
上传日期:2024-03-01 21:31:45
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  黑客新闻
(Hacker News)

Hacker News.xcodeproj/
Hacker News/
Hacker NewsTests/
Hacker NewsUITests/

**HackerRank App:** - This app displays various programming questions from HackerRank. The app retrieves a list of questions from the HackerRank API and displays the title for each question. Additionally, when a user taps on a question, they can navigate to a detail page that provides more information about that specific question. **Usage** - Open the app and tap the "Show News" button to display the list of questions. Each question's title, difficulty level, and description will be displayed. When you tap on a question title, you will be navigated to the question detail page where you can view additional information about the question. **Code Structure** - The project's code structure consists of several different SwiftUI views: - QuestionList: A view for displaying the list of news. It retrieves the list of questions from the HackerRank API and displays each question using the QuestionItem view. - QuestionItem: A view for displaying each news. - QuestionDetail: A view for displaying additional information about a specific question. It displays the question's description, sample input and output, and other details. - HackerRankAPI: A class for calling the HackerRank API. It is used by the QuestionList view ![HaclkerNews](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101280910/222900823-bbec042c-c2cf-4622-a17e-3f6af70229a3.gif)


