
上传日期:2024-03-02 10:43:14
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  中间件-去中心化API
(middleware - decentralized API)


# INTERX INTERX is an interchain engine, proxy, load balancer & security gateway service for communication between backend and frontend. It will connect to the node using the GRPC endpoint as well as the RPC endpoint ([`Tendermint RPC`]( #### Releases All files in the [KIRA releases]( are always signed with [cosign]( and listed with a corresponding `SHA256` checksum. You should NEVER install anything on your machine unless you verified integrity of the files! To learn more about how to install cosign and verify integrity of files click [here](./ ## Setup ### Prerequisites Essential dependencies and tools required to build INTERX can be found [here](./ Make sure you run prerequisites-commands successfully before you continue with local development or further installation. ### Installation from Github Binary (`interxd`) will be installed in the `$GOBIN` directory, please make sure to add it to your system `PATH`. ``` cd $HOME && rm -fvr ./interx && INTERX_BRANCH="" && \ git clone -b $INTERX_BRANCH && \ cd ./interx && chmod -R 777 ./scripts && \ make install && echo "SUCCESS" || echo "FAILED" ``` ### How to start Simple start: ```bash interxd init interxd start ``` #### `interxd init` Generate configuration file. Parameters: - `config` - The interx configuration file path. (default = "./config.json") - `serve_https` - https or http. (default = false) - `grpc` - The grpc endpoint of the sekaid. (default = "dns:///") - `rpc` - The tendermint rpc endpoint of the sekaid (default = "") - `port` - The interx port. (default = "11000") - `signing_mnemonic` - The mnemonic file path or word seeds for interx singing service. (deafult = auto generated word seeds) - `status_sync` - The time in seconds and INTERX syncs node status. (deafult = 5) - `cache_dir` - The interx cache directory path. (deafult = "cache") - `max_cache_size`- The maximum cache size. (default = "2GB") - `caching_duration` - The caching clear duration in seconds. (deafult = 5) - `download_file_size_limitation`- The maximum download file size. (default = "10MB") - `faucet_mnemonic` - The mnemonic file path or word seeds for faucet service. (deafult = auto generated word seeds) - `faucet_time_limit` - The claim time limitation in seconds. (default = 20) #### `interxd start` Start interx service. Parameters: - `config` - The interx configuration file path. (default = "./config.json") ## Configuration Configurations are available using `config.json`. ### `mnemonic` The 24-words seed string or the file path to the mnemonic file. This is for generating interx priv/pub keys which will be used for response signing. ``` "mnemonic": "swap exercise equip shoot mad inside floor wheel loan visual stereo build frozen always bulb naive subway foster marine erosion shuffle flee action there" "mnemonic": "interx.mnemonic" ``` ### `cache` Cache configurations. #### `status_sync` Interx has a feature to sync node status. `status_sync` refers the time in seconds and INTERX syncs node status every `status_sync` seconds. ``` "status_sync": 5 ``` #### `cache_dir` Interx has a caching feature. `cache_dir` refers the cache directory. ``` "cache_dir": "cache" ``` #### `max_cache_size` Interx has a gabage collection feature. `max_cache_size` refers the maximum cache size. If cache size is over maximum cache size, it will remove random caches. (it remains 90% of maximum cache size) ``` "max_cache_size": "2 GB" ``` #### `caching_duration` Interx has a gabage collection feature. `caching_duration` refers the caching clear duration in seconds ``` "caching_duration": 10 ``` #### `download_file_size_limitation` Interx has a download feature. `download_file_size_limitation` refers the maximum download file size. ``` "download_file_size_limitation": "10 MB" ``` ### `faucet` Interx has a faucet feature. #### `mnemonic` `mnemonic` refers the 24-words seed string or the file path to the mnemonic file. It will be used to generate faucet account priv/pub keys and address. ``` "mnemonic": "equip exercise shoot mad inside floor wheel loan visual stereo build frozen potato always bulb naive subway foster marine erosion shuffle flee action there" "mnemonic": "faucet.mnemonic" ``` #### `faucet_amounts` `faucet_amounts` refers the faucet amount for each tokens. ``` "faucet_amounts": { "stake": 100000, "validatortoken": 100000, "ukex": 100000 }, ``` #### `faucet_minimum_amounts` `faucet_minimum_amounts` refers the faucet minimum amount for each tokens. ``` "faucet_minimum_amounts": { "stake": 100, "validatortoken": 100, "ukex": 100 }, ``` #### `fee_amounts` `fee_amounts` refers the fee amount for faucet feature. For `stake` token faucet, we can use different coins for fee. E.g. we can use `ukex` for `stake` token faucet. ``` "fee_amounts": { "stake": "1000ukex", "validatortoken": "1000ukex", "ukex": "1000ukex" } ``` #### `time_limit` `time_limit` refers the claim time limitation in seconds. Users can re-request faucet after `time_limit` seconds. ``` "time_limit": 20 ``` ### `rpc` `rpc` refers the RPC endpoint configurations. #### `API` `API` refers the configurations for each endpoint. ##### `GET` `GET` refers the configurations for each `GET` endpoint. ``` "GET": { "/api/cosmos/status": { "rate_limit": 0.1, "auth_rate_limit": 1, "caching_duration": 30 }, "/api/cosmos/bank/supply": { "disable": true, "auth_rate_limit": 1, "caching_disable": true, "caching_duration": 30 } }, ``` ###### `disable` `disable` refers the options to disable the endpoint. ``` "disable": true ``` ###### `rate_limit` `rate_limit` refers the rate limit for each endpoint. ``` "rate_limit": 0.1 ``` ###### `auth_rate_limit` `auth_rate_limit` refers the auth rate limit for each endpoint. ``` "auth_rate_limit": 1 ``` ###### `caching_disable` `caching_disable` refers the option to disable caching feature for each endpoint. ``` "caching_disable": true ``` ###### `caching_duration` `caching_duration` refers the customized caching duration time in seconds for each endpoint. ``` "caching_duration": 30 ``` ##### `POST` `POST` refers the configurations for each `POST` endpoint. This is the same as `GET` configurations. ``` "POST": { "/api/cosmos/txs": { "disable": false, "rate_limit": 0.1 } } ``` ## Networking ### Communication between Sekai and INTERX INTERX connects to sekai using following ports. - `9090`: Connect to the GRPC endpoint for the node. - `26657`: Connect to the Tendermint RPC endpoint for the node. ### Communication between INTERX and the frontend - INTERX uses `http` protocol by default. It's possible to config `http` setting using `SERVE_HTTP`(default = true) env variable. - INTERX uses `11000` port by default. It's possible to config `port` setting using `PORT`(deafult = 11000) env variable. ## Communication ### `/api/kira/metadata` Query functions metadata for `sekai`. ### `/api/interx/metadata` Query functions metadata for `interx`. ### `/api/rpc_methods` Query available RPC methods `interx` provides. ### `/api/status` QueryStatus is a function to query the node status. ### `/api/cosmos/auth/accounts/{address}` QueryAccount is a function to query the account info. #### Parameters - `address`: (`string`) The account address. #### Example GET ### `/api/cosmos/bank/balances/{address}` QueryBalance is a function to query the account balances. #### Parameters - `address`: (`string`) The account address. #### Example GET ### `/api/cosmos/txs/{hash}` QueryTransactionHash is a function to query transaction details from transaction hash. #### Parameters - `hash`: (`string`) The transaction hash. (e.g. 0x20.....) #### Example GET ### `/api/faucet` Faucet is a function to claim tokens to the account for free. Returns the available faucet amount when 'claim' and 'token' is unset. #### Parameters - `claim`: (`string`, `optional`) The claim address. - `token`: (`string`, `optional`) The claim token. #### Example GET GET ### `/api/withdraws` Withdraws is a function to query withdraw transactions of the account. #### Parameters - `account`: (`string`) The Kira account address. - `type`: (`string`, `optional`) The transaction type. - `max`: (`int`, `optional`) The maximum number of the results. (1 ~ 1000) - `last`: (`string`, `optional`) The last transaction hash. #### Example GET ### `/api/deposits` Deposits is a function to query deposit transactions of the account. #### Parameters - `account`: (`string`) The Kira account address. - `type`: (`string`, `optional`) The transaction type. - `max`: (`int`, `optional`) The maximum number of the results. (1 ~ 1000) - `last`: (`string`, `optional`) The last transaction hash. #### Example GET ### `/api/kira/gov/data_keys` QueryDataReferenceKeys is a function to query data reference keys with pagination. #### Parameters - `limit`: (`number`) The limit of the query results. (like page size) - `offset`: (`number`) The offset of the query results. (like page number) - `count_total`: (`bool`, `optional`) The option to return total count of data reference keys. #### Example GET ### `/api/kira/gov/data/{key}` QueryDataReference is a function to query data reference by a key. #### Parameters - `key`: (`string`) The data reference key. #### Example GET ### `/download/{module}/{key}` Download is a function to download a data reference or arbitrary data. #### Parameters - `module`: (`string`) The module name. (e.g. DRR for data reference registry.) - `key`: (`string`) The reference key. (It saves reference data with hashed name. e.g. 2CEE6B1689EDDDD6F08EB1EAEC7D3C4E.) #### Example GET ### `/api/cosmos/txs` Broadcast is a function to broadcast signed transaction. #### Parameters - `tx`: (`object`) The signed transaction to be broadcasted. - `mode`: (`string`) The transaction broadcast mode. (block, sync, async) #### Example POST ``` { "tx": { "body": { "messages": [ { "@type": "/", "from_address": "kira1rsgnkecqgq575ynn6rczd96kc23uwtruqx9m0m", "to_address": "kira1h9s2k2s9624kdghp5ztcdgnausg77rdj9cyat6", "amount": [ { "denom": "ukex", "amount": "250" } ] } ], "memo": "", "timeout_height": "0", "extension_options": [], "non_critical_extension_options": [] }, "auth_info": { "signer_infos": [ { "public_key": { "secp256k1": "Alm0A4BIQyUWy8KXjP1BRMePguZWgFKQa5hzzwRlu3I8" }, "mode_info": { "single": { "mode": "SIGN_MODE_DIRECT" } }, "sequence": "0" } ], "fee": { "amount": [], "gas_limit": "200000" } }, "signatures": [ "0BsM4jdGj/qqgtzMaVZkhDZguX6ol6hL18KxR17yr60MqW9yMNMA8bCwonLEPjSL0PgCzVCll5V9tlfAlKak1g==" ] }, "mode": "block" } ``` ## Additional Infomation ### Validator properties | property | type | description | | ----------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | moniker | `string` | Identifies your name as seen on the leaderboard table | | description | `string` | Longer description of your node | | website | `string` | URL to the validator website | | avatar | `string` | URL to image or gif | | social | `string` | URL to any social profile such as tweeter or telegram | | contact | `string` | Email address or URL to a submission form | | validator-node-id | `string` | node id of your validator node (required if you want your node to be present in the network visualizer) | | sentry-node-id | `string` | comma separated list of sentry node ids (required if you want your nodes to be present in the network visualizer) | ## Caching Configurations of RPC methods ### `/api/rpc_methods` contains caching information for all endpoints - caching_blocks: integer defining number of blocks that the response data will be preserved - caching_time: integer defining time in seconds that the response data will be preserved for - caching_enabled: boolean if caching is enabled or not Here `0` represents no caching, `-1` represents infinit caching, `positive integer` represetns the caching time or number of blocks Remember this settings when you set/update manually from `config.json`. ### Additionally `config.json` file contains `cache-size-limit` config param which represents the cache size limit in bytes. If cache reaches the limit, it will randomly delete folders/files. ### How to update caching configurations All caching configurations are set in `config.json` file. `config.json` file includes `rpc_methods` field and there you can set/update caching config of each endpoint.


