combining weather data, text generation, market analysis, news retrieval, and movie details. It simplifies app creation by offering multiple functions through a single interface, reducing the need for managing multiple APIs.)


# One-For-All API Documentation ![GitHub repo size]( ![GitHub contributors]( ![GitHub stars]( ![GitHub forks]( ## Description This repository contains documentation for the One-For-All API, a versatile API that provides various functionalities such as weather data retrieval, text generation, market data analysis, news article retrieval, and movie details lookup. ## Table of Contents - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Weather Branch](#weather-branch) - [ChatGPT Branch](#chatgpt-branch) - [Market Data Branch](#market-data-branch) - [News Branch](#news-branch) - [Movies Branch](#movies-branch) ## Getting Started To get started with the One-For-All API, follow the instructions provided in the [API documentation]( ## Weather Branch The Weather branch provides weather data based on the location. ### Parameters - `api`: Your OpenWeatherMap API key. - `location`: The location for which you want to retrieve weather data. ### Example Usage /api/weather?api=YOUR_Openweathermap_API_KEY&location=YOUR_LOCATION ## ChatGPT Branch The ChatGPT branch provides text generation based on the provided prompt. ### Parameters - `api`: Your OpenAI API key. - `prompt`: The prompt text for generating chat response. ### Example Usage /api/chatgpt?api=YOUR_OpenAI_API_KEY&prompt=YOUR_PROMPT ## Market Data Branch The Market Data branch provides market data based on the provided symbols. ### Parameters - `symbols`: Comma-separated list of symbols. ### Example Usage ## Market Data Branch The Market Data branch provides market data based on the provided symbols. ### Parameters - `symbols`: Comma-separated list of symbols. ### Example Usage /api/getMarketData?symbols=YOUR_SYMBOLS ## News Branch The News branch provides news articles based on the provided sources, category, and country code. ### Parameters - `apiKey`: Your News API key. - `sources`: Comma-separated list of news sources. - `category`: Category of news. - `country`: Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). ### Example Usage /api/news?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&sources=NEWS_SOURCE&category=CATEGORY&country=COUNTRY_CODE ## Movies Branch The Movies branch provides movie details based on the provided movie title. ### Parameters - `apiKey`: Your API key for movie data. - `query`: The title of the movie. ### Example Usage /api/movies?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&query=MOVIE_TITLE ## Contributors Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project: ## License

One-For-All-API by Alwin Mathew is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

## Support If you find this project helpful, you can support its development by buying me a coffee: Buy Me A Coffee Buy Me a Coffee at


